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Tzen's Word Bearers WIP Blog!


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Few more pics, coming along nicely. There's things I would like to touch up when I can. But it would require me to be painting at a much more social hour. I kinda miss things when I'm sleepy!





Thanks Chaeron! :D


Well, I wouldn't say I am nearly finished, but the end is in sight!


I took the liberty to sit the armour plate on the chest and arm just to give a general feel of what it will look like. Obviously both aren't finished yet! :D







Hoping to get this done today, need to watch a Shakespeare play anyway all afternoon, so my plan is to paint along whilst I have it on!




Truth be told, there's parts of this I don't like at the moment, and it is because I don't have some specific paints I need to achieve the colours. I wanted all the horns to remain black (well... blackish) but I don't have any of the grey paints left. And too poor to buy some!


I don't think it looks awful, just not turned out exactly how I imagined :(

I'm not sure where I should post this? Since I'm finished should I put it in the hall of honour or just leave it here? Anyway I am sure some friendly mod will fix it!


Finished (kinda)!
I don't have any Word Bearer transfers with me, so I plan on adding a few to him. 
I may go over the tentacles again when I get more time. They look better from behind than they do from the front. 
I want to add some blood from the bursting pipes. So where the skin has been torn from the pipes coming through, I'd like to add small amounts of blood to it. I want it to look like every day existence is painful for this guy, every move and such causes fresh new wounds!
Anyway, there you go, C+C always welcome :)
  • 1 month later...
Found this guy and just knew I had to paint him!




He serves no real purpose in the army. I may use him as a squad leader maybe, but I just felt the need to paint him! :D


Obviously early days, but thought I'd share and wish everyone a happy new year to boot! :)

Bit of a sad story here :(


Spent all day yesterday trying to do a rough version of a pre heresy banner as his cloak, with the book and flame. Then I managed to ingeniously spill half a pot of Nuln oil over the back of the mini. Luckily it was only the cloak and the power claw arm that got covered in it. And a bit of the base. But it essentially meant I had to re do the entire cloak :( 


It wasn't looking that great anyway but I lost a bit of interest after this happened :(






Ah well. Re do the Power fist this afternoon then this dude should be done!

Sadly I couldn't find the inspiration to have a proper go at the cloak again. I have made a rough start, as you can see, but I am just going to leave it as is and return to it later. 




Posted a few more pictures of him at different angles in my "Finished" (?) thread.


Next up! Heldrake! :D

I think he looks brilliant Tzen, I shouldn't worry too much about it. I feel a similar heart break whenever I spend a huge amount of time and effort in  painting a model and then I varnish it and it goes dusty! At least the damage wasn't so bad you had to re-do the whole thing :)

Heldrake wings!




I'm kinda playing about with the red at the moment, trying to decide how deep I want it to be, and how much of a gradient from red to black on each of the little sections. 


Decided to do it on the wings first because they are easy to fix when I feel I have found the "sweet spot".


Sadly Uni starts up again next week, so I have to put more time into reading and finishing my dissertation. Work on minis will be much slower :(

  • 3 weeks later...
Its been a while since I did anything like painting. My pc died a week or so ago and ever since then I have been building a new one, and the hobby side of things has had to suffer because of it.


I've also been rebuilding Golden Throne from the ground up, totally redesigning the site and have started blogging my painting there as well as on forums. 


(As an aside, anyone who may be interested in writing articles for the new site feel free to get in touch. More than happy to accept contributions of just about any kind as long as its to do with the hobby - reviews, battle reports, guides. scenrios - anything really!)


Anyway, here is the stuff I am working on at the moment.







The Heldrake is a pain of a model. All those rivets, all that metal raised areas are enough to drive you a  little mad. To top it off I am not particularly happy with how the metal looks on the wings. I tried a new technique out and I am not that happy with it. So I am tempted to go back and do the metal again.

Cheers Chaos Reigns! :D


Just a quick update. Really difficult to take pictures of this at the moment, but this is the progress so far.


Nearly finished the second one too, so should be able to make a start on the neck and head some time this weekend!



So last night I finished the second wing for my Helldrake.





So I sat there, as you do, playing with the miniature as a whole, and seeing how things will sit together once finished. I realised at that point, that this bugger is much bigger than I realised. I have honestly no idea how I am going to store this thing for travelling. Even when it isn't sat on it's flying base it's still a damn big bugger. I think I am going to need a damn big box.


As an aside I started working on the claws.






They look like cool little chaos drones or something!

Another quick update on Helldrake progress.


Last night I got the feet done.




The fleshy coloured pipe on the back of the claw will eventually be touched up with some blood effects. Much like my Hellbrute was. It should also give you the sense of the colours I will be using for the rest of the piped/fleshy areas on the model. It means I can retain a general overall theme for the army on the table top, and I personally think stretched out flesh on a daemon engine is cool!

Another update on my Heldrake.


I managed to get the neck pretty much done (still needs blood added to it) and started on the head.






The reasoning behind using the flesh tone I have picked is because I am heavily inspired by the Akira mutations, as seen in the film "Akira"! If you haven't watched the movie (for shame) this is what I mean.




I did attempt to paint the pipes varying colours to show different levels of pressure on the skin, but it ended up looking a little weird.


Anyway, I am hoping to finish the head tonight, then it will just be a case of painting the torso and then it's done!


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