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Redeployment vs. Movement of units with the scout rule

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In another thread, I suggested that one of the differences between Scout redeployment and a movement is that, as a deployment, the Scout redeployment did not have to account for the height of buildings because you did not have to do so during deployment.  In other words, if your scouting unit deployed on the front of your DZ and with a 3 story ruined building 3 inches in front of them, they could redeploy to the top of the building on their scout redeployment.  My argument was that the redeployment created a mini-scout deployment zone that was then treated like any other deployment zone and you could redeploy anywhere within it, regardless of height.


I also suggested that another difference between scout redeployment and a movement was that you could reorganize your forces when they redeployed.  It was like taking them off the board and then putting them on again i.e. you redeployed them.


I've come to the conclusion that I am both right and wrong.  The scout rule (p. 41) says that a scout model may redeploy anywhere within x distance of its current location.  Thus, I am wrong about the ability to change up or reorganize your forces.  You cannot have had, for example, a missile launcher at the back and move it to a position 6 inches from the previous location of the front model.


However, I think I am partially correct about the height thing.  A deployment is not a movement - they have different rules.  All of the rules about going to the bottom and then having a 3 inch movement up are movement rules found under the terrain section (p. 98 Moving Within Ruins).  They simply do not apply to deployment.  Thus, on deployment, there is no difficult terrain role either.  However, the scout rule does say within x distance of the model's current position.  I think you do have to measure, model by model, except you can measure on the diagonal for a scout redeployment.


This has the odd effect of, for example.  If you were on the top of a 3 story ruin on the edge of your DZ, you could move 5 horizontal inches into the neutral zone to the top of another 3 story ruin without worrying about the distance to go down and up.  You would not, probably, be able to move down to the base of the same tower, however.  This would also cause some odd coherency problems at times. 


What do the rest of you think?

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