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++ Hexfleet Virules ++ (Nurgle CSM, Daemons, and R&H)

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  On 12/30/2014 at 7:18 PM, Lagrath said:


  On 12/30/2014 at 6:50 PM, Uprising said:

I love this army, I want to see it all painting.  Keep it up!


I built this army planning on painting it, since I can do a decent job on models like Nurgle even with low-level painting techniques, but it has grown so large (look at this list in the first post). I don't know how many years it will take me to paint it all, and I am not the best painter. I am therefore strongly considering shelling out a large amount of money to ship the entire 3 armies overseas to have them professionally painted for me.


Understandable.  I have a large collection myself and find spending an hour or two a night actually puts a large dent into the collection.  Getting everything processional done is ok(they will look great), but the personal touch makes you love the army even more. 


Also here a video to help explain/tips for picking a painting service


Edited by Uprising
  On 12/30/2014 at 7:25 PM, Uprising said:


  On 12/30/2014 at 7:18 PM, Lagrath said:


  On 12/30/2014 at 6:50 PM, Uprising said:

I love this army, I want to see it all painting.  Keep it up!


I built this army planning on painting it, since I can do a decent job on models like Nurgle even with low-level painting techniques, but it has grown so large (look at this list in the first post). I don't know how many years it will take me to paint it all, and I am not the best painter. I am therefore strongly considering shelling out a large amount of money to ship the entire 3 armies overseas to have them professionally painted for me.


Understandable.  I have a large collection myself and find spending an hour or two a night actually puts a large dent into the collection.  Getting everything processional done is ok(they will look great), but the personal touch makes you love the army even more. 


Also here a video to help explain/tips for picking a painting service




Thanks. I will watch the video tonight.


Currently I am planning on using Awakened Realm - I love their style, the quality is very high, the prices seem good, and they give discounts for already-completed models and for large commissions (and this would be a huge commission).




Edit: Some of my friends are recommending other studios in the US with a similar style...it is really amazing how many incredibly talented painters and studios work on 40k stuff. I am glad we have so many great artists making a living from this hobby!

Edited by Lagrath
  • 3 weeks later...

Finally went back and fixed and polished up all of my Slaaneshi models. That's a large chunk of the army out of the way. I am looking forward to the day these are all painted...and when I can add the Creature Caster Spider Daemon model as the Slaaneshi overlord over the entire mini-army. I love the daemonette models, and I added a lot of bits from the Seeker kits.



Hexfleet Virules Units: Slaaneshi Allies (Greater Daemons, Seekers, & Daemonettes)


Background: After his betrayal of Typhus, Virules struck out on his own to cement his position as an independent and ascendent Chaos warlord. One of the Plaguelich's most successful and pivotal accomplishments towards this end came in the form of an unholy pact with an unknown Daemon Lord of Slaanesh, who provided the Nurgle-aligned sorcerer with an allied contingent of daemons at his beck and call. This daemonic company consists of hordes of Daemonettes alongside smaller numbers of Seeker cavalry, all under the control of two winged Keeper of Secrets. This duo of royal consorts not only commands the Slaaneshi forces in battle, but also serves as Virules' link to the mysterious Daemon Lord. It is likely that their ongoing presence at the wizard's side is not only to assist in battle, but also to ensure that Virules upholds his end of whatever unspeakable bargain was made to secure the favor of one of Slaanesh's most powerful daemons.


For a wizard of such might, a pact of this sort provides a unique and nearly insurmountable advantage in any battle of notable length - while the Zombies, Plague Marines, and daemonic walkers of the Hexfleet pin down an enemy army, sorcerers in the backline are able to continuously summon in an endless stream of Slaaneshi daemons. Using their rapid speed, these newly-arrived reinforcements are able to quickly close the distance to the front lines, crashing into unguarded enemy flanks and vulnerable rear units until all positions are finally broken and overrun beneath a tide of Nurgle filth and Slaaneshi musk.






















