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XIV Dragoon, VII Grand Company, IV Legion (13Jun2015)


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I can appreciate the sentiment, but the sad truth is that going by the abilities, speed, and durability Edward Cullen has shown in the novels and the movies, he'd smash Blade. Twipires are a serious threat underneath all those sparkles, you need something like Alucard from Hellsing to reliably mop the floor with them.

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Soooo, just read the whole thread.

It's taken about fifteen minutes to successfully pick my jaw back up.eek.gif

This is promising. Also, reading "Dragoon-Captain Mahdra" has been proved to increase testosterone production among both males and females of the human species.

Although, I've just spoken the name aloud and now my neutered cat has been reborn.

This needs repeating.

I'm pretty sure speaking that name aloud caused every window in a ninety meter radius to break into a thousand pieces, and I was only speaking quietly.ermm.gif

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I'm with Ace. I just went though this business front to back. I'll admit, Heathens, this is the first sample of your work I've gotten to see, and It is awesome.


I really appreciate how you've taken several simple concepts and techniques, brought them together and created a really good looking final product. 


I also I think I'm pulling apart my Tyberos model and making a couple of those awesome chainfists!

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I've always wondered how you would attack with those chainblades attached under your hands.


I mean you could wind up cutting your own hand, and you might not be able to get much force behind your attack as your range of motion would be limited to a biotch slap.



Now while the slap would be funny, it just doesn't make as much sense as say...melta rounds in a shotgun :D





While I like the Tyberos model, I could never make sense as to how he would attack since he would look like Dr. Zoidberg going "whoop whoop whoop whoop" as he flails his hands around

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I've always wondered how you would attack with those chainblades attached under your hands.

I mean you could wind up cutting your own hand, and you might not be able to get much force behind your attack as your range of motion would be limited to a biotch slap.

Now while the slap would be funny, it just doesn't make as much sense as say...melta rounds in a shotgun biggrin.png

While I like the Tyberos model, I could never make sense as to how he would attack since he would look like Dr. Zoidberg going "whoop whoop whoop whoop" as he flails his hands around

Have you ever read Tyberos's fluff in the Forgeworld books? It's really written in some sort of "so badass, its absurd," style. You just took the wind right out of those sails. Good shot ^_^

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Looks great Heathens, but if I may make a suggestion. Make the wooden handle of the shovel a bit darker, more worn looking. I'm sure the Astartes wielding it has done so in a number of battles, and after a while the wood would become worn, water would enter the cracks, the color would bleach from the wood, etc.
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Thanks for the comments, and the critiques, y'all. Yeah, I got some work to do on painting wood, Dusk. I'll make sure the next one looks better.

First off, the first of my Seekers, who will be acting as bodyguards to my Dragoon-Captain and his Centurions. I chose a relaxed, at guard pose to represent that they will be sitting in the rear lines, unless things get desperate. Of note is his Bolter, with it's underslung shotgun, loaded with more Olympian Slag-Shells. (Counts as Combi-Melta)


Next, a meat-shield...er, Breach marine of 1st Platoon (Breach). Nothing fancy.


Next, a huge friggin guy. Who apparently serial-crushed a Sallie. tongue.png I blame Apologist and Doghouse for this one, I had to try making one holy-crap sized marine. I will never do it again, either, lol. This guy took some work. He'll be the last member of the 1st Sapper Platoon.


And a size comparison.... It's a good thing this fella will have a Land Raider Achilles to ride in, lol.


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I've always wondered how you would attack with those chainblades attached under your hands.

I mean you could wind up cutting your own hand, and you might not be able to get much force behind your attack as your range of motion would be limited to a biotch slap.

Now while the slap would be funny, it just doesn't make as much sense as say...melta rounds in a shotgun biggrin.png

While I like the Tyberos model, I could never make sense as to how he would attack since he would look like Dr. Zoidberg going "whoop whoop whoop whoop" as he flails his hands around

I imagined the blades retract just enough to make a fit, and can redeploy when needed to cut through a bunker, vehicle, etc. I figured the blades require a large power draw from the suit, so Myndova is required to generally 'squat and hold' when the chainblades are active, as he's pretty much standing with only his own core strength.

Thus why I call it a "power fist with counts as melta bombs". :D

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