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Sons of Horus Plog - L&T


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Right - time to actually get comitted with one of these painting challenges, and a Heresy challenge is just my cup of tea at the moment. Mainly because ForgeWorld have done an absoutely stonking job on the Heresy-era minatures at the moment, and the future release are looking like to continue the trend for theme-orientated quality designs.

I will be looking at a Sons of Horus army, and has been something I've been wanting to do for a while since I got hold of the new Abaddon model back at the Heresy Weekender earlier this year. Along with a large squad of Justaerian it makes a great centre for a 30k SoH force and a crossover into a 40k Black Legion list.

Anyway, for the purposes of this contest / challenge I will be pledging:


10x Justaerian Terminators

10x Justaerian Terminators

Contemptor Dreadnought with Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon and Power Claw

10x Reaver Attack squad

10x Reaver Attack squad

10x Tactical squad

10x Tactical squad

5x Heavy Support squad with Autocannons

5x Heavy Support squad with Heavy Bolters

Whether or not I can actually do all of this in three months (I have a low concentration level when it comes to projects, I will see something half way through and swap over) is a matter of debate, but at least I can't tecnically fail this one thumbsup.gif

A few additional points before I get started:

1) This is a new army - there are no completed elements to this, and I'm not expanding on anything. I have built a couple of models (the 2 Reaver Attack squads, and 5 Justaerian Terminators), and primed 1 Reaver Attack squad, but everything else is brand new.

2) I want to be able to port these models into 40k for "regular" gaming. Fairly obvious really, why have 2 armies when you can have 1, but I'll try to reduce as much HH-specific equipment where possible.

3) "Rule of Cool" is law!! I'm more than willing to overlook anythng if it's awesome. For example, gaming-optimal wargear selections can and will be ignored for something that looks amazing but is a poor in-game option.

4) After I have completed this project I will be looking to put some of these together for an Armies on Parade board for 2014, so I'll be kepeing an eye on basing to make sure everything comes together.

And as for timing, I literally got the below package maybe 2 to 3 hours ago to help bring the above list into life:


Looks like I'll be spending a large portion of tonight going through ForgeWorld bags with a mask on, and embarking on a massive washing process.

I'll update when I have something a little more constructed. Most likely starting with Reaver Attack squads and the first squad of Justaerian. I'll be keeping the Contemptor for last I think, as a reward if I get through all the other squads.

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For crying out loud, whats in there???

I was doing some photos, so I figured it would be easier to take a pic of the shipping label than type out everything:


Unfortunately doesn't include some of the bits I picked up at Games Day (2x Reaver Attack squads, 2x MkIV Despoilers, MkIV SoH Upgrade packs), or additional bits I've picked up on popular internet auction sites (2x Justaerian)

So some progress, mainly on building rather than anything more at the moment. I don't know about anybody else but it takes me an age to build ForgeWorld models. Washing them and drying them, and I will say that this is the first time I've had models where I could peel off the release fluid off with a knife, followed by triming and cutting the components down. Then I have to pin them components to each other, I don't trust just having superglue on my models and pin each seperate component, which can take a long time before I spray them in purity seal and then primer.

I'm not making excuses for slow progress, honest! whistlingW.gif

Some pictures of progress, to start with 15 Justaerian and Abaddon:


The first of my tactical squads on the left, and the second of my Reaver squads on the right:


Each of these squads is based on MkIV legion armour with the new SoH torsos, heads and shoulder pads. I may make this Reaver squad into a Veteran Tactical squad if I pick up some other official Reaver squads in the future.

A freshly washed Contemptor Dreadnought and weapons:


And my first Reaver Attack squad, which are the official ForgeWorld models which I've been starting work on whilst I've been making the other squads up.


I know I'll be asked, so I'll head the obvious questions off ealry:

Q1) "Why have you kept the arms / weapons and heads seperate from the main torsos?"

A1) I find it easier to paint, when everything is assembled it can be difficult to get into tight areas. Especially for the arms close to the shoulder, it's easier to rotate the model on it's own than have a torso to worry about.

Q2) "Why do your models look like Seraphim from the Sisters model range?"

A2) Again, ease of painting without cross-contaminating enthusiastic basing efforts onto a completed model and ruining it. We've all done it... wallbash.gif

Next on the list is to complete the washing / preparing / building of the second tactical squad, wait for my final pack of Justaerian through the post and get them assembled, and to get everything primed and ready to paint.

Dilema time - paint schemes
As I've mentioned before, I want this to be a crossover force for both 30k and 40k gaming, and part of me was thinking of the following:

The siege of Terra is over; Horus has been defeated by the Emperor, but not before dealt a grievous wound and having to be brought back to Terra to sit on the Golden Throne. The Legions allied under Horus' banner have been scattered and have fled to the Eye of Terror to regroup. Abaddon has taken the mantle of Warmaster in Horus' stead, and now leads the 'Black Legion' in his continued crusade against the Emperor and the Imperium.