Edited by Lagrath

I think this is the best thing I have created to date, but oh man, did it require a lot of work. I am happy I rose to the challenge of making a Nurglefiend using the Maggoth Lord instead of the Maulerfiend body as a base, but the Maggoth Lord kit is designed in a terrible way that there is a huge amount of tricky gap-filling. Very happy with how this turned out, though!



Hexfleet Virules Units: Nurgle Maulerfiend #3























Edited by Lagrath

Maggothfiend #3, I love it.

In order to make your awesome 3-pack of Nurglish delights, did you get 3 Mauler Fiend and 3 Maggoth kits, or is there enough crossover that you have parts from one kit on more than one Fiend?


Again, truly inspirational work :)

  On 1/22/2015 at 3:57 PM, Ammonius said:

Maggothfiend #3, I love it.

In order to make your awesome 3-pack of Nurglish delights, did you get 3 Mauler Fiend and 3 Maggoth kits, or is there enough crossover that you have parts from one kit on more than one Fiend?


Again, truly inspirational work :smile.:


Thanks for your kind words. So far I have used 2 Maulerfiend kits, 1 Maggoth Lord, and a few extra bits from the Maggoth Lord from eBay for a couple dollars (the kit has overlaps and extras of certain body parts, like the heads). I bought a 3rd maulerfiend kit to make a 4th Nurglefiend (probably going to take a break first, haha) and I should be able to make it without needing any more stuff. However, I have some extra lasher tendril bits as well, so that will let me make those (might mix in my own cables too).

  • 2 weeks later...

After more than a year and a half, I finally get to present the man-monster himself, the namesake of my three Chaos armies! Fun fact: the guy is magnetized to the big base and his arms are also magnetized...once I get it, I hope to mount Virules on the Creature Caster Zombie Dragon as my army/display centerpiece!


Hexfleet Virules Units: Virules, the Plaguelich, the Hexomancer, the Traitor Wizard (counts-as Typhus)









Edited by Lagrath

Finally, finally, finally, done with the first half of my Chaos Krieg Platoons for my Renegades & Heretics. Doing 45 of these took as long as doing 200 of any other type of model - I am not joking. Between the small scale, the resin washing, the bad fits and gap-filing, the breaking, the needless amount of tiny parts, etc., these guys were nightmare and a time sink. Doing another 45 is going to suck - but that's what I get for running a Master of the Horde army! Nothing like an objective secured 15-man squad with lasguns, krak grenades, frag grenades, 3 flamers, and a morale icon that gets replaced with an identical unit on a 5+ when it dies!


In terms of how I imagine these poor souls, I've already come up with an elaborate short story that explains how they get into the Hexfleet and how the loyal Krieg have fallen so low. It should be posted within the next few weeks. I imagine an army of broken men desperately attempting to hold on to some shred of humanity, forced to go along in a never-ending war against their former fellow Imperialists. Thanks to their Faustian bargain with Virules and their toxic-resistant equipment, most of the soldiers have suffered minimal mutations or degeneration...but there are those individuals who have embraced their new fate more enthusiastically, perhaps mutating from carrying a cursed icon of Chaos. The equipment is haphazard and scavenged, with broken tools and torn coats throughout.


Hexfleet Virules Units: Chaos Krieg Platoons #1-3





























  • 4 weeks later...

Several months of my life later, I have finally, finally, finally finished my 90 Chaos Krieg infantry platoon soldiers. Each of these guys took a huge amount of time, between the fixing/bending, the washing, the building, the greenstuffing, then all the backpacks and tiny little bits...90 converted Krieg take as long to make as 300+ space marines, no joke. Still, they should look amazed on the tabletop once painted.


And hey, now that the new Vraks book has a formation that bumps the Master of the Horde come-back roll from a 5+ to a mighty 2+, these guys just got way better...



