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To Terra! And to a victory of 10000 years!


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In light of the impending space marines codex, Tanith Ghost asked for some uplifting speeches to solidify our resolve in the long war. Since that thread seemed a little cluttered already I thought I would post it here. I am calling on all Warsmiths, all Dark Apostles, all Lords, and all Sorcerors, let loose the cries of war. Give us all a reason to carry on, until victory is won over the forces of the Imperium of Man. Humbly, I will begin:


      They tried to take everything from us. They took from us our faith and our pride, our duty and our honour, our fate, our fortune, our pursuit, our victory, and the lives of our brothers. They drove us out. They cracked planets and burned the stars to banish us. From Davin’s moon to the blasted forests of Caliban they hunted us down like beasts. They took almost all we had and all we were. But they could not take from us our hate. They could not take from us our anger and our rage. In us burns a fire for vengeance that will only be quenched when we stand triumphant over the smoldering ruins of Terra. Our laughter on that day will haunt their survivors till the end of time. We will stride forth victorious through the shattered gates of their fortress, holding high aloft the defiled corpse of their rotting god as our prize. And on that day we shall know salvation.

      Our hate is what makes us strong. Let it fester and burn in your soul. Let it tear you apart so that the dark lords of the warp may build you anew in their profane image. All men worship the four, even though many don’t realize it. Whilst they live, they strive for perfection, they seek to change their fates, they fight for their beliefs, and they stagnate in perceived safety. When they die their souls are sweet supplication in glory to the four. But we are their betters, for they reject out of misplaced guilt a simple truth. We revel in that truth, we know that in this wide galaxy we alone know true freedom. We do whatever we want whenever we will, and none can stop us. We take that which should be ours and we revel in our gifts. Only one obstacle stands in our way in the pursuit of true freedom from the tyrants of old; the Imperium of Man! So take up the bolter, take up the chain axe and sword, take to your ships and show them the meaning of fear. On every planet we will march, and wherever we march we will kill. This empire of lies is built on a rotting corpse and it rots with him. With our hatred shall we scour the galaxy clean of His filth. For the glory of the dark gods yes, but for our own vengeance all the more. Onwards! To Terra! To the Golden Throne! And to victory after ten thousand years!

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We have served the Emperor for hundreds of years. We have killed whole worlds and systems in his name. Yet, when our own home were overran, who came to our aid? Who gave us the power to defend ourselves? The false Emperor discarded us like a filthy dog. Yet we prevailed. And we found our new patron.

The one that gave us power to slay our enemies. The one who stand with us. The one who's will shall flood the galaxy in blood and carnage.

The time has come that we will clash with the cursed Imperium and when we will scream the name of the Blood God to the face of our enemies along with our everlasting hatered. We will crush worlds again and raise piles of skulls of imeprial citizens just to honor Khorne's name! For decades, the blood on our blades and claws won't dry as we will relish in neverending bloodshed. Rivers of blood will fill the streets while we will laugh amids the screams of widowed women. They too will burn in the flames of our vengeance. And when the lapdogs of the false emperor rain upon us from the scorched heaven, then let it be so. Let them come, I say! Their skulls will be praized trophies on our armours and Khorne will bless us all! We will prevail!



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What of the emperor, the corpse god of the Imperium of man. 

Our leader to a greater age. But was that so?


Was he, our father, not a corrupt, greedy tyrant?


We fought for him, for his ideals. Using any means necessary. 

But did he reward us for our trials? For our crimes against our 

very own humanity? We who fought hardest, we who bled in his name on 

battlefields deemed unfit for other legions. Our legions brought fear

to any uncompliant world, they would rather surrender than face our might.

We became the tools he needed, wanted.


Yet once we were no longer of use to his cause, he discarded us. Preferring 

to heap praise on those who kept their souls pure, rather than fight without 

exception for the ideals of the Imperium. 


A threat to the Imperium, yes that is what they said. We were to be taken to 

Terra for our so called crimes. Crimes committed in his name and with his 



But we would not stand for it. We had always been the least favoured legions.

But even murderers have honour. 


Our brothers betrayed us, our own father betrayed us. And soon the entirety of

the Imperium betrayed us.


There was only one, one who would stand against the wrongdoing. One, who could 

stop this... Madness. We all saw it. The emperor for who he truly was. 


It was the only way. The tyrant had to be dethroned. It was time for us to stand

for our right place in the galaxy, we who had bled, while fat aristocrats dined

in the great halls of terra, laughing about our stupidity. It was time to cut

the cancer from the Imperiums heart.


But we failed. We fled like cowards from the Imperiums might and hid.


But now we have gathered greater numbers and we shall strike forth from the warp.


It is time that the Imperium feels our wrath once more. Our hatred is infinite, 

we shall fight for what is right! We will bloody ourselves before the throne of 

terra. It will be a long war, a war that will overshadow all other wars. Even 

the unification wars and the great crusade. Thousands more will flock to our 

banners. The Imperium will tremble and crack before our mighty hosts. 


One day we shall stand before the corpse god, the sire who in his arrogance left 

us to rot. And we shall strike him down and all that stand with him.  


But before we must wade through oceans of blood, we shall revel on a thousand 

battle fields, screaming our never ending hatred to the stars. Mortals will wail 

in fear, but we shall grind their bones beneath our feet. Death shall take 

corporeal form through us and feed on the living. The imperium is ripe for 

slaughter and we shall show them the error of their ways.


This is my last oath. I vow to see the long war through in the name of the four 

gods! Even if it should take millenia, I will see the corpse god skewered

and paraded for all to see. And then I can finally be at peace.

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