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ElDuderinos World Eater Warband - Update, Brazen Knights!


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Hey Guys! I've been lurking here for six years at least, finally mustered up the courage to start posting. It might have something to do with these guys I'm working on too!

So. I've been on a hobby break for about ten years but I've kept my old stuff at my parents house, occasionally digging them out and gluing some parts together. Then Dark Vengeance came out and i just couldn't resist those Chaos minis, needless to say, i had a relapse. So now my bitz box is stuffed again and here's what i've been working on.

My World Eater force is striclty a hobby project, never had much interest in gaming. Hence wysiwyg goes out the window with these guys, i just want to put some cool minis together. Inspiration comes mainly from KrautScientist, DarkVen, GuitaRasmus and noctus cornix, the masters of Chaos in my eyes. Be warned that my minis are in various states of WIPness as I like to work on lots of things simultaneously. Also my photos suck, had to get some pics before leaving for uni tomorrow.


This is the new champion for my berzerker squad, heavily inspired by noctus cornix. I've tried to incorporate a bit of the DV chosen aesthetics on him, with the cabling, chainmail etc. Still needs some GSing under the left arm, cable sockets and to tidy things up a bit. I tried to give him a relaxing, menacing pose, like he's picking out a worthy opponent while his buddys just charges who ever happens to be closest.



A Couple of termies. The one on top uses the legs from one of the DV terminators, I like the studs on his greaves but I'm wondering if I should add trims, opinions? I'm undecided about their heads though, the terminator sculpts are pretty bad, the details lack sharpness and are generally uninspired. Couldn't they at least have come up with some new horns for the helms? I'm thinking about doing something similar to DarkVens Atramentar with the helms, looks way more badass than some random horns. (Also pictured. a random head usin the khornate headcrest from Skullcrushers. Great source for bits)


Cant believe it's not Khârn! I imagine my warband being one of the saner parts of the WEs still around, as such they have a bit of a rocky relationship with Khârn. That said, i picked up this model a couple of weeks ago and i couldn't resist making him into everyones favorite maniac. Maim burn kill etc. Please disregard the clumsy GSing on the bottom of his bunnyears, gonna sand em down and add skulls. What about tassles? Does he look Kharny enough without them?


This axe from one of the DV chosen makes a pretty good gorechild with some chainsword teeth added. Looks suitably brutal.


Last but not least, my Lord. By far the most complicated conversion I've done. He uses parts from the termie lord, DV chosen champ, Skullcrushers and probably some more. As it happens, he sorta looks like Abbadon with that LC and deamon axe, might beused as a count-as.

Still some work to be done on him. Need to do something about his left shoulder pad, it sits too far out atm. I wanted to use a regular terminator pad but those damn bunny ears makes it impossible. maybe i'll just sand down the shoulder under it a bit, suggestions are welcome! I'm also unsure about adding the cape, it looks awesome but it takes away from his uniquity (is that even a word? probably not). Saves me a ton of trouble on his backside though


Yeah, not that inspired to sculpt something as boring as a termie butt.

Anyways, thanks for looking, C&C appreciated. Especially sculpting tips, I've still got lots to learn, I'm more of an experimenter than a sculpter atm. Peace out!

Well, I am truly honoured that you should name me as one of your influences! ;) And those are some very promising conversions so far! Your Khârn conversion is already far more involved than my own treatment of the same base model. And that Lord has all the makings of a truly spectacular piece (although, as you said, he still needs a bit of work).


Would love to comment in more detail as soon as I have the time! Until then, I am very much looking forward to seeing how this develops!

Your Khârn. is. awesome! Excellent use of the chaos champion. And you berserker champion is a real mean looking dude! Im not a big fan on the terminator with shield and the sword point first into the ground, but thats more because I prefer some movement in the minis. Keep the coming, heretic scum... I mean, friend msn-wink.gif

As others have said, that Khârn is glorious - very well done on the axe; must have been seriously fiddly and the outcome is perfect.


That's not to ignore the others though - that sword and shield Termi is particularly menacing.....

Thanks for the kind words! Kharns axe wasn't that hard, just cut of the teeth of a chainsword a mm or so behind the teeth. That'll leave an edge that makes it easy to sand down the gs to get a smooth surface. Easy way to make most bladed weapons into chain weapons, perfect for WEs!


Funny how opinions differ on the sword and shield terminator. I think it might be a bit too static but the legs make it hard to get any sense of movement without some serious cutting. Might return to him.



Thanks! I've been following your blog for a while, great minis and articles! I must've missed your take on the aspiring champion, or maybe You havn't posted it yet? Looking forwards to more comments, better get to work on something worth talking about.