Hexfleet Virules Units: Chaos Krieg Platoons #1-6






Hexfleet Virules Units: Chaos Krieg Platoons #4-6

























Hexfleet Virules Tournament Report: Dragon's Lair, Austin, TX (March 1, 2015)


Tried my 1850 Vraks Renegades detachments and a small Chaos detachment at a tough tournament in Austin with big turnout, lots of good players, and a no-rules-barred format with everything battleforged allowed. Some deadly superheavies and mean lists. I won first game versus BA formations with turn 1 assaulting dread and 3 storm ravens and a big buffed terminator squad, won game 2 versus an all melee fast Khorne army, and tied my final game versus super nasty Tau broadside formation + lots of markerlights + ethereal in void shield bastion + other stuff (think I would've won if I hadn't lost all four wyverns before I ever got to go!). Ended up third in battlepoints at the event- awesome experience trying out a unique Traitor Guard list with 3 Vraks detachments!


Most fun part of the day: forcing a 10 person terminator squad with chaplain and librarian buffs to deep strike assault my zombies, then having my zombies hold them down while the wyverns fired into close combat and killed all the terminators (and a bunch of my zombies on scatters)   Traitor Guard are ruthless!




Army List:


Unending Host Detachment (Vraksian Renegades and Heretics)


1x Renegade Command Squad: 1x Arch Demagogue (master of the horde, mark of nurgle), 4x Renegades



45x Renegades (Renegade Platoon)

  • Platoon Command: 15x Renegades (lasguns, krak grenades), 3 flamers
  • Renegade Squad: 15x Renegades (lasguns, krak grenades), 3 flamers
  • Renegade Squad: 15x Renegades (lasguns, krak grenades), 3 flamers

45x Renegades (Renegade Platoon)

  • Platoon Command: 15x Renegades (lasguns, krak grenades), 3 flamers
  • Renegade Squad: 15x Renegades (lasguns, krak grenades), 3 flamers
  • Renegade Squad: 15x Renegades (lasguns, krak grenades), 3 flamers

36x Plague Zombies (Plague Zombie Horde)

1x Renegade Veteran Squad: 5x Renegade Veterans, deep strike, lasguns, krak grenades, flak armor


The Purge Detachment (Vraksian Renegades and Heretics)


1x Renegade Command Squad: 1x Arch Demagogue (ordnance tyrant), 4x Renegades



Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers

Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers


Heavy Support

1x Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery (3 Rapiers, 6 crew), weapons training

1x Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery (3 Rapiers, 6 crew), weapons training

1x Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery (3 Rapiers, 6 crew), weapons training


The Purge Detachment (Chaos Space Marines)


1x Sorcerer



1x Mutilator

1x Mutilator


Heavy Support

1x Maulerfiend, lasher tendrils

1x Maulerfiend, lasher tendrils

1x Fire Raptor, 2 reaper autocannon batteries, balefire missiles



Edited by Lagrath

For sure. Repeat Pentitence Crusades are certainly in order for the Forgeworld staff ;-)


Now I need to lug 2 Forgeworld books (oh that IA13 Fire Raptor) plus my Chaos codex plus my rulebook around to game! Good thing I have corrupted a Limited Edition Guardsmen's Satchel with the raw stuff of Chaos! The only way for a Traitor Guard army to roll.



Edited by Lagrath

More updates! Finally done with all my Renegade Command Squads and various Arch-Demagogues!



Hexfleet Virules Units: Master of the Horde


"Whether unwilling or knowing dupes of Chaos or willing converts to their dark creed, it is not uncommon for entire worlds or even systems to follow a charismatic leader into damnation."




Hexfleet Virules Units: Primaris-rogue Witch


"These miserable creatures are open portals for the powers of the Warp, a doorway into the world of mortals and pawns whose powers are easily suited to their malevolent ends."






Hexfleet Virules Units: Heretek Magus


"Magus are individuals of great power, some of whom cannot resist the lure of the forbidden art of fusing Daemon and machine. Such individuals are branded heretek and hunted by their erstwhile brethren, using their dark knowledge to construct unholy war engines."






Hexfleet Virules Units: Bloody-handed Reaver


"Whether a renegade Imperial Guard officer, battle-hardened mercenary, or fallen Rogue Trader, many of the Imperium's finest military minds have been led into damnation by the forces of Chaos."






