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If wishes were fishes... Night Lords Codex Supplement


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I've red this thread with some interest and I can honestly say I would be a very happy bunny with most any of the suggestions. out lined above other than Raptors as troops, maybe just maybe if the lord is toteing a jump pack then an option to upgrade a single CCW unit to also have jump packs?  

But what I really wanted to share is a "house" rule my friend and I have come up with:

Preparatory massacre.

to represent the Night Lord fondness for queering the pitch before engaging in actual combat.

prior to the game roll a d6 and apply the result to the opposing force

1: Horrified resolve; all elements of the primary detachment gain Hatred Night Lords.

2-5: Disturbing reports; -1Ld and Night lords cause Fear.

6: All hope is lost: As above but Night lords cause terror.


To be Fair the Friend that I play these "rules" with flip flops between Tau and I.G. and these seem to fit for them, they may be a bits silly against a Marine,Nid or Demon army but they feel fluffy and have the possibility to back fire on me so they haven't proved to be game breaking but have added a bit of flavour to our games.

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I've red this thread with some interest and I can honestly say I would be a very happy bunny with most any of the suggestions. out lined above other than Raptors as troops, maybe just maybe if the lord is toteing a jump pack then an option to upgrade a single CCW unit to also have jump packs?  

But what I really wanted to share is a "house" rule my friend and I have come up with:

Preparatory massacre.

to represent the Night Lord fondness for queering the pitch before engaging in actual combat.

prior to the game roll a d6 and apply the result to the opposing force

1: Horrified resolve; all elements of the primary detachment gain Hatred Night Lords.

2-5: Disturbing reports; -1Ld and Night lords cause Fear.

6: All hope is lost: As above but Night lords cause terror.


To be Fair the Friend that I play these "rules" with flip flops between Tau and I.G. and these seem to fit for them, they may be a bits silly against a Marine,Nid or Demon army but they feel fluffy and have the possibility to back fire on me so they haven't proved to be game breaking but have added a bit of flavour to our games.


can you get Terror these days?  I can't find it my small format rule book.

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can you get Terror these days? I can't find it my small format rule book.

Errm No not really, we also play a lot of WHFB so neither of us thought to check that terror was still incry.gif

After a quick phone call based on your post we decided that terror now means that even fearless types need a fear test but at normal Ld.

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