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Anyone have experience with Kill Team?


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I'm curious if anyone here has played Kill Team. I'm playing in a tournament later this month using the following rules:


• 250 points total

• No named/Independent Characters

• Armies are chosen from the following Force Organization chart:

0-1 Elite

0-2 Troops

0-1 Fast Attack

• 3 models in the army may be upgraded to Specialists and select one of the following special rules: Admantium Will, Armourbane, Blind, Counter Attack, Crusader, Eternal Warrior, Fear, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Fleet, Fleshbane, Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath, Hatred, Hit and Run, It Will Not Die, Monster Hunter, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Preferred Enemy (Everything!), Rage, Rampage, Relentless, Shred, Shrouded, Skilled Rider, Stealth, Strikedown, Stubborn, Tank Hunter.


The rest of the rules are based on the event ran at Warhammer World. A PDF with the event rules is posted on Games Workshop's site here.


I'm not really sure what to take and was hoping someone here has played Kill Team before and knows what would be effective.

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Well, those rules you posted have absolutely nothing in common with the only kill team i ever played (which didn't have a FoC at all, and you bought individual models out of squads for your kill team).  Those rules were in the back of... 4th edition?  Something like that.

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Sternguard is almost certainly the best course of action. Here's what I tend to run:

Sternguard Veteran with Boltgun

Sternguard Veteran with Boltgun

Sternguard Veteran with Boltgun

Sternguard Veteran with Combi-Plasma, Feel No Pain

Sternguard Veteran with Combi-Melta

Sternguard Veteran with Combi-Melta

Sternguard Veteran with Heavy Bolter, Relentless

Sternguard Veteran with Missile Launcher, Tank Hunter


Ld 9 across the board so it won't leg it. Has stuff to deal with armour values unless someone manages to spam AV11, but if they do then they're really not playing kill team in the correct spirit. Leader is usually the one with the combi-plas and FnP to make sure he doesn't die so easily, though if that's too risky you can make him a different dude - next best is probably the heavy bolter guy as he's quite capable of laying down some serious firepower. Special ammo is great at doing multipurpose things, as well as letting you get the drop on regular marine forces. Yeah, you'll be outnumbered a lot of the time, but everything has an effective 36" range thanks to Kraken bolts, anything that's cover-reliant gets the shaft with Dragonfire, Vengeance rounds once your opponent is down to the last few marines, and hellfire for general use.


Just check with the TO in advance to be absolutely certain that they'll let the different models fire different ammo per phase (as the wording of the Special Ammo rule doesn't play nice with the kill team concept) and I reckon the above should do you fairly proud.

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Ld 9 across the board so it won't leg it. Has stuff to deal with armour values unless someone manages to spam AV11, but if they do then they're really ly certain that they'll let the different models fire different ammo per phase (as the wording of the Special Ammo rule doesn't play nice with the kill team concept) and I reckon the above should do you fairly proud.


Well they all become individual units so it shouldn't be a problem... They are no longer a squad/unit... That is why Horrors are so horrible... With the Brother Hood of psykers rule they all become lvl 1 psykers... Yay for 40D6 S5 shots!


I'm not going to tell you what to take... I would just say that you should be ready to deal with extremes... Dreadnoughts with AV13 can be pretty tough to face if you don't have sufficient AT.


IG/Orks in huge numbers are also fairly tough.


Sternguard do look fairly good, because they provide the flexibility to deal with different threats.

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Thanks guys. I was noodling around with a list last night and came up with this:


Sternguard w/ Bolter (4)

Sternguard w/ Lascannon and Tank Hunter

Sternguard w/ Combi-melta

Sternguard Sergeant w/ Lightning Claw and Feel No Pain

Attack Bike w/ Heavy Bolter and Shrouded


I didn't want to run strictly Sternguard, but I think that might be the better course of action. Thoughts?

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I like it: would just change a few things.


Give the Lascannon relentless so he can move and shoot with the rest of the guys. TBH, you're probably better off with a plasma gun and one more combi melta/ plasma than the lightning claw. I'd put FnP or Skilled Rider on the bike. FnP is particularly useful, since he'll get it for 2 wounds and I doubt you'll see any S 10 weapons to make him not get the save.


For 3rd ability, look into Hit and Run - I believe it transfers to the whole unit. Since you're a shooty list, it could win you a game against an assault list.

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I like it: would just change a few things.


Give the Lascannon relentless so he can move and shoot with the rest of the guys. TBH, you're probably better off with a plasma gun and one more combi melta/ plasma than the lightning claw. I'd put FnP or Skilled Rider on the bike. FnP is particularly useful, since he'll get it for 2 wounds and I doubt you'll see any S 10 weapons to make him not get the save.


For 3rd ability, look into Hit and Run - I believe it transfers to the whole unit. Since you're a shooty list, it could win you a game against an assault list.



Great advice Bahersh. Thx! I think this is my final list:
Sternguard Sergeant w/ Bolter
Sternguard w/ Combi-plasma (2)
Sternguard w/ Combi-flamer
Sternguard w/ Lascannon and Tank Hunter
Sternguard w/ Multi-melta and Relentless
Attack Bike w/ Heavy Bolter and Feel No Pain
I'm not worried about the Lascannon keeping pace as he'll be able to find a spot and cover the whole board. Multi-melta for 5 points with Relentless is sick, so I couldn't ignore that. The game still uses Slay the Warlord and there are additional Victory Points for killing the Specialists so my thought process is if I keep the Sergeant with just a bolter, maybe he won't draw as much fire. We'll see how it goes...


I played one against by buddy who had DE. Got killed to the man, let me tell you rending splinter cannons are no joke



I used a Furioso with A torrent frag cannon. Fun times.


I wonder if that's why the changed the rules? No Torrent or Rending now thank Sanguinius.... Though I would kill for a Baal Predator with a Torrent Flamestorm Cannon!

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Well, those rules you posted have absolutely nothing in common with the only kill team i ever played (which didn't have a FoC at all, and you bought individual models out of squads for your kill team).  Those rules were in the back of... 4th edition?  Something like that.


These look like they're adapted from the Battle Missions book from 5th. Similar spirit, but you have to take units.


EDIT: Checked that pdf and it is!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I ran the same list I posted, but I went with Preferred Enemy on the Lascannon. Managed to come in 2nd place. Got crushed by Dark Eldar with 2 Venoms and an infantry heavy Imperial Guard list (last game of the night, and I played REAL dumb), but I was 5-2 on the night. Had a great time. Looking forward to playing more Kill Team.

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I had a blast going straight Death Company when the new Kill Team came out. Even with Rage being what it was.


But, then my fiends started cheesing it as much as they could. It doesn't matter now because of rules changes, but a vendetta and 5 rattlings was mega hard to beat.

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