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Uberwolves ETL II wip.


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So much done again, where do you find the time uber? We might have to investigate you for manifesting heretical time warping powers at this rate...


Hersey indeed!

Indeed. We shall try our best to keep the Inquisitor at bay untill your oath is fulfilled, after that only the Holy God-Emperor knowslaugh.png

You achieved so much, that you got me interested in a airbrush, if it can reduce ones time to paint I really could use one.

Looking forward to see your Picturessmile.png

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Haha. No evildoing here.


Sviar. If you want to take that leap then go for it! 

But their are some things you need to know. it isn't cheap and don't buy the cheapest brush you can find.

Do your home work. read everything you can! I will put some links together for you to help you find out more about airbrushing.


I was fortunate enough to have 3 "pro painters" for friends and all at the same game shop a few years ago.

So I got a lot of instruction and advice from them. But it really comes down to time spent behind the bush. Just like painting...lol

I will get back to that topic soon. 


I got more time put in last night! The commissars and tanks are waiting for topcoat and oil wash! So we are fast approaching the end! 


I don't think that their will be a third vow. I could do a little maybe. We are approaching week 9 and I see myself getting bogged down before the end. This will be our end point. 


Picture update very soon. 

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  • 4 weeks later...



 This post will contain the second VOW pictures. 


I will fill in the text this evening.  This is yet another good reason to have a blog, not just for picture hosting!

 So get out their and blog it up! 























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Still planing to get the above post edited. 


 Todays thoughts. DKoK.

I have 

1 platoon of 65 4 squads of engineers full. 2 squads of grenadiers full, 1 company command 1 quartermaster with thralls, 9 cyclops

 4 thud guns 4 heavy mortars. and lots of commissars. as well as 5 deathriders still in the bags.

I ebayed ( yes I know... but I am an addict) 10 deathriders and 2 Medusa cannons.

I will still need the cannon crews for the big guns. 

I have had most of this for a very long time. I have read the updated siege list and skimmed the IA 12 list.

I'm not sure how to set up a list with what I have. it seems lacking.

I have no heavy weapons for it. I will add an ADL with quad gun. 

All I can think is I need another platoon. as well as a pile of heavy weapons. I have too many engineers and That I might need an earth shaker. I am thinking one more squad of deathriders as well. 

But I am starting to lean towards the assault list because it lets me use models I already have. ie tanks. In which case I am thinking 1 command vanquisher and 3 exterminators.

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Ok! the vow is in!




I uberwolve do swear  to answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX once again And vow to complete 

1 leman Russ Demolisher with heavy flamer and plasma cannon sponsons  220 points

and 1 ADL with quad gun. 100 points.

before 15 August 2013.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Imperial Guard and failure will doom me to bear the badge of shame until the year-end.

Thought I forgot to give the total. 320...


Before pics.

just a few.

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YjDjpVMCQfs/UgU0XnfL4LI/AAAAAAAABb8/FgVPRbWlaFY/s320/217_0019.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xVHHQltpY7A/UgU0cpsXXAI/AAAAAAAABcU/Qi6kLsp8jNM/s320/217_0021.JPGhttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bOjNtfzqLpM/UgU0caPk87I/AAAAAAAABcQ/wc14LFVUNsc/s320/217_0022.JPG


I keep my Guard codex near my chair and from time skim through . recently I have been working on an army list, nothing ground braking I am sure. The list will use 2 demolisher tanks and 3 exterminators to support my Mordian Iron guard.

And I am going to use an ADL to protect the troops that stay behind.

so you can see one of the reasons I wanted to paint the above.


I have not run any points yet but given the points i will add more heavy support for larger games. I would love another platoon but I need to either get lucky and find them on ebay or order some look  a likes from victoria miniatures.. Though look a like is harsh. they look much better.  

Well I had best get back to work.

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The Demolisher camo is nearly done working on the metallics today and then it will be waiting on the walls and gun for oil wash.

I was using the wrong brush on the first part of ADL yesterday. I tend to only paint with an army painter regiment brush but I needed to use a larger, wider brush. it is important to use the right tool for the job. It will also make things move faster.