Hexfleet Virules Units: Ordnance Tyrant


"Commanding a basic knowledge of the arcane sciences of munitions and ballistics, these grim and merciless individuals were responsible for the great artillery hosts that were removed from the vaults of Vraks' armory. Counting the progress of the war in the expenditure of ammunition rather than in its cost in lives, they thought nothing of directing fire over friendly positions of it would inflict damage on the foe at a reduced weight of fire."






Hexfleet Virules Units: Mutant Overlord


"These broken wretches are often found in the armies of the Arch-enemy, easily lured into the service of Chaos by the promise of power and a chance for revenge, rising in noisome hordes to assail their former Imperial masters."




Hexfleet Virules Units: Renegade Command Squad Disciples



Edited by Lagrath
  • 1 month later...

Update on what I've been up to the crazy busy last month! Went to a few tournaments, R&H always did very well. Still trying to find time for my crazy Wyvern and Fire Raptor conversions.


But, very importantly: everything for my own personal Black Library has finally arrived! Magnus and Ahriman have nothing on this collection of rare Chaos lore! Can't wait to move and set up a display case library. Maybe I will add the LE Talon of Horus or the Liber Chaotica Vol V some day, but only if I can find a good deal.









Haha, thanks guys. I am really looking forward to having these all on display in lit, dust-proof cases. I move out of my university town next month, and then in August I have to find a new place of my own (first time I'll have a place to myself other than when I studied abroad). I am hoping to get a big living room or a big second bedroom that I can convert into a 40k haven. I have a custom steel 40k table and some FAT Mats and a Tablescapes board already, so I'll just need terrain. A lot of the LE stuff you see in the photo also came with cool Chaos posters (i.e., Vraks), so I will have those framed and put up. One set of display cases will be the Chaos lore, another set will be my 3 Hexfleet armies (which I hope to get commission painted starting in about a year or so). If I can end up some with gorgeous chaos armies, an awesome chaos display area, and a great gaming set-up, I may even start my own blog and/or do video battle reports for narrative play and tournament practice.

All prepared for my big tournament in San Antonio tomorrow!




It is going to be 40 people and is intended as practice for the summer War Games Con tournament in Austin, meaning it has the same ITC rules format and missions.




I have always wanted to combine my R&H with the summoning stuff I was using prior to building my Traitor Guard. It will be a bit scary since this is the first time in a year I am not running either 3 Soul Grinders or 3 Maulerfiends in my list. We will see if the zombies can tarpit and block long enough for all my summoning to take over the board. I think this list is less safe than taking just CSM and R&H, but almost potentially more powerful (if only I owned more screamers).


Here is my list: “Of Guns and Daemons”


The Purge Detachment (Vraksian Renegades and Heretics) [Primary Detachment]


Renegade Command Squad: 1x Arch Demagogue (Ordnance Tyrant, Devotion of Nurgle), 2x Disciples (lasguns), 1x Disciple Autocannon Team



Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers

Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers



20x Plague Zombie Mob

21x Plague Zombie Mob


Heavy Support

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training



Aegis Defense Line, quad gun


Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons)


1x Herald of Tzeentch, mastery level 3, exalted gift

1x Herald of Tzeentch, mastery level 3

1x Herald of Tzeentch, mastery level 3



12x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

12x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch


Allied Detachment (Chaos Space Marines)


1x Sorcerer, master level 3, bolt pistol, force sword



5x Chaos Space Marines

1x Rhino, dozerblades, death of kasyr lutein


Heavy Support

1x Fire Raptor, 2 reaper autocannon batteries, 4 balefire missiles



Total: 1850/1850 Points

Edited by Lagrath

great stuff throughout, just not thinking of the cost of it hehe ;) love the maulerfiends and the various cultist and traitor conversions.


especially jealous of your book collection, i have slaves to darkness but not the lost and the damned :( 

Thanks targetlock!


Anyway, back from the draining tournament! Sadly my cell phone had a hardware failure two days ago (two weeks after warranty ran out, GGGRRR. Oh well). Therefore no pics, sorry. 



Hexfleet Virules Tournament Report: San Antonio, TX (Apr. 18, 2015)


Background: This was a big tournament in San Antonio that brought in players from other cities, as this new store usually does due to hundreds of dollars in prize support and very nice tables. The event was to practice for War Games Con in the summer.


