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If wishes were fishes... Night Lords Codex Supplement


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I've been following (appropriately, from the shadows!) a discussion on Warseer where, prompted by the release of the Black Legion supplement, they are speculating what may be in a potential Night Lords book.  I haven't found a similar thread here, so thought it would be interesting to discuss what the B&C Nostraman fratery (and sorority?) would like to see in such a book.


My suggestions below; obviously not play-tested so possibly overpowered, but interested to know what other NL collectors would look for.



  • Raptors as Troops (predictable I know)
  • Ditch the "Champion of Chaos" nonsense unless the squad is given a mark
  • NIght Vision
  • Rollable Warlord Traits
    • Infiltrate D3 units
    • Enforce "Night Fighting" on the scenario
    • Cause "Fear" on all enemy units
  • Artefacts
    • "Sevatar's Glaive" - chainglaive with teleport homer
    • "Corona Nox" - choose Combat or Spell familiar effect, and 12" leadership bubble
    • "Claws of the Night Haunter" - master crafted lightning claws
    • Legacy of Curze - amulet that grants "shrouded" to the wearer and squad


  • restricted daemon units only if the Warlord is a Daemon Prince (e.g. Acerbus)
  • restricted Heavy Support, e.g. 0-1 Land Raider
  • take a Blind test if within 6" of a Flame or Plasma attack
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Hmm. Good call on the blind. Maybe -1 initiative when taking blind tests instead of the 6" rule? Simpler and faster is better. Combined with night vision is fluffy chapter trait.


I disagree with the raptor troops, the NL had more than other legions, but even then, they were still rare compared to infantry.


I think the legion would also have had reasonable access to Land raiders and such. GW (Jervis's Standard Bearer) have also said that they will probably never limit units again, so 0-1 options are gone.



"We have come for you" -

Enemy Comm's relays have no effect on your army. One enemy troop choice (your choice) begins the game in reserve as they investigate rumours of deaths behind the frontline.


"In Midnight Clad":

When shooting at Night Lords, your opponent counts their range bracket as being one higher than normal (no save becomes stealth, stealth becomes shrouded, shrouded becomes untargetable). This ends immediately when the night fight rules are no longer in place.


"Surprise tactics"

Chaos terminators deepstriking within 6" of your Warlord will not scatter. Reroll if your army contains no chaos terminators.


"Beyond the veil"

Warp talons deepstriking within 12" of your warlord may assault after deepstriking. They scatter as normal.


"Vox Static"

Your warlord counts as being equipped with a Dirge Caster (see CSM vehicle armoury)

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Couple of questions. Why the Raptors as Troops? As far as we know, only Zso Sahaal's command company had a majority of Raptor units. And the IA article and 3.5 says that it will be common to find Raptors and Night Lords near each other, but not that most of the warband will be made of Raptors. That's why they were only a FA unit, not a Troop replacement. If this was a Raptor Cult supplement, I wouldn't have a problem with that bit.


Hmm, I think the Champions of Chaos will probably be left in. Take Cyrion for example. As faithless as the majority of Night Lords. Never once mentions the gods of Chaos. Never once utters a word of praise. Heck, he doesn't give offerings like Uzas does. And yet Slaanesh still kept an eye on him and even saw fit to let him hear the fears of others.


"restricted daemon units only if the Warlord is a Daemon Prince(e.g. Acerbus)"


Out of curiosity, is this a typo? It just seems weird that a warband led by a Daemon would restrict the use of Daemons.


I really like Xenith's ideas. Those are pretty spot on.

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Maybe instead of Raptors being troops just one unit? how about an ability/power that allows you to dictate which direction the enemy units fall back when they break. I'd love to see a dedicated Night Lords psychic table.

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I think it would be wise to temper expectation as much as possible. After the incandecant fury I felt over the release of CSM, to the seething rage right before the BL Supplement dropped I have hardened my heart with hate...if this is what we should expect, then you need to keep it simple.


Raptors as troops? Not very likely. 


To bounce off of Xenith.


