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Minot's 'Divide Et Impera' Tourney


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 Went to a tourney in Minot, ND this past weekend. Each player played 3 games. 1500pts.  Each game were custom made scenarios.  The day was fun as H#!!.  Everyone there was very surprised to see Sisters being fielded.  Most people said they wanted to face Sisters in the tourney but only 3 lucky people had the chance.  I continued my luck vs Chaos agian.  I always do well vs. them.  I kind of felt bad durring the 3rd game but I don't pull punches durring a tourney.  In a friendly game I willing to but if I have to pay to play and big prizes at stake... No-holds-barred.  I was lucky to be paired vs Tau and Chaos in the tourney.  I have both armies and play vs. them on almost a weekly basis here.  I know the armies very well.  I learned several important lessions durring game 2.  I only played 1 game vs. Necrons before and it was a very different list. 

Game One: City Fight - Sisters Vs Tau - Sisters Victory 8 - 2
- Primary Objective: Secure the Sector (5 VP) 'Control More City Blocks'
- Secondary Objective: Reveal more mystery objectives (3 VP)...
- Special Objective: Kill any of opponent's Elite units (2 VP)

Game Two: Relic - Sisters Vs Necros - Necron Victory 1 - 0
- Primary Objective: Seize the Relic (5 VP) 'Drop off more Relics then opponent'
- Secondary Objective: Line Breaker (3 VP)
- Special Objectives: Slay the Warlord (1 VP), First Blood (1 VP)

Game Three: Jungle Fight - Sisters Vs Choas - Sisters Victory 10 - 0
- Primary Objective: Control more Supply Drops then your Opponent (5 VP)
- Secondary Objective: Distroy 750pts of opponents forces (3 VP)
- Special Objective: Capture the Imperial shrine (2 VP)
The List

St. Celestine

Battle Sisters Squad x4
- Meltagun
- Flamer
- Rhino (1 Rihno with Search Light)

Dominion Squad
- Meltagun x2
- Immolator
--- T/L Multi-Melta

Retributor Squad
- 2 Extra Retributors
- Simulacrum Imperias
- Heavy Bolter x4

Avenger Strike Fighter

Aegis Defence Line with Quad-gun

Game 1: Tau won Init and went Sisters failed to seize. Night Fight turn 1. Tau setup strong fire lines. The Avenger took out two squads of Fire Warriors before getting blown up. No whole unit of any of the Sisters was lost. Was able to control 3 city blocks at end of game and revealed 3 of 5 objectives.

Game 2: Bad day for Sisters. Necron list was a Wraith list. Turn 1 was night fight. Necrons won Init. Every Sister unit was distroyed by end of the game except St. Celestine and 1 Rhino. Only was able to kill one Squad of Warriors, an Annhilation Barge, and about 7 Wraiths. The Annhinaltion Bardges were game winners. He rolled very well and was able to take out 2 squads of battle sisters and the Retributors and half of a 3rd squad by turn 2. Changed tactic from winning to keeping enemy from scoring any VP.

Game 3: Good day to be Sisters, Turn one night fight again. Took out half of enemy HQ's assualt units turn 1, Took out both Hell Brutes turn 2, turn 3 took out 1 of 2 Hell Drake with Quad-gun intercept. Turn 4 took out second Hell Drake with Avenger. End of game Sisters only lost 1 rhino, and about 10 total models from all the squads. Six were from a tyranid spore stack terrain while taking Special Objective. Controlled more Primary objectives, distroyed all over 1000 points of Chaos forces, and controlled the Shrine.


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Well done on the wins Rook, as for the toasters it's never easy fighting an army you're unfamiliar with and harder still when it's in a tourney where there's likely to be finely tuned lists. Sounds like your opponent got lucky with some rolls too but that's how the game goes!


I like your list too, always good to see lots of Sisters on the board :) Do you think you might have fared better with a slightly differently list? For example a second Exorcist?

I don't think so.  Verses about 20 3+ I saves an Exorcist just isn't that great.  A second retributor squad would have been nice.  I was hoping that the large number of shots would have done more but I didn't get a chance to put them in.  I rolled poorly that game and he rolled very well.  I sould have tried to pull the troops away more to keep more distance untill I got the Wraiths under more control.  When he assaulted my full squad of Battle Sisters with a flamer I only rolled 1 wound from it and 0 hits from 18 bolter shots.  Just unlucky game. 


He was a very experienced player and had actually played vs. Sisters before.  He know what was dangerious and what to kill first.  I was happy that end of Turn 5 I only let him have 1 VP from first blood and I wasn't tabled.

Clearly you didn't pray enough to the Emperor for victory :lol: Rets are good, especially sitting behind an ADL as I find they tend to attract a lot of unwanted attention. Opponents usually talking about "killing all my stuff", whatever that means.


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