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  On 8/22/2016 at 10:56 AM, Caillum said:

Yeah, he can take a Jump Command Squad! I like the fact that he can also take a Terminator Command Squad for your Compulsory HQ to ride around in. Good for an extra Drop Pod unit in a Terror Assault army...

Technically he cannot take a Jump pack (or bike or jetbike) command squad, because he is neither a Praetor, nor does he have any of that equipment.  Now you could extrapolate the FAQ answer on terminator armor and just let Primarchs take any kind of command squad they want, but per RAW they are limited to foot-sloggers.

Raptors work well with the idea of killing the entire unit for a fear bomb, but they're expensive. The new assault marines are a super attractive choice seeing as they take up a compulsory slot in non TA lists and the larger the squad, the more use you get from the fearless and cover bonuses

Night Raptors and Konrad it is, anyone had much success with that combination before?

Definitely going reasonably heavy with Deep striking Termies and bikes (unsure if outriders or jetbikes yet) to make the most use out of TFM. One thing I am lacking in the army though is effective anti vehicle/anti air right now, which is a killer due to the 1 available HS slot, any advise or recommendations in that regard? Really want to try and make the most out of my single Heavy slot if possible.

It's a pretty kill combination, he can tank for the squad or the reverse depending on model count. A larger squad can easily destroy most stuff on the outnumber; 2s and 3s with most weapons hurts; 2s and 2s massacres with either glaives or axes. The squads get crazy expensive when given all special weapons, but man do they kill everything they get to

I've been having a little look at horror cult again, as the restriction in terror assault has been niggling as I wanted to field both my culverin squad and sicaran. And it really isn't a bad option at all.

Primarily stemming from the tacticals thread in this very subsection we can field a decent assaulty unit (granted only 1 poweresque weapon in the actual squad) in an 18/19 man despoiler squad armed with ccw and Bp, including an arty serge with weapon of choice, apothecary (armed as you wish, brings fnp) all riding along in a kharybdis as a dedicated transport.

Sets you back early to mid 500 points, it's return however, a unit that is 95% of the time going to outnumber what it charges (yay for talent for murder), arrives t1 for t2 assault, a vehicle that can do some reasonable damage not only when it arrives but subsequently, in a moderately survivable chassis.

Also going to try out ophion with horror cult as he could benefit this kind of assault with his ability to bring stubborn if you're losing (only needs be by 1 point too) and a 3++ in combat and a variable fnp of his own.

What do you guys think?

The way I've seen it recently a chunk of the community don't like raptors all that much for being fancy expensive assault marines. Not to say they won't make it into the list as the other mandatory troop choice however coz I like the risk/reward of onslaught.

Can apothecary join raptors now they're allowed jump packs? Fnp would be a lovely bump to get them across the board


And on the tacs point, they still have fury of the legion with bolt pistols if needed. So that 500 points is bringing a fair old amount to the table I feel

Edited by helterskelter

Apothecaries can join raptors now, if they purchase a jump pack. Apothecaries can join any unit with a version of the LA special rule so long as it isn't equipped with termie armour or has been equipped with the proper equipment to run with them (i.e. jump pack to run with raptors).

Have you considered angel's wrath ROW? Assault marines with melta bombs and a chaplain are absolutely murder against tanks and cover your compulsory troops and work well with raptors. 


I can't express how sick hit and run, re roll, melta bombs are... and this unit is the an amazing tar pit. 

Hello everyone! 

I have a large nice unit of Night Raptors (10) awaiting assembling, and would like some input on what to equip them with. I'm running a Terror Assault-list, with Terror Squads, Terminators, Veterans and a Leviathan - and the Raptors are supposed to be accompanying a Praetor and a Telepathy (or Biomancy) Librarian.


Any thoughts? 

You should take a sprinkling of power weapons, my preference is glaive as you can still take advantage of the initiative, especially during the night fight, have +1 strength so if it's t4 with talent for murder you'll be wounding it on 2's (and hitting on 2's against ws4 for that matter), and have a chance to rend.

Axes would be another route to go down, less reliant on dice rolls, however they are slow, so as long as you can keep them alive long enough to strike they'll do the business, and you get the extra attack for having 2 ccw

Arty, glaive (x2) or axe (×1 usually) so they can deal with any errant power swords and strike faster than their counter parts in other squads who may have fists. In the case of the axe it's for when you may have to fight something harder than marines or sv 2+. They have preferred enemy infantry after all so if you need to follow up after shooting itd be a shame to waste the opportunity and not make sure you kill your victims good
  On 8/30/2016 at 12:13 PM, Black_out said:

So for those of you running terror assault, or even just terror squads, how do you kit out the sergeant? Usually I just leave him bare minus a volkite charger and melta bombs.

Artificer armor every time, or you're doing it wrong.  You'll know it's worth it when you have him tank a whole battery of phosphex rounds.


Axe is nice if you're going to be on the front lines and will run into challengers.  They most likely will be sporting artificer (unless they are also doing it wrong :P), so you'll need that AP2.  But rather than spend 15 points on meltabombs and an axe, I rather just get a power fist.

Ok so artificer armor is mandatory, got it lol. A glance would be nice in challenges while night fighting is in effect or powerfist....hmmm I'll have to do some testing.


I love power axes but the unwieldy trade at S+1 and ap2 vs a powerfist at S8 the only difference being point costs...I just dunno. I feel axes should be -1 initiative like manreapers

If you make sure you are outnumbering whi you're fighting, that axe is wounding on 2's vs t4 anyway so that teeny plus one is worth its weight a bit. Same with glaives.

And generally we wouldn't be in a situation where terror squads are fighting multiwound t4 models anyway. Mowing down the grunts is where it's at. Leave the big stuff to the the dreadnoughts

I am not sure about glaives for challenges. Being two-handed you have limited attacks, and you are really reaching for those rending 6s. The apothecary is a nice place for a glaive, since it's outright better than a power sword which is their only other option.

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