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Uberwolves ETL II wip.


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When you think of camouflage you tend to think of armour, infantry or even ships but not so much buildings which is why it might look odd. Some camo netting would be a great way to get it on a building and look cool if you can source any, though perhaps the Bastion is too large for that unless you made a short one?

Camouflage is an interesting thing. I have read some studies regarding new camo's that the usarmy would like to consider which also pointed to solid color uniforms being equally reliable. My thoughts on the matter are more or less related to how far away the shooter is from the target. So I will rethink my color choices. Drab imperial colors for sure but I think solid colors.  

The bastion is full size.  Right now it looks like a few guards men just went o town on it with some spray cans. 


I have a short list of units I want to add to the vow.  A lot of vehicles and some little extra stuff. I think i will add a ADL to the list also.

The vehicles I have painted so far have been easy enough and This new pile shouldn't add too much more time to the vow. I just have to run up the points.

So more work from me with pictures fairly soon.

Camo can be a challenge. I think the "old" 3rd edition IG codex had some wonderful camos in it that they didn't bring forward in the later IG codex.  I think their were even some good ones in the second ed codex as well. I havn't looked in a few years. But keeping things a little simple. then a little wash and some weathering. Some times easier said then done.


Update later today or very late tonight.  Just about done.

There seems to be less painting stuff about these days other than the straight forward painting techniques, it's a shame because they're not only good pieces to read and reference but often contain useful background material as well. I think I've got an old pdf saved that details several camouflage schemes and even squadron marking and campaign badge conventions.


Looking forward to your update uber :)

Vow finished.

Here are pictures of the finished models.




http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JTrr1v6dZAI/UdIqhsl9QfI/AAAAAAAABQQ/r7iG3LwEfjI/s320/206_0085.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-07CNhYBml8c/UdIqiNubTWI/AAAAAAAABQY/eWtYeykbYKs/s320/206_0086.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-m9HRedLy-9k/UdIqjK9mlrI/AAAAAAAABQg/w6gaBSNctHg/s320/206_0087.JPG

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-icwtbcBUe6E/UdIqk3jLcaI/AAAAAAAABQw/A6unYd9JCdk/s320/206_0089.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ltzWN45RVZ0/UdIqj6-3KII/AAAAAAAABQs/tl_eIZWbB2g/s320/206_0088.JPG





http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qXufzkj6X3Y/UdIqc0fPqdI/AAAAAAAABPo/iftZse1pmhg/s320/206_0080.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bdwe-nJL5tc/UdIqeKhFxzI/AAAAAAAABP4/9AZtJbJyZRY/s320/206_0082.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JhT1mf7EyNk/UdIqfDrB5sI/AAAAAAAABQA/3YNSe0wR1Sg/s320/206_0083.JPG




Col. Straken

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aZCHbqEe9Nk/UdIqWX4TCZI/AAAAAAAABO4/XUQCparSvVQ/s320/206_0072.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-A6mfJWAExbM/UdIqmBKx_yI/AAAAAAAABQ4/4WZDeP86a_w/s320/206_0090.JPG


Nork Dedog


Trooper Marbo


Veterans with Sgt Bastonne 



http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aG4An0lzWvc/UdIqbVA8NxI/AAAAAAAABPY/bnbKhfQFd8s/s320/206_0078.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ehhdy0h00SI/UdIqqNC8ZyI/AAAAAAAABRQ/84NIvM3RGIY/s320/206_0093.JPG


Deathstrike and Chimera.


These turned out very well. Next time I will spray seal after each wash. I have to read up on it.


6 Bombard 1 Deathstrike 1 Chimer and 1 bastion,

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dT2xd9g9xLc/UdIo5UjhCnI/AAAAAAAABMU/JhNdNDMw4xI/s320/207_1570.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mKClvr0bKrE/UdIqNqLOteI/AAAAAAAABN4/N6zPjA2DUCs/s320/206_0061.JPG

                                                                                                   The King of Battle! Artillery!

bastion front door.



Well, I hope I haven't forgotten anything. All the Wip shots are in this thread and or on the blog as I have more then I shared here.

Yes a large pile of work. So If I missed anything I will make any desired corrections over this week.

I have a video to edit and will link that here as well. My internet isn't the best so I will do the best I can to be timely.

Thank you all for looking. 

