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Blood Angels Third Company Project. (Picture Heavy.)


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Hey folks. This will be my first WIP thread and hopefully it will be good one!


With the release of the new Space Marine codex just around the corner I have been inspired to start my project of building and eventually painting the entire third company of Blood Angels with assets from the First. Ever since the Fifth edition BA codex came out, I've been slowly collecting box after box of various miniatures to flesh out my collection. I believe it's finally time to put them all together and give them a lick of paint. Well, I might be finished by the time the Sixth edition BA codex is finally released. So without futher adieu, I'll be posting up my progress here in this thread! Comments and Criticisms are welcome, as well as any ideas to make these Blood Angels look awesome and fluffy.




Brother-Sergeant Aetius, First Company Veteran, Squad Cassian - Squad Leader




Brother Faustus, First Company Veteran, Squad Cassian - Battle Brother





Brother Gideon, First Company Veteran, Squad Cassian - Battle Brother





Brother Hadrian, First Company Veteran, Squad Cassian - Battle Brother




Brother Julius, First Company Veteran, Squad Cassian - Battle Brother




Brother Nero, First Company Veteran, Squad Cassian - Battle Brother




Somehow my phone's camera decided that the last picture needs to be smaller. Anyways I plan on shaving off the sword symbol on the Grey Knight pauldron shield and sculpting each Terminator's personal heraldry in it's place. As well I will be shaving off the symbols upon the groin plate and sculpting the First company's sigil in it's place. There will be more to come as I finally piece everything together.

Good start, but I think the GK regular termie heads look a bit off on Blood Angel termies. The Paladin GK heads, on the other hand, look great.


Always good to see some more IX Legion up in here. :)

Not sure I'm getting a BA vibe from the GK helms... If you want something more ornate/unique, what about using some of the helms from the Sanguinary Guard? They'd need a little trimming, but I think they would convey the right look (I like the Iron Halo and Laurels heads), especially if painted in "normal" BA Termie colours with gold details (like the halos and such). You can usually get these on ebay or from bits sellers for a reasonable price.

Sorry for double-posting, but an alternative could be something like this? If you were to use more "BA-style" helms for the lower part, like this for example, I think they would look very striking indeed!

Don't be sorry about double posting mate, I do it all the time on another forum.. granted it lacks an edit function.. :P


Anyways, thanks for the idea on using the Sanguinary Guard heads. I passed over them in my bits box for use on another kit. Though I think it will need more than just a trim in order to fit, perhaps removing the crest entirely and sculpting laurels and extending the hair in the crest's place should work. At least in theory.


To me, I found the crest a bit too large to fit in the standard Terminator armour, restricting the angle or functioning more like the bat suit from Batman Begins. Seems a bit silly for a Terminator to pivot his waist in order to look around, no?

Well, I initially considered suggesting the Death Company heads, as I actually prefer them (and indeed suggested one in that double-post). I think they are a bit better-looking and simpler, but you will likely have to de-DC them.


For laurels, I'd check out the commander kit, and also the WHFB Empire kits (General kit in particular) as I think they have some and might save you some work.


As I type this and think about it, I reckon the lower half of a helm, bare upper head, and then laurels on top would look pretty "Blood Angel Elite". ;)


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