Format: 1850 points with modified WGC ITC format (mainly 3 detachment max, no duplicates), 1 modified ITC maelstrom and 1 eternal war mission per round. Max 20 points per round. 38 players in attendance, including many strong local, state, and national players


List: Hexfleet Virules 1850 Triple Chaos - "Of Guns and Daemons"


The Purge Detachment (Vraksian Renegades and Heretics) [Primary Detachment]


Renegade Command Squad: 1x Arch Demagogue (Ordnance Tyrant, Devotion of Nurgle), 2x Disciples (lasguns), 1x Disciple Autocannon Team



Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers

Renegade Strike Battery: 2x Renegade Wyverns, 2 heavy flamers



20x Plague Zombie Mob

21x Plague Zombie Mob


Heavy Support

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training

Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery: 3x Rapiers, 6x crew, weapons training



Aegis Defense Line, quad gun


Combined Arms Detachment (Chaos Daemons)


1x Herald of Tzeentch, mastery level 3, exalted gift

1x Herald of Tzeentch, mastery level 3

1x Herald of Tzeentch, mastery level 3



12x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

12x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch


Allied Detachment (Chaos Space Marines)


1x Sorcerer, master level 3, bolt pistol, force sword



5x Chaos Space Marines

1x Rhino, dozerblades, death of kasyr lutein


Heavy Support

1x Fire Raptor, 2 reaper autocannon batteries, 4 balefire missiles


Strategy: This was my first time playing all 3 Chaos armies in a Battleforge army, and my first time doing summoning without 3 Maulerfiends/Soulgrinders and instead bringing a full Renegades detachment and Warlord. I had never practiced this list prior to the tournament. However, I was very experienced with all the different elements I was mixing, so I was confident that I could play very fast and very well. I was happy to see that I was right, as I was playing as lightning-fast with this army as you can (it's certainly slower than armies with less models or less complexity). It's a very unorthodox army, but I had placed 1-3 at a bunch of Houston tournaments a half year ago using a somewhat similar army.


Results: Game 1 - Versus Ravenwing with 1 Imperial Knight. Dawn of War + Crusade + M. Maelstrom (4 objectives). He put 1 objective far from his army in his 12" in the middle and 1 right in the middle by a far edge where he crammed his army. I put own in the middle of my deployment and 1 right in the middle of the board.

He brought Sammuel, 3 Landspeeders, 1 Imperial Knight, 1 Whirlwind, 3 Attack Bikes, and ~25 Ravenwing Bikers. He deployed second, put his entire army in a small corner out of range of everything but 2 rapier squads and 1 wyvern squad. He then outflank reserved 15 bikes + 2 attack bikes and Deep Strikes Reserved all 3 Landspeeders. First turn my 6 rapiers killed his Knight, and I spent the rest of the game whittling down his bikes (all of which came down on the small small edge he deployed on) with ranged firepower, throwing daemonettes across the board, and 21 zombies I marched down that flank just to keep him busy. He deep struck dead-on all 3 landspeeders in my backfield, but I just blew them out of the sky after they landed. At the end of the game, he had the 1 objective on the short edge, but I ringed my two in the middle and my deployment + ringed his abandoned one in his back field by using daemonettes and screamers (he had nothing nearby anyway).


20/20 points


Game 2 - Versus Necrons with CAD + several formations. Hammer and Anvil + Emperor's will+ M. Maelstrom (2 bases objectives, 2 maelstrom objectives). We both put out Emperor's Will in our deployment zone and our Maelstrom one in the middle of the table.


My opponent Eric brought a very tough and unusual Necron army: 1 deathstar Canoptek formation with Orakan + a tooled-up jetbike lord, 2 nightscythes with 5 immortals in each, and 3x destroyer formations with 8 destroyer jetbikes in each (these are nasty, with preferred enemy on shooting and then re-roll to wound/to penetrate!). Of course, this meant that his Reanimation Protocols were on a 5+ and not 4+ (though the Wraithstar re-rolled saves of 1 and had a 4+ RP). He deployed/went first, with the Wraithstar running right down the middle towards me and 8 bikes going down the long board edge away from the 2 middle Maelstroms. He chose to Deep Strike Reserve 2x 8 Destroyers.