Glory! Death! Victory! 

blog linky..


Excellent stuff! Well done uber :D I really love your camo scheme, those tanks look like a thing of beauty all lined up together. The churned mud of the bases match well with the dirty colours so the army has a lot of cohesion.


Is your next task a second ETL vow? I think you need to post in the Guad ETL II topic to properly mark your vow as completed though, I think a link to this topic might be enough but don't quote me on that.

Thanks everyone.

The purple is airbrush paint by Createx. I think it's a pearled purple. Meaning it creates a metallic look. This was painted over white.
I had not used a purple like this for my plasma weapons before now. I did a magenta for the spacewolve plasmas, mostly using inks and a light drybrush of white. But I didn't want to mess with so much work on so small a weapon. Maybe later when I have more IG painted details like that always look good.

I may be adding to the vow. in fact you've talked me into it.
I will copy and past from the other thread so I have all my facts correct and to save time on all that math..
That will add roughly 1200 more points. I do have 4 more DKoK commissars I can add to that and 5 Death riders as well. I have 1 griffon mortar to add as well. I will see if I have anything else that might qualify to be added.
But I will look to see what else I can add that I can actually get done in time.
The worst part of this is had I just piled it up from the start I would only have needed a few more weeks and been a lot further along. But I will only be doing this second vow regardless of extra points.er This will be enough work for a while. updateed Vow shortly.
I don't understand the top-up remark.
If you mean high points then sure we will see if I can get their. If not the I haven't a clue.
Again thank you all for the comments and I hope to have more to "show off" in a day or so, maybe this evening.

Ok. my post from the main thread.



I am ready to add 3x Basilisk 125X3 375

                            2X Manticore 160X2 320

                            1X Medusa with an enclosed crew compartment and Bastion breacher shell 135+15+5 155

                            1X Leman Russ battle tank with Heavy bolters and a lasscannon 158+15+20 185

                            1X Leman Russ Executioner with plasma cannons and a lasscannon 190+15+40 245

                                  total 1280 points.

in addition to that.

1 griffon 75 + enclosed crew compartment +15 = 90 points

2 standard issue commissars unit upgrades 35+35=70

1 commissar with power weapon 35+10=45

and 1 DKoK commissar on Horseback, he will count as a lord Commissar with plasma pistol and power sword

 Neither are drawn. 70+10+10=90

a total of  295+1280 = 1575


I wanted to add more. but much of my army is halfway painted but wouldn't require a fell repaint to finish so I decided to just let it be for now. I will add up these extra points and drop it all in the main thread.

updates again later.

I don't understand the top-up remark.

If you mean high points then sure we will see if I can get their. If not the I haven't a clue.

Again thank you all for the comments and I hope to have more to "show off" in a day or so, maybe this evening.

 haha sorry chap was just meant in reference to topping your paint pots and water, its what captain semper said to me in last year's ETL when i finished my first vow and before i started my second. congratulations on finishing your vow man, you and sviar are leading the way and are in good positions (actually finishing is a major plus at any rate). 

Ah, I see. It make a lot of scents now. You don't want to see the amount of paint I have. Let me just say it is a lot. lol

Thank you for the continued support. We as a whole can put up a goof fight despite being a small group. 

This has been a worth while endeavor for me. 


WarriorFish, a complete vow it all that matters war isn't about glory it is about victory and as I seem to recall we are shooting for a high percent completed. I just seem to have an abundance of models that need to be painted.  And it pleases me to push our efforts.

I like the color scheme - its very dark, dirty and realistic - almost as if they are competent soldiers. Kinda the opposite of my lot tongue.png

Competent indeed! I love the Imperial Guard so many anonymous heroes! A lone Sgt. with a glorious melta bombing of a tank or in at least one game a defiler! of all things! living to take out a Drednaught! In exactly the same way! What are the chances! Completely nonexistent! And yet it has happened! I have never felt I would loose a game with Guard. Though I have lost sever.. like everyone else! It can happen, though it feels unlikely.

I was trying to "copy" a look painted by CommissarHarris I think he does a better job. I like mine just the same.

I started to round up everything for the second phase. I took some pictures and put my airbrushes in the cleaner. I soak them in windex. Cheep and effective. I will have to order a new needle and cone for one of them. Just one of those things.


