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++ Hexfleet Virules ++ (Nurgle CSM, Daemons, and R&H)

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Hmm I was considering that as a way to get a knight into my Renegaeds, but I'm not sure if it applies to those two formations or not. The "small buckets" usually have their own description page, and those two do not. It makes them somewhat less formation-y...? I would try to clear it with the TO first if you're trying to use it because I doubt we'd get a usable response from GW.
  • 2 months later...



I've been very busy at my new job for the last five months, and I've really taken to updating most of my army stuff, including tournament reports, over at the Blog page I now run on Facebook (link in sig). Major updates include spicing up my 40k Chaos/Vraks-themed gaming room and getting my hands on the Grimoire Limited Edition version of the Warzone Fenris-related Chaos Daemons release. As a result, I've built a bunch of Nurglings and have finally started experimenting with the earthshaker-round artillery carriages from R&H.


I've been to 4 tournaments in the last two months, including one today, where I ran new tweaks on my patented Triple-Chaos lists. I got first place, second place, and unranked in the three earlier ones.


Today I got first place at a local tournament that was designed as preparation for the Alamo GT, a well-known event in Texas that allows any GMCs and superheavies, including outdated ones like the Stronghold Assault uber-Ctan. I played about three of the meanest armies you could face in the current meta, piloted by great players. The missions were normal book missions + modified maelstrom (2-4 objectives each game) + some special bonus stuff each round.


Round 1: Eldar with Revenant double-pulsar Titan under 3-shield void shield generator + 2 jetbike squads + jetbike seer + 25 warp spiders


Round 2: Eldar with Wraithknight + D3+1 small blast D barrage tanks + 3 small blast D artillery + 30 warp spiders + 3 jetbike squads + 2 jetbike seers


Round 3: Necrons with Transcendent Ctan from Stronghold Assault with Mephrit Godshackle (str 9 toughness 9, hellstorm D template, 6d6 st8 ap 2 48" shots) + 2 squads of tomb blades + 2 full ghost arks with 2 warrior squds + 1 nightscythe with an immortal squad and cryptek + 1 stalker


What does outdated Chaos do to fight the meta of D weapons and insanely good GMCs and Super Heavies! Bomb the hell out of everything else in the army and play for objectives with Nurglings!


I won all 3 rounds with max or close to max points, though the game versus the Ctan was the closest. Each game, basically wiped out the other army except for the Big Guy in the other list, then sat on or corrupted the objectives. Here's my list.


"Hexfleet Virules Nurglingshame Bomb" 1850


Primary Detachment: The Purge (Vraksian Renegades and Heretics)

1x Arch Demagogue,

4x Disciples

Ordnance Tyrant; Covenant of Nurgle; Command Vox Net


3x Chaos Spawn

3x Chaos Spawn


2x Wyverns

Heavy Flamer

2x Wyverns

Heavy Flamer


3x Heavy Ordnance Battery , 12x Crew


19x Plague Zombie Mob


3x Rapier Laser Destroyer Batteries,
6x Crew

Weapons Training

3x Rapier Laser Destroyer Batteries,
6x Crew

Weapons Training

3x Rapier Laser Destroyer Batteries,
6x Crew

Weapons Training

3x Rapier Laser Destroyer Batteries,
6x Crew

Weapons Training


1x Aegis Defense Line



Detachment: Allied (Chaos Space Marines: Crimson Slaughter)

1x Chaos Sorcerer

Psyker Level 3 ; Balestar of Mannon


10x Cultists

Close combat weapons and autopistols


1x Heldrake



Detachment: Daemonic Incursion (Chaos Daemons)

1x Herald of Nurgle

doomsday bell, gr. locus of fecundity


10x Plaguebearers

3x Nurgling Swarms

3x Nurgling Swarms

3x Nurgling Swarms

3x Nurgling Swarms

3x Nurgling Swarms

3x Nurgling Swarms


5x Chaos Furies

Edited by Lagrath
  • 2 weeks later...

For anyone interested, here is the background to my one-day Nurgle Titan, which I submitted for Forgeworld's Win-a-Titan contest:


Far below the soaring spires of ancient Terra, collapsed deep beneath the strata of cities and conflicts long past, lies a lazy, rolling plain of stretching apple-red sands and antediluvian debris. Long not seen by the sun, two great trunks emerge from a darkened corner of this subterranean desert. Just as the light of the Emperor may reach the most twisted of hearts and the furthest corners of the stars, so can the seed of corruption fester and seethe, hidden in its foulness, even here on the most hallow of worlds.


In the glow of scattered sparks dropping from the cave’s infinite roof, a lone green guardian makes its home between silent, broken legs that once shook the world. Giggling, tumbling across sand and metallic wreckage, this insolent custodian is the sole survivor of a bloated vessel previously pregnant with countless kindred. Chittering and belching, the diminutive creature wobbles over to an exposed slice of adamantium plating, gaping in stupid wonder at its own reflection.


Across the impossible distance of time and space, linked by pinhole in reality, the Nurgling’s twin stares back. Bending over, it peers into an unholy mirror of muddied waters within their Grandfather’s Garden. Above the sullied pond looms a giant oak of rusting metal and hanging vines. Though the Titan’s mortal cage may have been cast down, caving into the earth before the Imperial Palace, the monster’s inner essence was banished back to its pungent birthplace. On that fateful day ten thousand years ago, a spirit-echo of the vast machine took root in the Garden.


In the Warp, time flows strangely. Amidst weeping willows of gargantuan scale, here in the humid swamps, damnation slumbers. One day, it knows, some insane sorcerer or madman magos will once again call it forth with unspeakable runes and the sacrifice of wailing souls. Someday, enormous gun barrels, now full of nesting, one-eyed birds and foaming moss, will once more bring war to the worlds of man.


