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A question regarding Master of Deception


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Just a quick question regarding the warlord trait "master of deception".


I'm taking Huron for my game on Thursday and I was wondering,


Can one of the units you select to have infiltrate be Huron and the unit he's attached to?


I'm footslogging him into combat with a load of cultist bullet shields and if I can get him a few inches up the board that early in the game it'll be an awesome Brucey Bonus.


Also, if you are allowed to infiltrate him, does he count as 1 unit and the squad he is attached to count as another, or are they treated as 1 unit since he's attached to them?


Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Two things, this seems suspiciously like a question I had on Friday, and it's probably a better fit down in OR.


From what I looked at in the book at that game, if the squad has it and he doesn't, no dice, but we weren't certain if he had it and the squad didn't. Looked like it revolved around when, during deployment he joins the unit. Searchy the servo-skull tells me that down in OR they've resolved that you can just give the trait to Huron and have him confer it to his unit.

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Nice one dude!

The sooner I can get the big guy into the rough and tumble the better.

I was hoping bikes counted as some form of infantry but alas, no such luck. Some first turn vehicle sniping would've been awesome.

Thanks for clearing that up smile.png

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If you want to push the jerk envelope ....


Infiltrate can transfer from IC to squad but not squad to IC.  So you can give it to an IC and he gives it to the squad he joins.  OK, this is normal and how it is agreed to work. So give your Infantry IC Infiltrate and join him to a unit of bikes.  You can move the IC away from the bikes on the first turn if you want.

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