"We have come for you" -
Enemy Comm's relays have no effect on your army. One enemy troop choice (your choice) begins the game in reserve as they investigate rumours of deaths behind the frontline.
Becomes: -1 to Opponent Reserve Rolls, OR +1 to your Reserve Rolls. Choose at start of the game.
"In Midnight Clad":
When shooting at Night Lords, your opponent counts their range bracket as being one higher than normal (no save becomes stealth, stealth becomes shrouded, shrouded becomes untargetable). This ends immediately when the night fight rules are no longer in place.
Becomes: Lord gains Shrouded during Night Fight.
"Surprise tactics"
Chaos terminators deepstriking within 6" of your Warlord will not scatter. Reroll if your army contains no chaos terminators.
Becomes: How is this a Night Lord thing? If anything, this is a D3 Infiltrator type rule copied from the CSM dex.
"Beyond the veil"
Warp talons deepstriking within 12" of your warlord may assault after deepstriking. They scatter as normal.
Becomes: Units Deep Striking will not Scatter if Deepstriking within 12" of your Warlord. If Vanguard Vets lost assault out of deep strike...there would need to be a fanboy in the studio to give it to us.
"Vox Static"
Your warlord counts as being equipped with a Dirge Caster (see CSM vehicle armoury)
Becomes: This I like! 
I dont wish to be a buzzkill, or crap on anyone's ideas. I just have known the pain of disappointment now for too long and wish to prevent my Brothers from feeling the same...again.
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Looking at BL and other supplement dex. 6 new items probably half of them working on Ld and those that don't directlly[like weapons or armor] would still do stuff like -1ld , re-roll break tests etc.


Special rules

night fight first two turns , that can't be turned off.Opposing army at -1Ld on all models durning night fight.


Probably some sort of upgrade [high cost and totaly not worth if] for jump armed models.

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Let me put it this way: 


I love the new Raptor/Warp Talon models.  But as it stands with the current...with what we got, I can't justify purchasing more.


I also Love Crisis Suits.  As a Tau player, I had plenty of Crisis suits when the Tau Codex first came out-and I had no real desire to buy anymore (3 packs not withstanding).  Then they released the Enclave Codex and gave me what I always, always wanted-and now I can not only justify buying more crisis suits-I want to (and a Riptide and New-Hotness Broadside too-because I'm making The Eight)



If they (GW) give me a Chaos Codex that allows me to get some Raptors into Troops-I'm going to get it so I can.


If GW gives me an out to that stupid, derpy, dumb and bull crap rule "Accept any Challenge no matter the odds and roll on this stupid table if you win which isn't likely because we don't give you what you need to win" I'll use it.


If it means I can't use the Heldrake and Megazords-Awesome!  I don't currently and they wouldn't be missed.



Also, since Vanguard vets aren't getting their Assault after Deep Strike thing, I kind of feel not as screwed by the Warp Talons.

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If any chaos legion gets a homing beacon, they're getting named official black legion members and will be getting a permanent place in my ally slots, while the daemon allies I started will get tossed into the 'apocalypse only' box alongside my plague reaper.

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@Xenith - good creativity on the warlord traits!  A mash-up between @Scribe of Khorne's ideas and yours would give us a fluffy list I think.  I miss my infiltrating chosen though, and am narked that Huron gets Master of Deception instead of a NL character.  Only idea of yours I'm uneasy with is "Vox Static" - think the Dirge Caster effect is more suited to Emperor's Children/Noise Marines.  How about a vox related effect of propaganda/screams invoking fear within "x" inches of any vox carrying model?

@Kol_Saresk - Raptors as Troops.  Yes, i'm falling into the Night Lords = Raptor Legion trap.  How about then only an Acerbus special character that unlocks Raptors/Warp Talons?  I'd argue this is fluffy given events in "Lord of the Night".


Regarding "Champions of Chaos" - point taken about Cyrion, I wouldn't say though that he was two challenges away from becoming possessed throughout the three books.  I'm coming from the POV that NL are "Traitor Astartes" not "Chaos Marines" if you get my meaning.  For example, in my current NL army, I've got a Chaos Tac squad that carry the MoK, so expect their Champion to be susceptible to Chaos.  The other squad champs though, I don't see them as corrupted.


The line about Daemon restrictions - that is possibly the poorest sentence i've ever written, apologies.  As a means of Force Org restriction, I mean that a "Traitor" force wouldn't use Daemons, but that they would be available to a "Corrupted" force led my a daemon entity or perhaps Sorceror.


@Trevak Dal - "If GW gives me an out to that stupid, derpy, dumb and bull crap rule" - 100% agree!


@malisteen - The Glaive-Homer is lifted straight out of ADB's "Prince of Crows" - a great idea which I would love access to.

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So far Xenith and the Scribe of Khorne are spot on imho. Here is my take on the subject:


Legion Rules


Night Vision, Stealth


Warlord Traits


1- "We have come for you"

DSing units, infiltrating units and units that are coming from reserve may assault the turn they arrive.