Like all great diseases throughout history, this scything pestilence has been known by many different titles.


In the true tongue of Daemons, Thl’bhaag’g’il’dan’n.


In the forgotten records of the Heresy, Moribundus Lignum.


But as Loyalists looked upon its towering, corpulent visage in despair, this slumbering beast of Nurgle, the once-and-future reaper, was called by a name feared far and wide when the flags of rebellion still flew.


The Dying Tree.

  • 2 weeks later...

Update!  Took a break from one long-term Nurgle project (pictures of that coming hopefully next week when it's all done) to make a trio of Nurgle Sorcerers for the new Black Legion Cabal formation / doubling as Nurgle biker models for my earlier Nurgle Black Mace biker Warlord.


Really happy how these turned out and how much good they look with the Warlord.  Parts are from Putrid Blightknights, GW Chaos bits from 40k, Spellcrow, Puppetswar, Secret Weapon, and Maxmini.  Hope you guys like them!

















  • 3 weeks later...

Love reading your blog - I saw your updated March list and have been toying around with the Tallyband formation myself.  How good have you found it synergizing with the rest of your list?  Plus with the whole corruption piece on objectives, how do you'all play that one?  I've heard the argument rules as written only OPSEC units can reclaim them once they are corrupted - curious if that was how you'all played it.  I'm running a similar list and its really coming down to either running a Daemonic Incursion Tallyband of Nurglings or a second double avenger gatling gun Renegade Knight. Thanks!

Edited by Jax40kplyr
  • 1 month later...
  On 4/11/2015 at 5:56 PM, Lagrath said:


But, very importantly: everything for my own personal Black Library has finally arrived! Magnus and Ahriman have nothing on this collection of rare Chaos lore! Can't wait to move and set up a display case library. Maybe I will add the LE Talon of Horus or the Liber Chaotica Vol V some day, but only if I can find a good deal.

Time to bring this thread back to life like the Zombie Plague. More than one year later, proud to present:




I am so happy right now...

  • 1 month later...
  On 6/28/2016 at 6:12 AM, Lagrath said:


  On 4/11/2015 at 5:56 PM, Lagrath said:


But, very importantly: everything for my own personal Black Library has finally arrived! Magnus and Ahriman have nothing on this collection of rare Chaos lore! Can't wait to move and set up a display case library. Maybe I will add the LE Talon of Horus or the Liber Chaotica Vol V some day, but only if I can find a good deal.

Time to bring this thread back to life like the Zombie Plague. More than one year later, proud to present:




I am so happy right now...



Really liking your gaming place! Did it develop any further since June? :)

  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Updated the army to-do list in the original post! Lots of work to do!


Edit: also, here is a pic of what I am currently working on (apologies for blurry cell phone):



Edited by Lagrath
  • 4 weeks later...

Recently played in my first local tournament of 8th, got 1st place with a list that had Aetos'rau'keres, Zarakynel, and Magnus.  I also went to a Utah GT and got 4th place, which was awesome (though I was forced to play with a non-Chaos army).


I've been super busy - I am trying to finish ALL my Nurgle Daemons and Death Guard models (including Dark Imperium and any upcoming Codex Death Guard releases) by end of August, GW releases permitting. That includes getting the right bases (some of which Secret Weapon doesn't make yet) and greenstuffing all model gaps and sculpting 100% of details on ALL models! Crazy. But once I am done, I am sending stuff off to GMM to be painted after all these years!


Here's my latest work:


Foetid Blight Drones











Edited by Lagrath

Gloxus the Gluttonous, Captain of the Festering Phalanx





Edited by Lagrath

Adorius Wittlerot, the Bramble King













  On 7/25/2017 at 9:02 PM, Lagrath said:

Both! He challenges other sorcerers to duels, after winning he consumes their bodies and souls to absorb their power. Hence all the arms, hands, faces, etc. constantly popping out of his ever-mutating flesh...

So his body is constantly changing? Sounds more like something a crazy Tzeentch sorcerer would do, but not something fitting for Nurgle who is pretty much the opposite of change. :huh.:

  On 7/25/2017 at 9:07 PM, sfPanzer said:


  On 7/25/2017 at 9:02 PM, Lagrath said:

Both! He challenges other sorcerers to duels, after winning he consumes their bodies and souls to absorb their power. Hence all the arms, hands, faces, etc. constantly popping out of his ever-mutating flesh...

So his body is constantly changing? Sounds more like something a crazy Tzeentch sorcerer would do, but not something fitting for Nurgle who is pretty much the opposite of change. :huh.:


Nurgle = stasis is a very shallow read of the Lord of All. Decay itself is a process, one that is actually life-giving. This duality is why Biomancy and flesh-warping powers are often portrayed as the purview of the followers of Nurgle. Hell, back in 2nd edition there was that one daemon prince of Nurgle that could regenerate wounds as it slew and devoured others. I think the Bramble King fits easily with the fiction of the Plague God. 



Yes, exactly. If you go back and read the fluff from 2nd edition (or even something brand new like the Dark Imperium book), they make it very clear that Nurgle represents a cycle of constant death and rebirth...anything that dies and decays is reabsorbed and begets new life forms, etc.


Plus, if you really know your lore, Nurgle is not ultimately a god of disease, but a god of despair. Those who embrace Nurgle are freed from this despair, and are thus usually happy and joyful. And that is why so many Nurgle themed things lower enemy leadership (banners, bells, etc.).

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