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Got a question for all the critical-thinking CSM players out there. Can Fabius Bile join a CSM squad that has the mark of Slaanesh and a Dark Apostle with the same mark? It says in the 6th ed codex that models with different marks cannot be in the same squad, that leaves the ones without marks undisclosed. Any ideas?

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Page 30 in the codex explains it quite clearly; Fabius doesn't have a Mark of Chaos therefore he can lead any unit, marked or unmarked. It is only conflicting Marks that are a problem (i.e Khorne Lord with Slaanesh CSMs or Nurgle Sorcerer with Berzerkers, etc). Your Dark Apostle can choose MoS or just go naked, either way the Dark Prince is likely to be tickled.


PS. On a side note, If you want to use Fabius Bile then he is actually a great way to get lots of fearless CSMs into your army. I would give one unit his buffs then stick him in another unit, finally put a Lord in a third unit and you have three fearless CSM units. Dark Apostles are lack luster, a Lord or Sorcerer would serve you better.



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Yep. He has no mark, so he can join units freely.

My problem with Bile, having proxied him a couple time in my foot army, is that while S5 is really nice on a CSM squad, it's not 165 pts nice. Bile has no other redeeming features as a HQ (no good close combat, is only BS 4 so he can't even man a quadgun better than a marine, no other squad buffs except fearless, which a 25pt banner is almost as survivable, etc)

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Best I could see with Bile would be taking two giant squads of CSMs.


Bile hangs with one to give Fearless while he buffs the other.

You could give the buffed squad MoN and swap bolter for CCW to have 20 S5 T5 2A Fearless Marines.

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What I've seen the use of Bile as, and this is just an idea, would be a blob Chaos Marine Squad with mark of Khorne and Icon of Wrath. With bolt pistol and close combat weapon On the charge, they would have four attacks each at strength 6. Maybe add in a Khorne Dark Apostle and you've got rerolls in too.


Seems pretty nasty to me.

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I don't know. A regular slaaneshi champ with L.Claws or Pistol & P.Wep is already pretty darn solid against most challenge threats and costs way, way less than lucious. And many of the challenge threats he'd have trouble with (2+ saves in particular), would also be problematic for lucious. Shame 'ol luke doesn't have AP2, or at least rending, on that sword. Between his limited inv. save and lack of AP2, I've had consistent problems with him as a duelist. Sure, you can let some other character eat the challenge and just try to wail away on the enemy unit, but if just kind of feels like a waste to run him that way. I'd say the AP3 flamer is nice at least, but a generic lord can take the burning brand, so... yeah.


I'm sorry, but when a freaking special character whose entire deal is to be a duelist is shown up in a challenge by any generic space marine hero with artificer armor, halo, and relic blade, let alone a hammer & shield terminator character....

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