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Hey gang! Not a Thousand Sons player, but I sympathize with your plight. So yesterday at Games Day, when I had a chance to talk with Will Hayes of Forge World fame, I asked him if the Brotherhood of a Thousand would see some love a la the Plague Marine and Khorne Berserker conversion kits. 


His answer surprised me. He said that Forge World had zero plans to do any such thing for Warhammer 40,000... but we would see some sort of kit for the eventual Prospero Burns Horus Heresy volume. He made specific mention of the Thousand Sons kits for that book being quite compatible with 40k and even taking many design cues from the "current" Thousand Sons that GW makes. He said that since the Thousand Sons turned to dust, their armor doesn't really change with the ages like the other legions have. I followed up with "So I could use the 30k kits to represent them very closely in 40k?" He said that was exactly right.


I take this as an encouraging sign. Have at it, folks!

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That is a joke, right?

Well, yes, it is. If they did our models according to the artwork, then we certainly would have quite awesome models...but unfortunately they look nothing like them... sad.png

I was going to put a sarcastic "right?" at the end there in the last post, but it didn't end up there I guess...

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Why of all goodies in the Warhammer 40k universe, of all the oh so mighty and powerful, my sole heart was placed upon the Legion most broken by the Heresy, most hated by the developers and the most misunderstood and less favored in the Black Library books. Now I am forced to field MoN Obliterators and Plague Marines instead the very fabric of the warp as my ally, the very knowledge as my blade and the thousand times thousand spells as the sole weapons I need. I have to run as Black Legion, as Word Bearers and other Undivided forces rather devote myself completely to my calling...and last nail to the coffin, my hero, MY MOST FAVORITE HERO of the entire Warhammer saga is now reduced to be an apprentice to a Smurf Librarian..I HATE GW when they behave like this. 


And they would reduce the whole iconography and character of my most beloved army to just upgrade kits...Tzeentch curse them with a thousand times thousand curses. 

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Tenebris, I know it looks bad, but Ahriman could actually slaughter Tigurius on the battlefield.


The problem is that Tigurius is good at things other than killing, while Ahriman is effectively the psychic equivalent of Khârn or Telion.

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Indeed but the benefits of fielding a Tigurius vastly outnumber the benefits of fielding Ahriman, one could advocate the firepower potential but this same firepower has so many limitations to pass in order to be effective that you actually consider every psychic fire spell past the first one a bonus. And than you almost always use Psychic Shriek and Smite...


On the note of kits. To make a good looking squad of Thousand Sons than you would have to buy the basic legion tactical squad and than the upgrade kit, which increases the overall cost of every Thousand Sons unit. Same goes with GW and its Thousand Sons. At least before they came up with the parts from the CSM sprue included, now you have to buy the CSM and than buy the Thousand Sons upgrade kit, netting an overall cost of 47 Eur per squad, for old models and old look. This is the price range for a Terminator squad and without considering the usual delay of three to four weeks if you place a mail order or you order the whole in your local store.

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It is still technically an upgrade kit, as they don't come with arms, legs or weapons. But there are these guys that have aspects of both 30k and 40k (tabard/loincloths and backbacks are included)



Not official or a full model...but still pretty cool, we get a bunch of various third party things because there is no copyright or intellectual property on Egypt or genetically engineered super humans, or both together. These guys are "Egypt Style Galactic Knights" as I saw on ebay. There are also bits from Scibor, Kromlech, Puppetswar and others. It would be nice to see some full model stuff from Forgeworld though, I really like to mix and kitbash all sorts of things to give my army a personal touch, and making models more individual from each other.

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Indeed, FW models painted with the 40k color scheme should do the trick. In the end they could count both as a 30k as well as a 40k army. I hope for proper sorcerer models, they are perhaps the most important thing for a Tsons army.

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Well, you'll get less head crests than you got now, that's for sure. In all the illustrations, the only ones with head crests were the ones that were officers and such. Heck, even Ahriman's hat on the cover of A Thousand Sons was smaller than anything we have in the 40k universe...


So if you are looking for crested helms, you might be in for a disappointment imho...at least early in the heresy...

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Though, cool guy Phosis T'kar always had one:




Regular marines are showed as sometimes having a small little thing on their forehead, nothing more:



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Heard the news from Italy's GD ?



Mark Bedford has sketched a Thousand Sons marine from the Horus Heresy.
Unfortunately I couldn't take a photo, but it was a levitating Thousand
Son with open arms, fire in the hand and some parchments on the armour.
The Mark Bedford interpreter said: "It's something we'll see in the fourth book". I think he's Ahriman.
Rejoice !
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Ok, so they won't do a 40k TS model, disappointing, but as long as they do a set with the crests I'm good even if it's 30k or heresy age. I would be inclined to think that this would be something that they would do based off of the kacophoni models that they recently released. Then again we are the most hated/ignored deity of the group.


What does everyone think of that likelihood? leading to the further question of:


-For fluff buffs out there, when did the head crests change? (for rubrics) We know we showed up for the siege of Terra after we bent knee to Tzeentch, but did we do it in headdresses & with blue paint?

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