Speaking of which, i got so inspired by all of your feedback that i started working on some Brazen Knights (and cursing the designer for making the saddle and groin part of the juggernaught), pics to follow tomorrow!

Some nice work on these guys, especially the Khârn stand-in. I personally don't think he needs the tassels to get the point across. It always seemed like the 40k version of the feathers Mr. T used to wear.


Oh, and I couldn't help myself with that pic of your termie Lord:



Haha allright, maybe he needs a skull in his hand too, you can't get too dramatic with chaos right? Although i think that sort of theatrics is better left for Word Beares or a Slaanesh warband.

So as promised, here are my Brazen knights. Very WIP.




The first guy might be another Lord, the DV bits makes him seem very ornate compared to the next guy and I feel a bit too cautious to cut up more of the chosen minis without a good reason. I need advice on his helm though, does he need bunny ears? The horns just doesn't look brutal enought. He's getting an axe from the skullcrusher kit as well, can't be a champion of Khorne without at least one good axe!

Edit: And i just realised that i forgot to cut the tassle thing of the 2nd guy's chainsword, damn:)


Lastly, some progress on Khârn. I tried sculpting some deamonic faces myself but it was far too fiddly, not to mention that I wanted two of them. Two cut up bolters provided me with a lazy solution. Just need some teeth and gs blending.

Again, thanks for looking, C&C appreciated!

Haha allright, maybe he needs a skull in his hand too, you can't get too dramatic with chaos right? Although i think that sort of theatrics is better left for Word Beares or a Slaanesh warband.




It's Romeo and Juliet, not Hamlet, but in some of the HH books, the marines sometimes have a touch of Shakespeare in their speech.


Those Brazen Knights are looking good, too.

  • 2 weeks later...

Right, I believe I still owe you a more detailed comment, as I promised above msn-wink.gif So here goes:

Berzerker Champion:

This guy is coming along nicely! He needs a rocky outcropping (or a dismembered Marine torso) to rest his right foot on, of course, but I imagine you've already thought of that msn-wink.gif


Like I said earlier, your version is far more involved than mine, and I really like where this is going! While you could probably drop the tassels with no one being the wiser, why not use the tassels that come with the Skullcrusher kit (one at the bottom of the champ's axe, the other one coming as a separate bit) on his helmet? Getting the plasma pistol right will be key, of course. The Raptor kit has some kick ass plasma pistols, IIRC.


Great work all around! The knight-like Termie with the sword and shield is really looking ace! Personally speaking, I wouldn't add any trim to the legs: The studded legs will look archaic enough as they are, once they are painted. When it comes to the heads, I can relate to your plight regarding the standard Terminator heads. I usually go for bare heads for my Termies, at least for the characters, since it adds more character to the model. There are lots and lots of nice and suitably angry looking bare Marine heads, too! The other option would be to use Chaos Knight or Skullcrusher heads, maybe with the horns clipped off.

Lord in Terminatour armour:

Like I said earlier, easily the most promising model so far, since he really exudes the air of quiet menace and dark majesty that all self-respecting (or should that be self-hating) Chaos Lords need msn-wink.gif The abdomen and hips need some work, obviously. As does the model's, well, butt. Instead of adding the regular Termie Lord cape, why not go for a tabard like the one seen on this model? It would spare you some reconstructive surgery on the model's backside, plus it would add even more authority and badassery to the lord. You also seem to be really good at GS work, so why not give it a shot? It would also go a ways towards solving the problem with the shoulder pad: Just have the tabard begin at the model's shoulders and cover the problematic areas. You could even add one of those small tilt plates with a Khorne symbol on it on top!

What's that weapon in the model's left hand, btw? It's hard to make out in the photos!

Brazen Knights:

Looking fantastic! 'nuff said msn-wink.gif Oh, one thing: Seeing how you're using bike bases for these, will they be played as bikes (if you ever intend to play in the first place). If you're just building these for the heck of it, a bigger round base would give you more space to work with.

Anyway, looking forward to the next update! More please! msn-wink.gif

Thanks for the input! Very happy to see you take the time:)

In order then...


I've decided against the tassles, he really doesn't need them. Plus, i think I couldnät make em look natural. So no sofa ornaments for Khârn. I still need a bare arm, one of the stand out features of him. I'm thinking of moving gorechild to that hand too, wouldn't wanna roll a 1 while holding a plasma pistol in my bare hand:) Plus the added brutality of a massive chainaxe weilded by a bare arm!

