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[40k-Smarines] Sons Of Horus v2.0


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  • 2 weeks later...


Not much good news right now is normal, the knight take me alot of time! But hey it forward, and that is what counts. So at the moment I still have the base, the detaisl and finishes, and some tips menus, short is not for now, but overall the project is underway:) (I can not wait to introduce the base especially!)


photo : 








So, what do you thinking about him ?


  • 2 weeks later...
hi : )


Some news aside, I 'm still on my imperial knight, there's been a lot of work done to it, long things, very long ... especially highlighting advance but it again and again !

There's also had a goal crossed these days , even more elsewhere ... already we had 520 likes on my facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/salaisefigurine ) was also surpassed 50,000 views on the blog

and finally with the opening of the gallery on cool mini or not the stage has been reached (50 votes images) that I am placing myself RANKED to top 1200: )

In short it's all thanks to you, already because critic as much as your compliment is always pushing me higher , and especially for the support you have given me ... So what  big big kiss ! < 3


don't  hesitate to vote on my gallery also : http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/Salaisefigurine?browseid=9343859


I post the advanced titan until something better :











So yes it's hot, yes it is a time to bathe or dry in the sun, but the real hobbysite, big strong, powerful, lover brushes do not benefit! He continues to work on his imperial knight, ending his model step by step, pursuing an inextricable goal which he alone knows the secret!


Good short, you 'wash understood it progresses, you begin to sweat in the room but that's what good! (Or not ..), go pictures of the progress, just for you:












THE question of the day which straightens the penguins on the ice, I mark anything on the parchment?

The 2nd issue of the day, I can limit my account on photobucket (not even in 3 months ...), they are people who know a host image better?


many more photos here:




Your SoH are crazy good! You have some serious skill with the (air)brush man! These are the kind of armies which make me regret I went with Luna Wolves instead of Sons of Horus haha! Keep up the great work! It's a joy to watch what you have done :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone! 


so after one month and a half almost over, the knight is finally finished! And to be honest it do fun, I hope you like it in any case, I lot worked the base and I'm quite proud of you present. This is probably the figure who asked me more work with Fulgrim and Drone avenger.


Okay now this is my 3rd big part in the army, I would have to brace myself a little foot soldiers anyway!



IMG_1145 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1149 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1151 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1167 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1125 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr


Verdict then what do you think? 

I'm a big section known my blog with lots of photos and a picasa gallery: http://salaisefigurine.blogspot.fr/2014/06/legio-chaotic-knight-allie-sons-of-horus.html

  • 2 weeks later...
hello :) 


little busy  right now, I still take the time to post the latest additions to my army: p. Program today thallax squad, super model, I really loved paint this minis  but assembling against pretty boring! Mechanicum first official unit in my army SOH, I think I'll add more units in addition as possible!


and more, my to do list ! :  .



IMG_1189 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1190 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1201 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr




Coucou : ) 


Chaos cultist in wip, next project will be priest or something else...i don't know.








And all of my minis ! 






voili voilou 

  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you for the compliments you give me for my work, it'm really advanced and it goes straight to my heart, it is thanks to this that I try to be at the top level on each project / squad I start ... 

Well if the renegade chaos are completed, I'm painting a small commission  (10 Tempestus scions), it will remain after me 3 priests and 8 other cultists this time to completely finish the unit. 



IMG_1214 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1218 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1233 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



IMG_1221 par salaise figurine, sur Flickr



The big project this summer will be to get a room dedicated to the hobby, what a man cave, also if you have any ideas, tips or advice to avoid don't hesitate! It s for a huge investment and I do not want to screw it up! 


Otherwise as usual full picture on my blog, this time with the purchase of recapitulatif July, and balances it was doing wrong! 900 euros in 1 month ... hard! : 


woah super boulot comme d'hab :)


The only tip I can really give (since I'm working on a very small table) is what I saw on the blog of the Stockholm Warpaint.

While using his airbrush, one of them put is vacum cleaner on the top of his desk lamp to catch all the "paint dust" so an similar system or well thought system such as this one could be really cool.

Lots of tiny compartment for bitz would help too. And As many lamps/lights as you can get.

  • 3 weeks later...
Hello to all :) 


Not too good news right now on this topic, but I had promised a good excuse! (yeah promised), I laid out a entire room for the hobby! 

If you missed all the info is available here: 



Well if even if this project took me a lot of time (and money!), I also have a lot ds continued painting. I realized two commissions (yes because 

for those who are interested I make commissions paint: p more info on my blog) and above all I assembled a land speeder for my SOH: 


14707789739_6688b5a0c9.jpguiui by salaise figurine, on Flickr






The similarity between Batman and servant of heavy bolter is obviously irrelevant. (Or not). 


It remains for me to add some gravel on the base, and I start painting my stuff! 



More info and pictures on my blog for the land speeder: 



-The Cinematics effects is good! Moreover, ARMORCAST company who sell this item organized a contest that I was involved with my avengers drone mechanicum . Well I am pleased to announce that I reached the first place! 


the link to the facebook page of the contest: 

  • 3 months later...
Hi all:)


Okay so I know I know, you'll tell me that it's been ages since you have not had news of the army! And you would be right but I held today

to share with you the great return of my Sons of Horus!

add a few other health concerns and inevitably it is the army that suffers: /.


Okay so during all this time I did not stay without doing anything! Fortunately however, and I could finish a land speeder. Photos of the kit:


15827547642_625d9ab116.jpgP1030104 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15640826827_ed6e4feb72_n.jpgP1030108 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15206025864_b125b4bd53_n.jpgP1030109 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15824108811_e27e32c86b_n.jpgP1030119 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15640181599_f1705e1e59_n.jpgP1030126 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15640824127_e2ed832c92_n.jpgP1030124 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


Then there is of course a unit of the 5 th company, shown here on the floor of terra (the goal is always represented an army

the gate of the Imperial Palace on Terra), I tweaked the kit already adding a cinematics effects on a rocket bound for the target

and then placing a gunner with a cute little cape fluttering in the wind (batmaaaan!).

Inevitably the day I spell on a battlefield, he :cussed without causing damage or almost ... (yeah if it's not funny!).


Well joking aside, there is a squad of veterans who also happens and a contemptor soh! More photos soon!


  • 1 month later...
hello: )


I take a small quiet moment today to present my new unit for my Sons of Horus ,  a big squad of veterans of bedrooms 5 th company.

I always tried to make me a big squad with lots of different kits, Bitz everywhere, the new kits spe SOH forge world ( torsos, heads and shoulder pads )

so it was an opportunity to realize this project, which was close to my heart. Just for fun the number of kits used :

-mk4 despoiler squad                                        -SOH torso upgrade

-mk3 despoiler squad                                        -SOH head upgrade

-rampager squad                                             -SOH shoulders pads set 2

-mk4 special weapon                                         -GW veteran squad.

-GW khorne berserker                                        -SOH Reavers


So it figures representing veterans assault on Terra , I realized a lot of black and gold armor pieces to remind the future sons of Horus

( The lblack legion) and wanted to have a connection with the figures of the 1st company that made ​​my strength .pictures:


15870526810_933be05d23.jpgP1030130 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


16031996296_bf85a1abff_n.jpgP1030134 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15438144773_481bf0f176_n.jpgP1030147 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15870509740_855db73e48_n.jpgP1030151 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


15438124923_860fc67a15_n.jpgP1030152 by salaise figurine, on Flickr


16057092772_6b88415964_n.jpgP1030145 by salaise figurine, on Flickr



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