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Unofficial Chaos Codex praise thread


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I checked the oldest 40k book I have and it's the GW catalogue of 2004. That means I'm familiar with 40k for about 10 years now. That's a lot. In those 9 or 10 years I played quite some armies now that I think, some of them only for a few games before getting bored. Which ones? Eldar, Tau, BT, IG, SM, SW, BA, GK and Chaos. Oh and Necrons and Daemons as allies in 6th. I've played a lot against Orks and Tyranids, so basicly I'm familiar with almost every army in this game.


The army I've played for the longest time overall? Chaos.

The army I've had the most succes with overall? Chaos.

The only army I've ever sold and later started again? Chaos.


Today I realised that I cannot any longer deny it: I love Chaos. I love Chaos while being able to see that the codex isn't nearly as great as it could be. Actually, one could very easily say it technicly sucks, just like the previous one. This made me wonder, why? Honestly, I'm still not quite sure, but it made motivated at least to make this thread, a thread to point out the positive things about being a Chaos player and the positive things about the Chaos Codex.


Things why I love Chaos and am overall fairly forgiving for the shortcomings of the codex:


1. Even though we are often forced into a particular kind of build when wanting to compete, at least the units you'll be using are Chaos only. Obliterators, Plague Marines, cultists, Noise Marines, Heldrakes, Spawn to name most of them. Even Havocs with Autocannons are a thing only 'we' can do.


2. The units from point 1, are actually units I like playing with as well, maybe also due to them being special, not sure. I've Always loved Plague Marines. Ignoring the fact that you pay for what you get, they are truly tough and versatile, while having acces to 2 special weapons even at minimum squadsize. I love all the good units in one way or the other.


3. I love the overall playstyle of Chaos. A guy from YTTH (Agahnim) explained it with a metaphor I didn't think about before, even though I've played a lot of Chess during my youth: Playing Chaos is like being the "Black" player in chess. You're the reactive player.


4. Even though many of our 'fun' or 'great looking' units in the codex are not that great on the tabletop, at least they are there. When you can accept you'll be playing with a weaker army because of them, you open yourself up to having fun with them to an extent. In a way it Always challenges me as well: How do I include a certain unit in my army, which is not good, while keeping the list from being too bad. I've Always been a player who's able to optimise certain army concepts I feel and Chaos often forces me to do this. (Examples: Mutilators, Warp Talons and Maulerfiends)


5. Even though we're not a top army for 2 editions straight now (at least not for a longer period of time), Chaos is neither ever really weak. Partly this has to do with us having all the tools a codex needs. Just look at the current codex: Meq's, expensive Meq's, Geq's (cultists), all the marine special and heavy weapons, vehicles and infantry, Fliers and close combat units, Tanks/ground vehicles and Monsters, psychers and jumpers. Chaos will never be truly bad for this reason, at worst we're overcosted compared to codices who have certain aspects which work best now more efficient. Chaos is honestly one of the codices which doesn't necessarily *need* allies to function properly, although it does make us better.


6. We're never in danger of being forgotten for an entire edition. We can be assured we'll get a new codex again somewhere early during the next edition, maybe even late in 6th (depending on GW's vision). We're also an army which might receive some very cool supplements, one can hope right? Hope is important, very.



So yes, I gave up my fight: I'm not going to start another army once again, just to realise I already own the 1 army I truly enjoy playing, Chaos. I'll keep enjoying this army with its terrible codex, or will most likely quit the hobby at some point if they manage to make them so bad/boring that I have no fun at all anymore. This probably also has to do with the amount of time and money it takes to, again, start another army, just to realise that it's already not that great anymore a few months later.

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First of all - I love the background story and all of the "fluff", and havent been able to get enough since I started in 1993/4. Before black library and easy access to the Internet it mostlty consisted of tracking down knowledgable fans and learning the wisdom - just like a chaos cultist in real life lol.


I love the direction we can go between 5 different chaos alliances, and the addition of truly unaligned champions was quite exciting. Ive run World Eater armies, pirate armies and Seige of Terra lists pretty succesfully over the years and editions of 40k.


I love my miniatures; it includes too many of the original snap fit cult troops for my liking these days, but its mine and I spent almost 20 years converting, painting and dreaming of models/units. Far more fun than my Eldar or Loyalist Astartes.


So I agree with your points Zhukov, and im quite the fan of your writings/opinions ("which paradoxicaly equal facts" - love that line) but for me I must switch to using the new SM codex - it just fits the army I want right now - Alpha Legion with operatives that may or may not be corrupted.


Please keep the analysis/battle reports coming I really appreciate them, and best of luck to minigun762 - possibly the hardest worked moderator on the internet (at least since Internet Infidels folded.)

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1. Conversion options: We can use so many parts if not all of the entire Imperium range. The only limitations is your imagination and even then you can just Nurglify it with greenstuff or just say it's a recently fallen chapter.

I don't see many loyalists with Spiky Bits teehee.gif.

2. Fluffy codex: Yes, we don't have Legion Tactics, yes, that would be nice, but again I believe that your mind is the limit (and tournament rules). If you wish to make an mono-legion but still want to use the cult-troops, only give a fluffy twist to them, clearly say to your opponent what they represent and go.