2- "In Midnight Clad":


The battle is fought using the Night Fight rules. Furthermore, due the unexpected attack, any Morale tests taken by the opposite player are at -1.
3- "Terror tactics"
Any enemy unit within 24" of your Warlord losses the benefit of the Fearless USR, and will treat every enemy unit a if the have the Fear USR. Furthermore must take immediately a Morale check.
4- "The Shriek"
At the start of the first game turn, your opponent must roll a D6 for every non-fearless, non-vehicle unit. On the roll of 2+ that unit must take a Pinning test.
5- "Vox Static"
Your warlord counts as being equipped with a Dirge Caster (see CSM vehicle armoury)
Becomes: This I like! (Me too)
6- "Ave Dominus Nox"
Raptors and Warptalons get the Hit & Run USR.
Legion Artifacts (my take on those suggested by Plasmaspam and a couple more)

"Sevatar's Glaive" - chainglaive with teleport homer. +2 Strength, Two handed, not unwieldy.

"Corona Nox" - choose Combat or Spell familiar effect, and 12" leadership bubble. The owner of the Corona causes Fear.

"Claws of the Night Haunter" - Relic lightning claws. AP 2, rending, +1 Init.

Legacy of Curze - amulet that grants "shrouded" to the wearer and squad

"Wings of the Night" - Relic Jump-Pack. The Warlord and his squad does not scatter when deep-strike. Furthermore, they may assault the turn they arrive from reserve.

"Pride of the Atramentar" - Relic Terminator armour. Grants EW to its bearer.


Hopefully fluffy and not to OP.


EDITED WT #6 to add daveNYC's suggestion :)

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We Have Come For You will never ever happen.  It's stupid, but assault after DS is dead.


The Shriek should be wargear.  From the NL series, that was a standard part of the tool kit for the legion.


Maybe a trait that gives Hit and Run?

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We Have Come For You will never ever happen.  It's stupid, but assault after DS is dead.


The Shriek should be wargear.  From the NL series, that was a standard part of the tool kit for the legion.


Maybe a trait that gives Hit and Run?


"We have come for you" is almost an exact copy of the Planetstrike "Shock Tactics"


Well, maybe should be wargear, but the wargear of a spaceship :P


Hit & Run is nice, and I forgot it totally. Traits 2 & 3 are also Planetstrike Stratagems :)


I think any rule that negates Fearless should also negate ATSKNF, and possibly stubborn.


The "Terror Tactics" is -more or less- the Telepathy spell #4. It does not affect ATSKNF either. But I agree with you. I've just taked (for the traits) actual rules (slightly modified) that in my vision of them fits the NL theme without being OP or inventing new rules that some players may complain about.


The Artifacts are also fluffy and balanced (obviously in my humble opinion) not reaching the power level of the AoBF, the Brand and the Mace.



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Pretty much agree with the whole raptors warp talon things, grinds me that it's implied by all that Night Lords are that Legion. Like saying Black Legion are the all terminator Legion because of the Justaerin when in fact it's only because of Abaddon that's possible. 


In general Night Vision a must, along with stealth and at least the potential ability to infiltrate at least one unit.


I think traits/wargear should be aimed at reducing the leadership of enemies - so many units are 9/10 these days that they may as well be above fear which is the stock in trade of the VIII Legion. Maybe something like for every unit that is destroyed by a squad in CC, any further leadership tests caused by that squad suffer cumulative -1 modifiers based on the trophy taking, it is after all disheartening to see so many of your mates decapitated heads hanging from chains on your enemies armour.


Part of the problem when it comes to this is the fact that "fluffy" Night Lords are hard to describe, since on the one hand you've got Talos and the warband of the broken aquila who disdain the daemonic but then you get some warbands, like that led by the Axemaster who embrace it. Personally, I'm with the former and I'd prefer something along those lines.


I mean the only units I could see included would be: lords; sorcerers; warpsmiths (maybe); chosen; csm squads; raptors; bikes; havocs and tanks plus any forgworld

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Hmm. Good call on the blind. Maybe -1 initiative when taking blind tests instead of the 6" rule? Simpler and faster is better. Combined with night vision is fluffy chapter trait.


just realised I didn't respond on this one!


My only problem with this is that there seem to be very few weapons out there that cause Blind as standard.  Also, I wouldn't think you'd want Blind to be more effective, just that it would happen more often to Night Lords, or indeed any unit/character with Night Vision.


You're right on the point of making the process simpler though.  How about "A unit that is subject to a Flame or Plasma attack, all survivors must take a Blind test"?

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The problem with the Blind thing is that the Night Lords still are Astartes, and with that, comes the Power Armour helmet, who happens to have sounds/flash compensators. To say, they can only be blinded the same way that any other Space Marine, traitor or not.