Termie heads
Damnit, I just cant make the heads look good. The only one i like is the one pictured with the rhino horns. I'm even thinking about using the death wing heads from Dark Vengeance, looks better than the cartoony csm heads at least. I'm not a big fan of alternate heads on termies though, i like the original design too much. Plus, with all the awesome Night Lord termies in various blogs on here using Chaos Knight heads, i dont want them ending up looking like Atramentar:)

Termie Lord

Awesome idea! I'm totally gonna try that out, never had that mini and I never even noticed he had that kind of tabard! It will be a serious challenge though, wouldn't want it ending up looking like a dress hehe.


And his axe, stolen from the aspiring champion. I'm gonna extend it a bit backwards, looks like a really evil hatchet atm

Brazen Knights

Haha i never even thought about that, why the hell did i put em on bike bases when they're never going to get used in a game! Doh. Also I forgot to mention that the guy with the skull helm uses the legs of an old WE juggernaught rider which i unfortunatly cut up back in the day. Well, now his legs are back where they belong at least!

So anyways, as usual i got a bit sidetracked and started on some new guys instead of finishing anything.


"regular" dudes. Nothing special, everyone can't be the Lord of a warband! Nevertheless, putting guys together straight out of the box doesnt interest me that much so these guys are getting trophies and maybe even GS work on their trimmings,to bring them in line with the more jagged and curved aesthetics of the DV chosen and raptors.



Some guy with a sword. He's getting chainmail behind the Khore icon dangling between his legs to cover up some of the empty space and for general badassery. Also, he "needs a rocky outcropping (or a dismembered Marine torso)":)


Lastly, look what my buddy gave me! Yay! Never had this back in the day but this is great, so many great pictures! Really awesome armor designs, great inspiration for sculpting!



guy with a sword. He's getting chainmail behind the Khore icon dangling

between his legs to cover up some of the empty space and for general

badassery. Also, he "needs a rocky outcropping (or a dismembered Marine torso)"smile.png

I love this newest guy! And as a matter of fact, I actually think he works great with the right foot in the air, because it makes him look like he is running forward, ready to strike. If I were to base him, I'd probably add some rock on his base to slightly elevate him, yet leave his right foot in the air.

Great work again! ;)

This is an awesome WE thread. For the termis I found the same problem with the heads. You could always adapt the horns from the CSM heads you've chopped off to add the bunny ears. My favourite head is also the rhino one.


The Lord is looking great so far as well, his axe is looking mean as the 9 hells.


Can't wait to see more work on these.

Wow, first Kraut and now Biohazard! Thanks for looking, i will throw some awesome termie helm together as soon as I get back home. How is Your own army doing? It's been a while since I've seen an update!



Interesting idea! It'll require some work on his right leg, the current pose really looks like he's standing on air from most other angles:)



I understand you, it's hard enough to mix DV-chosen into the regular, aging csm plastics. For a heresy era army it'd be even worse. Might make an awesome possessed squad for Word Bearers though.


The chainaxe is quite simple. Cut the teeth of a chainsword, and make sure to cut it a mm or so behind the actual teeth go get a sharp and raised edge. Then take any axe, the power axe from the chosen in this case, sand down the edge a bit. Then glue the teeth on and fill with gs. The edge that i left on the teeth makes it easy to get s smooth surface, sand if needed. I could make You a picture if I'm a bit unclear, my english is a bit rusty and i hate writing on my phone:)


Once again, thanks for the encouraging feedback everyone, updates comming!


The chainaxe is quite simple. Cut the teeth of a chainsword, and make sure to cut it a mm or so behind the actual teeth go get a sharp and raised edge. Then take any axe, the power axe from the chosen in this case, sand down the edge a bit. Then glue the teeth on and fill with gs. The edge that i left on the teeth makes it easy to get s smooth surface, sand if needed. I could make You a picture if I'm a bit unclear, my english is a bit rusty and i hate writing on my phone:)


Thanks for the info - very well explained; I'll be giving this a go!

  • 3 months later...

So, it's been a while! Unfortunatly all my hobby stuff is back at my parents house, can't really fit them into a 2-roomer that i share with the gf. But christmas-time means hobby time!



As usual, KratutScientist's provided inspiration, as his excellent Brazen Knights made me want to put some more effort into my own. So, a bit of hacking, sawing and green stuff later, and I'm much happier with this guy. I even tried replicating the Dark Vengeance type of glove, to give the unit a more unified look. One more to go then!

Stay tuned for more maniacs, Khârn and my termie lord have been given some attention as well:)


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