Today I started to build the Grifon. The resin parts are sitting in a dish of soapy water.All trimmed and ready to be fit into place. 

I will most likely get back at it the evening of the 4th. My family is having a small get together For the holiday. 


In the mean time I have some pictures for you to see.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-2No8MkkcyB8/UdNEWzctUnI/AAAAAAAABR4/8k9uBKl3bYY/s320/208_0001.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SZJeuV3LoX0/UdNEZ6EWUyI/AAAAAAAABSY/Gqui6-2TFyo/s320/208_0005.JPG



I wanted to show you the commissars as proof that they were not the same models. The Krieg set only having the 2 on foot and the 1 tank hatch model. Already I have done 1 conversion. A simple hand swap.



Here are two side by side. you have met one of them before.

The commissar on the left was the hand swap. When he was first build I trimmed his sword and it wouldn't fit the scabbard correctly. the end result leaving a gap at his shoulder. The sword hand looks good to me and fixes his shoulder issue.



And another two, one of whom you have seen at the last few meetings. 


These two I like a lot. The one on the left was build a year ago and the one you have seen around was made about a month ago.

But what I like is they are not the same height. 


Well a little more a little later.

Good work as always uber. It warms my heart to see so many tanks :) Really looking forward to seeing the Griffon done, I'm still waiting for GW to release the plastic version as I'd have 3 in a shot if I could. You've reminded me I haven't prepared the Vendetta upgrade resin yet... better get on that soon!

Great job on the first vow Uberwolve, awesome paintjob. yes.gif They shine a bit, did you use the dipping technique, or is it the light?

I'm looking forward to the next update. I hope GW releases the Grifon and Medusa soon, because I personally don't like working and painting with resin.

Sviar. The glossy look, I think is both the light and the oil wash. I will at some point seal the models with either a matt or a satin.


While waiting on my parents to arrive yesterday I managed to get the tracks put onto both Manticore tanks.

I will put primer on the vehicles this evening.


On a slightly related note. 

I was looking at my collection of Leman Russ tanks the other day and realized that I basically have a pile of junk. 

I think I will be looking around for tank parts to fix them up. When exactly I don't know but the turrets are beaten and a few other additions would help them out a grate deal. I am thinking about building some extra armour plates for the sides as well. But that all comes later. I have notices that I can get turrets from Forge World so that will be  part of the future project.

<p>Small update. No pictures right now. </p>

<p>Nearly every vehicle has their camo applied. Small things left to do.</p>

<p>I have yet to start the commissars but may get to them this evening.</p>

<p>I think I am fighting a summer cold. I did put some time in yesterday likely the end of the week I will be done again.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I just ebayed an army so I am thinking I will reward myself with some Forge World things. Still want more..everything..lol</p>

<p>I will get back to that in a few days. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>well back to work..sort of.</p>


<p>Shortly after the above post I did get some paint on the commissars. Just a start.</p>

No.. It's an air brush. I also only had to build the grifon. and put tracks on two vehicles. Huge time savers.

I would just now be getting to paint if I had to build them all.

1 prime the first day. in this case that was only the grifon. so I moved on to base coating the other tanks. and left them for the evening. 

Next I started the camo. applying two of the colors and then after a quick brush cleaning began to base coat the grifon.

The base coat wasn't a smooth even color it was wet and washy. I let that set and when I got back I just kept pressing ahead on the camo for the other vehicles I think I am using 4 or 5 colors now. Which was not planed. I am trying German uniform green, which has a blueish tent to it. but so far have only put that on the Russ tanks. I still have a yellow green, which is more or less just a bright green, to put on the thanks. That bottle of paint will have to be tossed. It was given to me a long time ago and it like clay in the bottle I have added thinner medium to it to pull out what ever I can get the I have to either choose a new color or get a new bottle its Valijo paint so I most likely have a bottle.  The commissars aren't that involved as a process. they were primed.  so I started with the bane base green for their pants and shirt below the sash. red for the inside of the coats, cuffs, sash and a bit on the forward of their hats. I should have hit they eyes of their gas masks but for got. Next I used bleach bone on their shirts above the sash. I finished with a brash on their metals and some on sword baskets and hats. still have some work to do. But it's the formula that keeps things moving at a good speed. And don't think that their isn't cleanup to do still! I got red and bleach bone all over the place!

 Hersey indeed! 


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