- Example: A plague marine in a World Eater Army is a Berzerker that has lost so many limbs to mechanical replacements that he has become slower but tougher. -

I know some don't agree with this, but you must agree that the option exist and that it's more faithful then using a Loyalist codex as count-as.

3. Fluff Black Library: Not only are we the starters of the great Heresy that would define everything else, our 40k books have more depth then any other book. We're not the heroes that win everything. We are the bad guys that win some battles, lose some, always keep on trying, never give up and always try to gain some advantage even when we lost. And we're also not the dumb evil kind: I'm not going to kick you because I'm evil, I'm going to kick you because you will die, and someone will see it, who will send a distress signal to the Loyalist Space Marines, who will come to your aid, so I can kill them, because I'm evil.

I believe Chaos has more soul and character then any Loyalist counterpart, even if they did sell it to the Dark Gods.

4. Underdog status: Just gives you more energy to kill those damn Slaves of the Corpse Emperor.

Not really something for the Power Players out there, but this is what does it for me.

Great thread!

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which army did i start 40k with? chaos

which army have i built up, gotten rid of, restarted etc etc? chaos

which army do i have far too many conversion options for that my imagination keeps on adding to? chaos

in the words of the chaos sorceror from DoW:Soulstorm "Chaos is the only true answer."


we might not have the greatest codex in the world, but thats really it. as long as there are chaos minis to paint and play with, i'll be happy. i think that the supplements will be welcomed as they role out over the next few months/years, and i myself shall be glad when they release the iron warriors supplement. but as has been said previously, chaos players by and large aren't power gamers, they're in it for the modelling opportunities and to continue the long war.


Death To The False Emperor. great thread brother Zhukov.


edit:adding text.

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I have started with Dark Angels in early 4th edition. I have fallen to Chaos.

Why? Because chaos is much deeper. I like the stories of the bad guys.


Here is why I like Chaos:


Awesome diversity! You can do whatever you want in Chaos. It's chaos after all. It's a combination of Warhammer 40K that gives us lot's of fantasy feeling. Knights, dragons, demons and monsters.


You can have a warband of whatever strenght you like (Great Legions of millions of souls or a single champion of his deity and anything in between)! I keep saying that if I would retire the hobby or my army I would keep one model in the Space Rats colours and in my personal fluff he will be the sole survivor from his chapter/warband.


We will always be the archenemy! We are the power who threaten the Imperium most!


Yes our codex is not brilliant but I like playing against more powerful enemies. It makes the victories more worthy to me and more memorable.


Great topic Zhukov! I love it.

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The new Codex comprehensively deals with the 5th ed problem of dreadnoghts attacking your own troops.

By making sure no one takes them any more? Joking, joking.


One thing i. am grateful for is I'm freed from making power lists, I can run slaaneshi CC lord retinue mob of 16 and its about as competitive as most other choices.


Ultimate fanboi army again, that's kind of Cool.

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Yeah, nothing better than the "I strike before you Loyalist."  I got to play a game where we tried out leaving out the bit where you can't have a Khorne lord in a slaanesh marked unit, proxied Drop Pods, and could mix and match Icons that acted as teleport homers once again.


That "Fixed" the codex for me, because I got Old School Furious Charge CSMs and FNP Khorne Beserkers.  That's The Business.

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For me, I been collecting Chaos for 17 year now, between Black Legion & Iron Warriors.  It been the one codex I keep coming back to over the years over any other army/race.


First & formost, it has always been about the conversion.  When I got my first White Dwarf 202, it shown art work by John Blanche & converting became a big part in my hobby life.

In fact I think ADB facebook page recent shown that art work, where John Blanche art work has a few note on converting models.

In fact right now I been looking to start a new army & it been between - Deathwatch Kill team strike force, Templars (there still going happen as Templars are one of my favrout armies) & possible Black Legion force with Khorne theme.  Right now it the Black Legion force that winning out for my next Throne of Skulls army.  Just found the test model stand out a lot more & to the same standard as my Iron Warriors.


I enjoy useing the current codex in games.  I had a lot of hard fought games both local that my GW or gaming club & then that event like Throne of Skulls.  End of the day I don't really care if I win, loss or draw a game, all that matter is the game been a great challenge & the oppent been brillaint.

It thanks to these brillaint games, that have added life to my units & in turn help with conversion with thing like trophies base on  some great games I have over the year of collecting my Iron Warriors.


Background as well.  I loss count amount of times I've re-read Storm of Iron or ADB Night Lord serise.  After reading those novels, I want to add more models to my Iron Warriors force.

Or the Bloodquest comic is one I been going back to ever year pretty much & alway getting idea for conversion.


Since the current codex Chaos was release last year.  My army went from 1500pts to over 5000pts & still been added to this day.  I think there that least 155 models & 17 tanks, everthing fully converted & painted right now.

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This codex is just a damn sight more fun than the previous one. I must have written half a dozen 1500-2000 point lists out of it, and they all look pretty viable, at least as a starting point for where I want to go. Case in point: after a game last week, I have deduced that lobbing 60 Berzerkers at my opponent is probably slightly ineffectual, even with daemon engine backup, but I enjoyed the game that I got pasted in to find out.


Also, fluff-wise, I love the idea of the Basilicus Crusade. I want some of that to make it into a Space Marine Battles novel.



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