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Calth's Retribution - (No Longer in Progress)


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You people will be the death of me. I'm going to get sucked into 30k and my wallet will die screaming.

That pose is terrific, and I really like the way the shield/chainsword combo looks. He just oozes personality, too.


Nemesis was bad.


Battle for the Abyss redefined the term "vomit-inducing".


I tried really, really hard to like Battle for the Abyss. I mean, spaceships and word bearers, right? These are my favourite things. But yeah. It was bad.

I tried really, really hard to like Battle for the Abyss. I mean, spaceships and word bearers, right? These are my favourite things. But yeah. It was bad.

But then we get Betrayer with the orbital steamroll of Armatura and suddenly the idea of spaceships and Word Bearers sounds right again. Ha! Take that one layer of orbital platforms and another layer of orbital fortress and a fleet!

You people will be the death of me. I'm going to get sucked into 30k and my wallet will die screaming.


Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew.



Nemesis was bad.


Battle for the Abyss redefined the term "vomit-inducing".



I tried really, really hard to like Battle for the Abyss. I mean, spaceships and word bearers, right? These are my favourite things. But yeah. It was bad.


What really ticked me off was the cover, because it looked awesome and was thought-provoking. An Ultramarine, defending a wounded Thousand Son, from a pack of Word Bearers?!? Do tell.


Sadly, the book didn't match the thoughts in my head.

Quick update of tonight's progress. I'm proud of how fast I was able to get these two done. This is like Olympic-shattering speeds for Darth.

I haven't developed as much of the background as I would've liked, however, my brain is on overload with some big modeling ideas I hope I can do justice. And let's just say Praetor-pattern armor will be making an entrance when the next Sergeant comes around. msn-wink.gif

Onto the pics!

Ascellus & Pullo, XIII Legionnaires





In the end I relented and went with the Mk IV shoulder pads for Pullo. I couldn't shake that pre-conceived notion that Mk VII pads belong in 40k, so I opted for the traditional route. Pretty happy with how they turned out. I should note, a lot of these models will be getting more gear, such as various pouches, pistols, maybe even a few gladii as well. And of course their backpacks. Looking at the last pic now, I'll definitely be redoing the soft armor under the Sergeant's shooting arm, looks pretty rough.



I tried really, really hard to like Battle for the Abyss. I mean, spaceships and word bearers, right? These are my favourite things. But yeah. It was bad.

But then we get Betrayer with the orbital steamroll of Armatura and suddenly the idea of spaceships and Word Bearers sounds right again. Ha! Take that one layer of orbital platforms and another layer of orbital fortress and a fleet!

I'm really looking forward to reading this. Waiting for it to be released in the same size format as my other heresy novels, though, because I'm one of Those People.


EDIT: tghis is what happens if you start a reply and wander off to do something else before finishing it: you miss awesome updates. Those minis look amazing. The poses are really great, and the combo of armour marks is much more striking than full suits of the same thing.

A Kvlt Ghost: Thanks dude. I really like the mixed armor look. I know a lot of people don't prefer it, but if done in moderation it usually looks cool. By the way, Betrayer comes out in the smaller format this month.  


Heathens: Go right ahead my man. I wanted it to look like he was charging ahead, hit the brakes and has now shouldered his bolter to pop off a few precision shots at a traitor. 


Laborious: Appreciate that. Your Heresy EC are great. 


ColdWinter: Good to hear I was able to translate some of that movement I was hoping for. Thanks!




My army will represent a portion of the 81st Company, 9th Chapter. The 9th is led by Klord Empion, a figure who appears to be pretty headlong in both his tactics and ideology. The way Abnett organized his portrayal of the Legion in Know No Fear is surprisingly straightforward.


1 Company = 1,000 Legionnaires

10 Companies = 10,000 Legionnaires

1 Chapter = 10 Companies (10,000 Legionnaires)

25 Chapters = 250 Companies (250,000 Legionnaires) 


Of course, we haven't accounted for inner-composition, specialized detachments, armored Companies, Legion Command, yadda yadda yadda. Does anybody have rough numbers on how many were lost at Calth? I keep thinking 100k but I'm not sure.


I think I'll try my hand at a TO&E later today. If it looks cool I'll post it up.  

As far as I know, the general consensus is that 100,000 were at Calth, not counting the Titan Legios, Mechanicum Skitarii and numerous Imperial Army regiments. As far as how many were lost, unknown. It is known that at least 41 ships survived Calth. But its so hard to get the exact numbers because it is unknown how many Ultramarines were in the fleet when it escaped, just how many ships escaped, how many made it down to the arcologies below and how many are scrounging around on the surface, hoping their armor holds just long enough for them to find shelter. Seems like a fair number to say there were 50% losses since most of the troops were on the ground.

I swear to god, if you let your profligate SoCal lifestyle, with all those beautiful women and constant sunshine distract you from daily updates I will personally fly out there and (join you in your profligacy for a few days) drag you back to your work desk!






I swear to god, if you let your profligate SoCal lifestyle, with all those beautiful women and constant sunshine distract you from daily updates I will personally fly out there and (join you in your profligacy for a few days) drag you back to your work desk!


Hey now, it's overcast right now.

It'll probably burn off by noon though. ;)

Kol: So it seems like the general consensus is that either 100k were present or 100k were lost at Calth. I'll have to research it more.

M2C: cool.png Hahaha. If you want to see how a real Legion goes to war, than I urge you to come.

Heinrich: Thank you! Can you just finish up that beautiful NL army already so you can make even more beautiful VIII Legionnaires?

Vet Sergeant: It's sunny over here. What a shocker. tongue.png

Heinrich: Thank you! Can you just finish up that beautiful NL army already so you can make even more beautiful VIII Legionnaires? 


I'm tryin' man, just need some freaking combi-plasmas for the Atramentar, then I can get rolling again. I'll probably switch gears this evening and try to get some bikes together. I really can't wait to start my 30k force. It'll probably be small though so the wife doesn't kill me lol.

I really can't wait to start my 30k force.

Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew . Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew. Part of the ship, Part of the crew.


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