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Skyfire problems and dealing with FMCs with CSMs

Dallas Drake

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Is it 2k or 1999?


Lord, MoS, Brand, PW, SoC


doesn't the upgrade gear , even the torrent flamer has a too short range . your not runing a bike or a unit for him to run around . he is a tax to get NM as troops and should be kept cheap.




Sorcerer, ML+2, Spell Familiar, SoC

Same SoC too slow in melee and your not going to use a +3sv+/+4inv to tank . SoC should be removed.

Noise Marines w/Doom Siren & 2x Blastmasters

Noise Marines w/Doom Siren & 2x Blastmasters


15 Cultsts w/flamer

15 Cultsts w/flamer

cut to 10 man . troops should be cut in  half if this is a 2k pts army one with the MoS lord and the other with cultists and Sorc.







nothing to comment on



Havocs w/Autocannon x 4 + 3 bodies

Havocs w/Autocannon x 4 + 3 bodies

cut the  extra 3 bodies . if your runing a 2kpts army and not a 1999 one run 1 extra unit of havocks as ally use the points from droped upgrades to buy autocannons for the third squad. units hsould be 5/5/5 with 3 autocannons each .if there are enough points start buying 4th AC before starting to buy a 6th havock in any unit .



Obliterators w/MoN x 3


Aegis w/Quad .If your playing 2k t s you could be runing 2 of those instead of the 3 havock unit .

But in general if your realy having problems with flyers in your enviroment switch to runing Demons with csm ally or CSM with tau/IG ally.

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Take the lord with the bikes it is a solid option . I mentioned the lord and the spawn , because a high cost melee character that moves slow in 6th ed is bad. Bikers both give him a quasi ID immunity [due to T5] and speed , melta bikers are also an ok unit to have anyway.


If you want to take a Forge Fiend you have to ask yourself , how efficient do you want your hvy support to be . Oblits are generaly better , being more flexible and all . With 2 FoC you could take  2 oblits and 2 havocks and that  would be very good. If your taking fiends take them with cannon head and dakka arms , supported by Oblits

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I quite like my hadesfiend, but you have to accept that they are over costed. I currently run daemon allies for 3 rolls on divination and the grimmore, which helps the fiend out (as well as others).


At 1500 points I used my hadesfiend, autocannon havocs and heldrake as anti air, and I've had awesome games with the fiend and terrible games, quite hit and miss in fact :D

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Well I've had loads of advice & most of it will be used.  I have a re-match next Thursday, plan is to not get tabled by turn 4.  For the record I've added IG allies as I have plenty of FW traitor IG kits. By cutting toys on the Lord/Sorcerer & losing 1 Oblit & 6 Havoc body bags I've added the following;



Lord Commissar

Platoon Command Squad

- Autocannon

- Plasma gun

Infantry Squad

- Sabre Defence Platform (Lascannon)


Infantry Squad

- Sabre Defence Platform (Lascannon)

Aegis w/coms 



I'll let you all know how I get on!



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