Thanks for the support guys. 

Down the road I will spend a week or two getting all my tanks and transports finished, it's been far too hot to spend that kind of time in the shop. I wish I had asked if I could have finished them from the start, But so many of them are very close to done already. It would have been cool to drop 20 chimera on the first vow..  Sorry just a random thought.

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Here's the first good update! part 1 of 2 !


 The leman Russ Demolisher!

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SqL05rOV5v0/UgePPc45NVI/AAAAAAAABdI/X8FPqBaHWeM/s320/217_0028.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZSduXMmM2TA/UgePWsQ1gOI/AAAAAAAABdo/sixUMqHUB_g/s320/217_0032.JPG

Part of the ADL!

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z4WULj_8qfk/UgePOnUMDEI/AAAAAAAABdA/qOIjD9HS8-I/s320/217_0027.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wdsoYSdxD-4/UgePVsFSWPI/AAAAAAAABdg/1nGHFrtr2KI/s320/217_0031.JPG

The quad gun!

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IyTx_HvhBpk/UgePJxB39bI/AAAAAAAABc4/Na9ph8H_A0k/s320/217_0026.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-O0zQPS8YZ7w/UgePQWVPQ5I/AAAAAAAABdQ/SARkHk110WM/s320/217_0029.JPG


And a rough rider! My wife likes to paint horses!


She hasn't painted for years but grew up painting D&D mini's and different scale horses, Her Dad was into historical war games and naval battles.  She has also been helping me with my commission. Clipping and organizing parts into bags so I don't loose them. She has saved me literally hours of work! I just can't loose!

Well more again later! 

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All done! A nice little project for my weekend and a rewarding one at that! 


I really enjoyed these weeks of "Sport" I have had a good time painting and it has felt fantastic to feel like painting. 

The results have been very good. I can't really express it more that that. Just thanks for looking and thanks for putting up with me.


Here's the candy!


Leman Russ Demolisher

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9HZxcdp9-wo/Uggd6d60V2I/AAAAAAAABe8/_7bYHIXkmDE/s320/217_0042.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kmV1YYBFRi0/Uggd_ea2-gI/AAAAAAAABfQ/iMT_L0lPlUE/s320/217_0044.JPG



http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pCWruiWAl00/UggdsITQuRI/AAAAAAAABeI/UEkTtLB3C_Q/s320/217_0037.JPG http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-r9u0WQ1dUko/Uggdzx8HUDI/AAAAAAAABeo/LM_cht0X0YU/s320/217_0038.JPG

Quad Gun

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0KYtzfVZ_kk/UggdzSd4DuI/AAAAAAAABeg/-yJ4UhLlv3Q/s320/217_0039.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aSzfRFNxA74/Uggdzkh_jSI/AAAAAAAABek/P6c0cTa0_go/s320/217_0040.JPG


Lastly Here is a link to my blog, feel free to go back through the last several entries and enjoy a review of the ELT Vow season!



Sooner or later I will go back and add tags to my old posts to make looking through easier.


Again. Thanks for looking.

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I have nearly gotten my army list hammered out. This would use the mordians at the infantry.

2 platoons 55 strong.

1 squad has a missile launcher and grenade launcher the next 4 have melta,grenade launchers, and flamers.with a platoon command with missile launcher and grenade launchers.

platoon heavy weapons 3 mortar squads 2 fire support squads and 1 lasscannon squad

the company command has a lasscannon and a master of ordinance and a bodyguard.


the demolisher above and the ADL and quad gun. 


and 3 or 4 ratlings.


thats around 1500 points.

Lastly just under 500 points are 3 exterminators with lasscannons.

and one more ratling  as I had 10 points left between the two parts of the list.


I am still looking for improvements but this will be my template.

I will refit this list to work with my steel legion infantry and their limited selection of goodies.

One immediate change will be to include my thud guns. I have no mortars. this will give me 30 points back. so hope is not lost.

