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New tactical squad are great, apart from the feet.


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Ok, I'm not meaning to have a pop at GW's designers here, but I have a gripe with the new marines.

I think the new tactical squad, sternguard, and vanguard are great, but seriously do we need the stupid wires running around the ankle joint? It may seem like a silly thing to be annoyed by, but no one designing any kind of combat armour would include an inbuilt trip hazard. The number of hours I've spent shaving those little beggars off over the years are an endless source of frustration and near-despair.

I know a lot if people think the centurions are a bad design, but I can deal with them; It's just genetically engineered supermen honestly believing that the finest armour humanity's scientists should contain a hard wired banana skin that I have difficulty with.



Rant over, I'm just off to pre-order a codex, two boxes of new tactical marines, some sternguard and a whole load of new blades for my shaving knife. :-)

Damn, how do you even file that off without ruining the whole lower leg?


I can imagine how much of a pain that would be.


I personally like that wire. Helps create contrast and break up the color.


On the other hand, I hate it when there's a purity seal there. You'd think they'd fall off after the first jump/dash/kick

I do hate the wiring on their feet, but not enough to go through and remove them all :D

I was watching Ironman the other day and thought the same of Jeff Bridges' armor with all of its exposed hydraulics and what-not.


On the other hand, I love purity seals as it helps break up the color on a model.

I was looking through my army the other day to pack up for a house move, and I spotted a hideous foot wire on a tac trooper I'd missed. Made me swear.

I just moved from San Diego, CA to Las Vegas, NV...... packing up miniatures sucks right?

I've never really minded the static poses. I quite like my marines to look unmovable, like they will keep shooting you til they run out of ammo. When I want a bit of dynamism, I just mix in a few assault squad legs. Kit bashing is my friend.

My biggest issue is the leg poses they once again feel static. I would love for more dynamic poses

Assault marines? The tactical squad have a 'holding ground' pose. Throwing one or two 'running' legs would look odd in that squad, where the rest are stationary.


My biggest issue is the leg poses they once again feel static. I would love for more dynamic poses

Assault marines? The tactical squad have a 'holding ground' pose. Throwing one or two 'running' legs would look odd in that squad, where the rest are stationary.


Actually peppering one or two walking and/or running legs into a squad of mostly standing models looks quite nice, if posed well. :)

Yep I frequently mix up the legs (like the old 2nd ed combat squad/warriors of the imperium box)


My biggest gripe is the bolters attached to the hands, its really annoying for folk like me who will have to cut them off to paint them (rather than painting a whole arm separate) 


My biggest issue is the leg poses they once again feel static. I would love for more dynamic poses

Assault marines? The tactical squad have a 'holding ground' pose. Throwing one or two 'running' legs would look odd in that squad, where the rest are stationary.

I'm all about the assault legs, they're 'Tactical' Marines, not civil war infantry or guardsmen, they adapt, they move, they're dynamic. That's a Marine greatest strength, the ability to remain in constant motion despite being under a massive volume of enemy fire. Hence what makes them a rapid strike force, regardless of codex doctrine.

Yep I frequently mix up the legs (like the old 2nd ed combat squad/warriors of the imperium box)


My biggest gripe is the bolters attached to the hands, its really annoying for folk like me who will have to cut them off to paint them (rather than painting a whole arm separate) 

Those second ed marine legs are great if you are modeling a marine that's :cussting in the woods. ;)

Yep I frequently mix up the legs (like the old 2nd ed combat squad/warriors of the imperium box)


My biggest gripe is the bolters attached to the hands, its really annoying for folk like me who will have to cut them off to paint them (rather than painting a whole arm separate) 


Its more annoying to me because it means less bolters I can use for random sire projects, like a small rack of bolters for an ammunition cache, or a guy who has his bolter mag-locked to his armor because he's busy smashing in skulls. Oh well, I do have a whole bunch of the old bolters lying around so for some time at least It'll work out somehow. Do like the new Combi-weapon bits they have, of course would prefer if they just did it the sterguard kit way and just have one full combi-weapon of each kind, not having to just pick one and convert the rest yourself.

Do like the new Combi-weapon bits they have, of course would prefer if they just did it the sterguard kit way and just have one full combi-weapon of each kind, not having to just pick one and convert the rest yourself.

I wondered about that myself!

I guessed is was to stop players just buying a Tac Squad and painting them as Vets and saying they are Sternguard (which they would be, of course). Doing it the multi-part way forces the players to just have one combi-weapon per set.

However, since they all stick to the top of a bolter, and you get ten Bolters in the set anyway, it's pretty easy to make the other three if you want them. It therefore came across to me a a bit petty! ermm.gif

Generally, I like the expanded options a lot though, and only wish that there were some Bolters with no hands attached. Likewise, I wish that the special weapons came hands-free too.

BTW, did anybody else spot the little shell casing ornaments? I think they're a nice little nod towards the Marksman honour. :)

The only power armor model I've seen that I've not been able to find something wrong with is Shadowsun from the Tau range.


I'd like to have a 40k space marine army with that kind of aesthetics for power armor, something like an Alternate History (Dornian Heresy Ultramarines?)


Except the Grey Knights.  The grey knights are awesome because they have wrist mounted storm bolters (even though reloading must be a pain...)

Yep, not to thread jack, but i alwaysbthoughtvthatvtoo, looks interesting tongue.png


Gangnam style?


Hahahahahahaha. That made me giggle.


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