This was a scary set-up but I stayed calm and just deployed my whole army up at the 24" max deployment as far up as possible, Wraithstar be damned. My plan was to 1) kill the hell out of the lone Spyder to get rid of Wraith RP, then 2) whittle down about half the wraiths, then 3) throw all 41 zombies into the combat and keep them stuck there all game, even with the str 6 instant-deaths going through the FNP. The plan worked beautifully and the Wraithstar was never a factor again (though I couldn't get Slay the Warlord through the 2+ armor even with throwing some summoned stuff in there). Wyverns killed the Tomb Scarabs and Rapiers killed 5/8 of the deployed Destroyers. The scary part is when he Deep Struck all 16 Destroyers behind my lines. Fortunately they shot at vehicles and artillery crew and didn't do much in 2 rounds of shooting, after which I assaulted the two squads with a mix of 5 chaos marines, 20 daemonettes, and a keeper of secrets. I scored a bunch of ITC modified Maelstrom with Screamers in his backfield and Seekers on the middle Maelstrom objective. Most of his stuff died and I won Emperor's Will 2-1, since we counted all 4 objectives for that one (he had 5 Immortals walk on from a destroyed nightscythe to claim his in his backfield).


19/20 points


Game 3 - Versus Space Wolves super-ultra 1785 point deathstar including Loken + 65 points of scouts! Vanguard Strike + 3 objectives + kill points. This was an insane and cinematic championship game!


I was terrified of this match up; he and I both had 39/40 points, and he had clearly annihilated his two first games with a super death star. He had 5 scouts walking on, then one mega-unit of 4 TWC TH iron priests with 8 cyberwolves, 1 TWC wolf lord with relic claw and 2+/3++ and 2 wolves, 2 TWC battle guard leaders with PF/SS, a Rune Priest on a bike, and Sevrin Loth for Invisibility + Fearless. I knew he would be in assault by turn 2 with the whole star, and that he had a bunch of tough ICs for kill points whereas I had a lot of crappy units + summoned killpoint fodder.

I blocked Invisibility all game with my psychic advantage. I spent the first two turns whittling down all his wolves and some of his ICs with wyvern, rapier, fire raptor, and quad gun shooting. I was very nervous because my summoning went poorly and he got a lot of good blocks, so I only got 5 seekers first turn, and 2 heralds, 3 screamers, and 10 daemonettes second turn. However, I was very clever about my deployment, putting 1 line of 20 zombies up front and putting another line of 21 zombies behind the first line. He failed the 10" charge first turn, so top of turn 2 I tried to assault 5 seekers and 20 zombies into him. Unfortunately, I got a double 1 for the zombies so the plan was busted, and he crushed the seekers. Bottom of 2 he multi-assaulted my front line of 20 zombies and 2 rapier squads, making the 2 rapier squads run. However, he was still stuck in combat with the zombies, and second turn I threw another 21 into the combat. I shot into combat with my wyverns while summoning up a Keeper of Secrets, 5 more Seekers, and 10 Daemonettes. He was pulled off every objective thanks to the combat, which lasted the rest of the game. I had my screamers running around in his backfield, and my fire raptor killed the 5 scouts that walked on. Through sheer attrition and ongoing wyvern fire, by bottom of turn 4 I had him down to the Wolf Lord and 2 Iron Priests. The Keeper of Secrets killed the Wolf Lord and an Iron Priest, and my sole survivor seeker (only other unit left in the combat by then) hit a 6 to rend out the last wound on the final Iron Priest for a clean tabling.


20/20 points


Tournament Results: 59/60 mission points, 1st Place by "battlepoints" (Best General Award)


Grabbed myself a Daemons battleforce with the $100 prize of store credit! Really amazing to do so well at such a big event with so many strong players that I know.

Edited by Lagrath

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