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I don't have it here, but I believe A Thousand Sons suggests the rubric took place after terra. I doubt FW would do it differently since they probably want people to use the Thousand Sons list for more opponents than just Space Wolves, meaning they would write it so that they were active after that battle in the heresy...which they most likely were, since it's 7 years after all, and TS got violated on Prospero even before the heresy started!


As for crests on models, I strongly suspect our favorite legion will have some never before seen elite squads modelled with crests and such, and that FW will do a set of them...and that I will buy them...a lot of them... :P

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I quite like the Thousand Sons and their fluff. I even like the quasi Egyptian look but, fluffwise, would they still be an actual army in 40K or simply scattered bands of "Rubric Marines" led by sorcerors attached to other Chaos warbands? At least,that's how I'd imagine it - i.e. A unit or two of Thousand Sons in another Chaos army?


After all, aside from their Sorcerors, they were reduced to automatons. I'm assuming that any vehicles/walkers they may have would be daemonically possed rather than crewed.


The Chaos armies aren't (fluff wise) as organised as the Loyalists, they fractured and broke a part so it makes sense that we'd not see a fully fledged 40K Thousand Sons type army, as sad as that may be.


You could still do a reasonable job with "counts as", I'd expect. Furthermore, I don't think that the basic Thousand Sons unit sucks - it's merely more difficult to use but between a 4++ save and AP3 Inferno Bolts with an attached Sorceror, you have a reasonable unit.


It would be nice to see "Rubric Terminators", though.

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The supplement will save us. Fear not. Have faith all those of the XVth.

Yeah, perhaps. Though at the moment we are better off playing with the BL supplement for the memory.

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The problem has never been that the basic Thousand Sons squad is bad, the problem had always lain with the fact that they pay nearly sixty points for their sergeant.

who has a 50/50 shot of garbage power

This..... to be fair I would be happy with the aspiring sorcerers if they just access to the rulebook powers, seeing those are based on the Thousand sons Cults.... Instead we get the still born lore of Fai,. Tzeentch..

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Imo the Marks should have given the sorcerer one additional power from the particular God lore. I level 1 sorcerer would therefore have 1 god power and one power from the list of his choice available to chaos sorcerers.

After all, what is the point of selling your soul for more power if you don't get any more power for it biggrin.png

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Regarding Pre-heresy armor-


Battle of Terra: Blue Paint with Head Crests (Visions of Heresy Artbook)

Battle of the Fang: Blue Paint with Head Crests (BotF)

Rubric of Ahriman Aftermath on the Planet of the Sorcerers: Red Paint/No mention of Crests (Ahriman: Exile, which implies that Thousand Sons rubricae actually wear the armor from prospero, though the sorcerers are extravagantly embelished in their own ways)


So my opinion from all the inconsistency is that we can say pretty much whatever we want about color scheme and head crests. It's hard to determine what is official for head crests and 30k until they actually give us that Prospero book. I for one am quite excited, though I won't be making a 30k army.

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Not sure if the "blue armour with head crests" are valid anymore at terra, after all, I think it's the visions of heresy that shows Ahriman with his horned 40k helmet, and he doesn't recieve that until Ahriman: Exile millennia later...

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Well, apparantely:

All the authors agreed they desperately want to do the Scouring, with
each having a favorite topic. John French wanted the Rubric of Ahriman

...it seems the rubric is happening in the scouring after all, nice! :)

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Not sure if the "blue armour with head crests" are valid anymore at terra, after all, I think it's the visions of heresy that shows Ahriman with his horned 40k helmet, and he doesn't recieve that until Ahriman: Exile millennia later...

Maybe he was mis-identified in the image by year 40,000 Imperial scribes, and it was actually Amon? And blue.


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Now as for helmets and crests I think that the norm should be going with the small crescent crests and scarab motif from the Great Crusade era and provide the models with things like force staves, ornate bolters, scrolls and tomes, now that is what the Thousand Sons really need.


FW would not go overboard with the Thousand Sons I presume. We can expect the terminator elite, the Scarab Occult, we can expect an upgrade kit for the Praetor with some more arcane and psychic elements and I think we would see a number of librarian models as well as the models of other specialists as the series advances.


The problem will appear when they will have to devise additional special units (like the WB Ashen Circle) since there is very little lore on the character and the persona of the Thousand Sons (bar few novels) and because most of those units will have to be inline with our current 40k codex models (Ashen Circle - Chaos Raptors, even the chainswords are similar) so the developers will have only a limited space for their ideas.


Again it is not the fate of the Thousand Sons that troubles me but our unhealthy connection with the rabid Space Wolves. They will probably get a new codex update next year, which would probably go in line with our supplement. But hence the problem, we seem to be still relegated to the role of villain, of the brainless and spineless spellcaster who has to fight the oh so noble and oh so brave Space Wolf.


So yes, the Thousand Sons will indeed be updated sooner or later, but with the current situation of the recent GW works, we will still be considered as a "mere" antagonist for the Space Wolves. They are the stars and not we, the betrayed, the broken, the wise, the empty, the spellborn. 


And this is my grudge. FW will follow the directives of GW, and GW willingly relegates all chaos factions to the mere status of antagonist and not hero, not main player, not main villain. We are not entitled to have a valuable role in the 40k narrative, hence we are not entitled to "flashy" models. 

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According to the Visions of Heresy artwork, the Thousand Sons who met with Horus on his battlebarge had blue armor and crests (pre-rubric).


According to recent fiction, Rubricae armor post-heresy had crests but red armor.


We will have to see what Forgeworld says, but I suspect that they have been working with John French.

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I wonder if just some of the chapters changed their armour at different times - those that went to Horus' battle barge had repainted early, others remained in the original red and silver (those that hunted Ahriman) and then eventually Ahriman changed armour to the blue we know now as a symbol of his split from Magnus.


I don't really mind what happens as long as that picture in Visions of Heresy is allowed to keep making sense because it looks just so badass.


p.s. I'd also like to retract my earlier statement about the supplement saving us - after the Iron Hands debacle I have a horrible feeling that Tzeentch will hit us hard and everything will change.


I wouldn't be surprised if Ahriman and Magnus become best buddies, the rubric marines aren't ghosts just been made mind-locked slaves and the Thousand Sons are actually really really sorry for being naughty and defying the Space Wolves and they all just want to apologize for any trouble they caused / that whole misunderstanding on Fenris. Ahriman doesn't want the black library for anything other than a copy of the codex astartes so he can change his ways and be more like Ultramarines...

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