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Sorry, just nitpicking here.


@Kol_Saresk - Raptors as Troops. Yes, i'm falling into the Night Lords = Raptor Legion trap. How about then only an Acerbus special character that unlocks Raptors/Warp Talons? I'd argue this is fluffy given events in "Lord of the Night".

The problem you get is that in Lord of the Night we see Raptors mentioned as being part of Acerbus Warband, which coincidentally happens to be the largest recorded Night Lords warband. But nothing says they make up the majority of their warband. Usually what is in the Troop slot will be a common feature of the army.


I'm not saying Raptors/Warp Talons shouldn't get something out of a Night Lords warband. It is their birth Legion and the common mindsets means they are more likely to see each other. I just don't think making Raptors count as Troop is the way to go about it. It does give an inaccurate view.



Regarding "Champions of Chaos" - point taken about Cyrion, I wouldn't say though that he was two challenges away from becoming possessed throughout the three books. I'm coming from the POV that NL are "Traitor Astartes" not "Chaos Marines" if you get my meaning. For example, in my current NL army, I've got a Chaos Tac squad that carry the MoK, so expect their Champion to be susceptible to Chaos. The other squad champs though, I don't see them as corrupted.


Fair enough. tow-mate-oh, tow-mah-toe. I guess.


I'm not sure where I stand on the Shriek being wargear or a roll on the Warlords table. But for Vox Static, so far we have seen two out of four "major" Night Lords use a sonic scream to disorientate their foes, Zso Sahaal and Talos. So I wonder if it shouldn't be wargear instead?

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Night Lords sorcerers should have access to the Divination discipline, or at least some specific psychic powers that they can purchase redolent of their ability to perceive the darkest of all possible futures (The Haunter's Curse? Curse of the Night? The Haunter's Legacy?). It's something that's always been woefully under-represented in game terms but it's such a defining part of the legion's background: it's exactly this morbid prescience that led Night Haunter to become what he became; he regarded it as inevitable, and thus did nothing to stop or alter his apparent destiny.

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I would personally want Night Vision and Fear for all units. Night Vision in particular, since I'm always annoyed that a Legion that came from a night world and loves attacking at night can't have Nigh Vision evidently. Stealth would also be good, considering the current metagame and the 3.5 rules, but  that might be pushing for too much. That and I think Fear for all units is fluffier.


Raptors as troops very possible. I'm not really sure on what restrictions would be. I mean if you notice in any of the other supplements is that they are as permissive as possible. Farsight I believe is allowed Ethereals to represent the early days of the expedition, Black Legion can take Huron and I don't believe Iyanden restricts anything.


So I'd say what most likely to be for a prospective Night Lords supplement would be Night Vision for all units, plus Raptors as troops, a new Warlord table and Artefacts. That's probably it, judging from past supplements.

Pretty much agree with the whole raptors warp talon things, grinds me that it's implied by all that Night Lords are that Legion. Like saying Black Legion are the all terminator Legion because of the Justaerin when in fact it's only because of Abaddon that's possible.

Fluffy or not, I can very well see GW making Raptors troops if only because that sounds like something they would do. Raptors as Troops make about as much sense as Chosen as Troops.
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Couple of questions. Why the Raptors as Troops? As far as we know, only Zso Sahaal's command company had a majority of Raptor units. And the IA article and 3.5 says that it will be common to find Raptors and Night Lords near each other, but not that most of the warband will be made of Raptors. That's why they were only a FA unit, not a Troop replacement. If this was a Raptor Cult supplement, I wouldn't have a problem with that bit.

I have 2 points to counter it:

1. Why not? If any of the Chaos Legions deserves to have Raptors as troops - it will be Night Lords.

2. Forge World Horus Heresy has assault squads as Troops, so any company could have as many Raptors as they wanted.


I have very small list, but it is important for me:

1. Raptors are Troops if Lord has a jump pack.

2. Night Vision army-wide.

3. Possibility to buy a Warlord trait to force Night Fighting first turn, and 4+ for second turn.

4. Warp Talons exchange Daemon for Frag grenades and Ignore Dangerous Terrain.

5. Chosen can buy Jump Packs.

6. Artifact that provides Eternal Warriors for the Warlord.

7. This one is optional, but possibility to take squadron of 1-3 Hell Blades with butcher cannons would be just awesome.


Until I see anything like that - my Night Lords will continue to collect dust on the shelf, while I'm switching to 30k Sons of Horus instead of unfluffy CSM.

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