I also only have platoons of 45. so that might work out to another 100+ points their.I would like to find points for my bane wolf. but likely I will add a vendetta. for 20 more points I would add a vulture. And a last option would be 3 cyclops leaving me 40 points to add more ratlings. oddly enough no commissars at all. I am also thinking about 2 squads of ratlings with only 3 or 4 in each as an option.

I want to build a core that my army will work around points depending. 

The more i look at this the more options I see. the platoons are the Key. once the platoon composition is set the rest will just support the foundation.

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Fighting in the front! Rebels have attacked out positions and attempted to make a push into our protected areas. The attack was strong and our position. out losses shocking. Men were rushed to the front but with out transports were ground to a halt. we were not able to win back our lost ground. Fighting on day two was more successful. our men formed skirmish lines  and assaulted a defended enemy position supported by artillery and air support Major Von reports " Out ordinance master has an almost uncanny ability to destroy targets in view!" and he has noted " The Vulture gunship is a fearsome sight indeed. So much noise and in a flash it appears to be raining a red mist!" Our engineers assess that the Thud guns were on target. and made quite a bill. But we did lose some valuable assets to enemy luck. 


Yep, I played two games with a loss and a ?win? well the game ended at 2 turns and it was a victory of attrition if not objective. 

I was very close to collecting an enemy CHQ as well as a turn from the center objective. I learned a lot about list building and have decided to play a bit stronger of a list. I am now a WAAC player but I do have power gamer tendencies. Which more or less means a strong list that can give a good kicking, while removing myself from the action. it isn't me vs you. it's these guys vs those guys. And that helped me suffer through the pile of losses in men and equipment! as well as feel a little bad about using the thud guns...well. just a little bad about. I was giggling on the inside..  

Also I have a mostly workable Iron Guard list now! and I can't wait to paint them! Trained in the "Prussian manner".


Over view from game 1





Game 2 

I missed deployment and got pictures at the brake end of turn 2.

The game ended at the end of turn 2. Stuff came up and we called it a day.


http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-L_8oSoirIhw/Ug_0igXlp7I/AAAAAAAABg4/-XLms41kKPY/s320/217_0063.JPG in the lower left is Trooper Marbo.. Just showed up to say "HI!"

The open area above the 3 heavy weapons to the right of the Grifon all the way up to the church had been full of men at deployment. and was shelled for 2 turns. shells moving from left to right.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EFBaX8MQXgo/Ug_0gYIJZ2I/AAAAAAAABgw/cQVzZeQ6XHA/s320/217_0062.JPG As we continue from left to right the shelling also hit close to max range! 60" splashing just to the side of his CHQ crushing 2 squads and killing half the CHQ. Very close to the big game points. if only they had been wiped out or routed..Next time. lol

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-i4wHlslWaPA/Ug_0jEn7coI/AAAAAAAABhA/BX7-mBPm4-s/s320/217_0064.JPGBy the end of turn two I had lost a large hand full of men as well as my 2 exterminators and my manticor. These losses were unimportant. Giving these up to insure my thud guns and infantry were safe  was worth it. The Vulture with punisher cannon (twin linked!) Cheaper and better then the tanks if for no other reason then being able to go where I wanted and shoot what I wanted. a good choice. This game was 1750 points as was the other. I like the look of the Iron Guard. I think the will look very good on the table.

I also did not roll on the warlord table. I can never remember what i rolled or what it dose. 


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I will see if using a different camera makes a difference next time. I should also plan to take a few pictures every turn too.. 

It's funny 6th edition was released and GW. made a pile of cards for Psyker powers you would think they would have done the same thing for the warlord traits.

My friend was trying to explain to me how they would have helped me through out the game. I'm such a Noob..

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"Back in my day we ain't need no warlords an' no traits neither! We just got given a week o' training and an old Lasgun and that was all we needed to tan Abradon an' his pack of ne'er-do-wells hides and send them packing back t'warp!" laugh.png

Don't forget your honoured place as champion of the ETL Vive faction uber, you should wear your badge in your sig with pride smile.png

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