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[HH1.0] Night Lords Tactics


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+More survivable overall - 4++ AV13/13/11

+Can CC most powerful targets - Claw for W or Drill for AV

+Great range of weapons - melta, Grav, Dakka, Flamers, Choom, Phosphex

+Double gun loadouts possible

+Talon members operate individually

-Easily 1k Points for 3

-Generally short ranged


-Talon means no pods

-Needs to see combat to really shine

-Dobule gun can be tarpitted and wastes a lot of bonuses




+Comparatively cheaper

+Laser Destoryers and Siege Cannons are incredible weapons

+Mobile and adaptable with Machine Spirits

+Pintle Meltas a Hilarious idea

-Short Ranged

-Side AV11 with no Invuln

-Squadrons share damage rolls

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I just think sigismond and his 65 points are better always. Not saying they should be even, but sevetar just lacks the ability to do what he is kinda built for. Which is assassinating heros in duels.

If his weapon redness on 5+ it would help a ton. Or if his warlord trait didn't suck, or his teleport homing terminators wasn't super clunky and situational.

I love sevetar, I just was he was ideal in more situations, and didn't just straight up fail as often as he does.


But anyways I'm looking forward to the next book and hoping for atremetar rules, which I hope are savage as all hell.


With the power (yes I know its not a guarantee and everyone has terrible luck using it) you average out 3.5 and 4.5 hits without and with charging, so usually around 4 hits. With those 4 hits you do another 3.5 wounds, but the kicker is that you roll a total of 5-6 dice (including the rerolls) so the odds of rending on the average role to wound are somewhere  around 50% instead. Like everything else concerning his power, its actually a lot more likely to happen than anyone thinks. As for the warlord trait and and other rules; they're factually not bad or clunky, but if you struggle to make them work, I feel like ophion is more suited for you, he's much more of a point and forget character


Just give him an ap2 chainglaive and Sev will be pretty reliable. By the way, I still don't understand why officers of Night Lords hate artificer armor, or terminator armor.


They all have rerolls and bonus saves. Sev gets to reroll all his saves (usually), Mawdrym gets to reroll FnP, Ophion gets a 3++ and 3+ FnP. Artificer on them would be busted, not sure how many points they'd need to cost to get around their massive tanking ability.


Sev fails 2% of his 2+ rerolls or 1 out of 300


Mawdrym fails 11% of his 2+ 5+ FnP 5+FnP or 1 out of 54


Ophion fails 5% of his 2+ 3+ FnP or 1 out of 120


Fair and balanced

Edited by SkimaskMohawk
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Mechanicum would work well with Night Lords, since almost everything you have with guns can take searchlights or Infravisors, so you can make the nighttime conditions work for you. The only real issue is you want to take a Terror Assault formation as an ally, but you run into the old chestnut of where to put your non-Infiltrating HQ when all your infantry infiltrates. It's one of the few times I wish something was more like Headhunters, who lose their infiltrate ability when taking a transport. It sucks when you want to take a Rhino, but when the goal is to stuff them in a Dreadclaw with a combat character, it would be very useful.

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Might just have to take some allied Mech then, the models are lovely first and foremost and a lot of opportunity for conversions which is just an instant seller to me.

I've hit a snag, perhaps an idiotic one, I'm likely just overlooking something obvious but hopefully some one can lend a hand here.

Looking at deep striking Terminators behind enemy lines, the first option was, have Sevatar drop pod down with a command squad and then have them DS to his location. Then I pondered more on points etc, and thought maybe substitute Sev for a Master of Signals, and attach him to an infiltrating Terror Squad? Regardless of the tactical effectiveness of any of these ideas (although I'll gladly take any critique and or advise), as far as I understand Terminators aren't allowed to Deep Strike? I could be horribly misinformed there, but how would I be able to allow them to DS? Equipment, characters, etc? Apologies if this is an obvious one, it's a tad early for me >< Thanks in advance for the help brothers, I appreciate all the assistance.

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Night lords terminators are allowed to deep strike. They just have th buy the upgrade.


As the sev rending on a 50%

That would be the case if you could reroll all your wound rolls. But, he can only reroll his failed to wound rolls. Which he is probably wounding on 2's so his chance to hit that rend isn't really good enough. If it was 5+ then he would be boss. I think that is all he would need to make him really functional.

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Night Lords get teleportation transponders, so we can deep strike, however you can't attach a master of signal to a terror squad like that.

If you want to deep strike effectively you'd need to get a nuncio vox forward, which can be done using a vigilator to scout a unit forward, rhino rushing a unit into position depending if you have a long game strategy or not, a legion recon squad or a scouting proteus.

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Thanks for the speedy replies!

Transponders, I've seen that pop up in a few lists, but haven't been able to find it under equipment etc. today, I presumed it allowed DS somehow, but couldn't find the rules to check. Ah I done messed up, looking in the wrong place, yes found it under the Legion Specific Wargear, thanks helter, I'm being a noob ><

Okay splendid. So no go on the MoS attached to an infiltrating TS yeah? Okay plan B, a Vigilator with a Recon Squad would work out nicely instead? (Gives me a perfect excuse to have some scouts with those lovely 3rd party NL cloaks).

If all that meets approval, then I'd end up having a Praetor/Curze/Sev (Whomever would be more useful in the backlines?) + either Legion Termi Squad/Command Squad in Termi armour, Deep Striking onto the Vigil+Scouts, unsure how viable that tactic is, but it seems appropriately fluffy and fun.

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A vigilator is more of a perk for another unit to scout forward that wouldn't usually get it. No point taking him unless you've something you need in that forward position shooting T1 or if you didn't take the recon squad but something else that could have a nuncio (eg seekers)
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I'll scrap the Vigilator idea for now then, cheers chaps, keep it to just a Recon Squad, and have a Praetor+Primus+Chaplain (I think) DS down with a 10 man strong Terminator squad.

As for Curze, anyone tried running him along side a Night Raptor squad and had any success?

Running with my Fast Attack options, definitely need to incorporate a fair few bike squads I was thinking, be it Outriders or Jetbikes, I'm sure both have their pros and cons, anyone have preferences on that end?

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Yeah Curze is great because there are plenty of expensive yet fast retinues he can have that get mad survivability by just being with him.


Can he take a jump command squad? Or is that still a murky rule area?


If not - bring a Delegatus too to unlock a cheap one.

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Yeah command squads are great as they aren't limited to 5 minimum :smile.:


Do Terminators count as two models for Talent for Murder?


If so hitting on 2s for most things due to WS5 is naaaasty.

Edited by Charlo
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Yeah command squads are great as they aren't limited to 5 minimum :smile.:


Do Terminators count as two models for Talent for Murder?


If so hitting on 2s for most things due to WS5 is naaaasty.

They do. Bulky is 2 models, extremely bulky, bikes and MCs are 3. Edited by Slipstreams
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The main reason to take a full retinue with Curze is if, as happens fairly frequently with me, you run into another Primarch, you want him to be benefitting from Talent for Murder - he'll get it against everyone save Corax who is also jump infantry - and against a lot of them that's a mighty useful thing to have in the locker

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