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Khornate Warband - The Red Angels.


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I've been lurking here looking at all the models and armies posted so I figured I'd start to toss an army up here and see what happens.


The war bands name is the Red Angels, shamelessly inspired some of the closing events in Fear to Tread.  Unfortunately the red does not reflect the final step I had on it of a 50/50 mix red/chestnut ink that provides it a nice deep shiny red color so it appears flat, unfortunate because the color is very nice imo.  The warband is painted for what I consider tabletop quality.


Aside from that, criticisms/comments, please.


First up, a group shot.

Army Shot


Lord Contritio

Lord Contritio 1

Lord Contritio 1

Lord Contritio 3

Lord Contritio 4

Lord Contritio 5

Lord Contritio 6

Lord Contritio 7


The Red Angel(as a freshly fallen Blood Angels Librarian)

The Red Angel 1

The Red Angel 2

The Red Angel 3

The Red Angel 4

Champion Grontol

Champion Grontol 1

Champion Grontol 2

Champion Grontol 3

Champion Grontol 4

The Prophet of Blood aka a Dark Apostle

The Prophet of Blood 1

The Prophet of Blood 2

The Prophet of Blood 3

The Prophet of Blood 4

Despoilers of Treconanda

Despoilers of Treconandal

Scions of Wrath

Scions of Wrath

Chosen of Vex'tol

Chosen of Vex'tol

Chosen of Khorne

Chosen of Khorne

Harbingers of Blood

Harbringers of Blood


The New Guys

The New Guys


Carjacked 1

Carjacked 2

Carjacked 3

Carjacked 4

Rhino 1

Rhino 2

Rhino 3

Rhino 4


Land Raider

Land Raider 1

Land Raider 2

Land Raider 3

Land Raider 4

And because they do make an appearance every once in a while
Abbadon the Despoiler(helmeted because why not)

Despoiler 1

Despoiler 2

Despoiler 3

Despoiler 4


Sorcerer of Nurgle

Black Legion Sorcerer 1

Black Legion Sorcerer 2

Black Legion Sorcerer 3

Black Legion Sorcerer 4









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Not sure if there is sarcasim on the bigger pictures part. As far as highlights go on the gold/black i considered it but since i can't highlight the red i decided not to. The red is washed out in the pictures but the top layer is the old chestnut/red ink mixed 50/50. I tried one mode with the red highlighted under that layer and it looked bad. I'm still trying to sort outhow to get pictures to reflect the top layer. Once i get that sorted i'll be updating the pics. I have other armies that are highlighted but most of them are xenos so they don't go here.
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Damn that's a bright red! Not a complaint at all, mind you. It is however a bit disappointing to see no highlighting, though I dunno how necessary it is seeing as your wash apparently isn't showing up either.

It looks like the arrows on top of some of the Chosen of Khorne heads are...pink? And what's with the Gray Knight rhino? biggrin.png

I like the bronze.

For Tabletop Standard, this is very good all around.

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