In essence, I want to do the start of the Black Legion but not as we see it in the 40k setting. I don't want to abandon the Sons of Horus scheme and go completely black (I have a substantial amount of Justaerian for that), but I don't want the pristine sea green colours of their pre-traitor scheme.
I was thinking of a very dirty looking green for the majority of the body, with a black & bronze trim to the shoulder pads. The pads should tie it to the 40k setting, with the dirty green not only tieing it back to the SoH paint scheme but also indicating the scale of the war effort that they have been through, along with a subtle nod to their falling away from the ideals of the Emperor and turning traitor.
I'll try to get a sample guy painted up and posted over the next couple of days so people can see what I'm thinking. But as always, happy to hear peoples views on this - let me know what you think. Should I stick to the more accpeted 30k paint scheme, or would the above work?

Ok - I promise to do a WIP Painting shot soon, I have my 15 Justaerian in progress and getting through base coats, but I have a question to ask the rest of the community first.


Just before I placed my FW order that's shown at the top of the page I put some bids on eBay for packs of Justaerian, which I went on to win and have literally just landed on my doorstep this morning. Having just done a quick inspection of them on my desk, which happens to have a MK II squad under construction sitting on it, they're starting to feel a little off. In particular:

  • The resin is a darker grey than the ForgeWorld one, by a couple of shades.
  • There's a lot of flash on the models, considerably more than the ForgeWorld average, and there are more mold-allignment mismatches.
  • The upper resevoir of resin that feeds into the model through the gates is reduced, a lot of them by at least half.
  • The models came in a padded manilla envelope, without the standard ForgeWorld sealable bags. No bases either, but I have tubs filled the things so I'm not concerned about not having them - just strikes me as something else that was off.

All things considered, have I just bought fake goods? The quality level on the vast majority of the pieces are spot on, identical to what ForgeWorld produce, but it's the above that's not convincing me that they're genuine. Anyone else had the same thing happen?

From the sound of the symptoms, I'd be highly suspicious too. In fact, I'd put money on it being recasts. I've had items turn up with exactly the same markers, even though they've been functionally perfect. Now, you can do one of two things: 1) Report the seller to ebay or FW for them to investigate, or 2) Leave him be, as he's not technically your problem.


Either way, the real question is what exactly will you do with the items you spent good money on? I wouldn't blame you in keeping them but I've known people to bin them on principle. Not many, but there has been individuals that have done just that.

Yeah, I'm starting to really think I've got recasts. I won two lots, and didn't realise until paying that they were from two different sellers despite them having near-identical listings and pictures - I figured it was a result of someone clicking "Sell something similar" that created it. It is suspicious when both packages come through on the same day, in identical packaging down to the placing of identical labels in identical positions, and near sequential Post Office tracking numbers , but with completely different return addresses geek.gif

Plus these guys have feedback solely on ForgeWorld heresy items, and are selling even more - I can't see anyone selling that much second hand merchandise.

I think I'll drop ForgeWorld a line and let them know, it'll be up to them if they want to investigate further and take things up with eBay and the sellers direct.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these items now, as after postage I haven't exactly saved a lot on the standard ForgeWorld retail price and I don't like throwing money away. But I wouldn't feel right including these knowing that they're knock-offs. If FW want to see them to do testing or what-not on them, I'll happily ship these up to them, but for the time being I'll use them to start constructing my Justaerian bases as I need to know where the feet are going to be on the base when I build them and the rest of mine are pinned and going through painting at the moment. At least they'll be of some (limited) use, and I'll avoid purchasing FW on eBay in the future.


You might as well just use them. Chances are they're in Russia or China, where there's really no way to prosecute them. Most FW you see on eBay these days is, in fact, counterfeit... but it's hard to tell at times because even FW uses different shades of resin dye.

Ok - I promise to do a WIP Painting shot soon, I have my 15 Justaerian in progress and getting through base coats, but I have a question to ask the rest of the community first.


Just before I placed my FW order that's shown at the top of the page I put some bids on eBay for packs of Justaerian, which I went on to win and have literally just landed on my doorstep this morning. Having just done a quick inspection of them on my desk, which happens to have a MK II squad under construction sitting on it, they're starting to feel a little off. In particular:

  • The resin is a darker grey than the ForgeWorld one, by a couple of shades.
  • There's a lot of flash on the models, considerably more than the ForgeWorld average, and there are more mold-allignment mismatches.
  • The upper resevoir of resin that feeds into the model through the gates is reduced, a lot of them by at least half.
  • The models came in a padded manilla envelope, without the standard ForgeWorld sealable bags. No bases either, but I have tubs filled the things so I'm not concerned about not having them - just strikes me as something else that was off.

All things considered, have I just bought fake goods? The quality level on the vast majority of the pieces are spot on, identical to what ForgeWorld produce, but it's the above that's not convincing me that they're genuine. Anyone else had the same thing happen?


Depends on the way they set up the mold. Top injection while vertical will cause bubbles, while top injection lying horizontally will cause the flashing you describe and bubbling if the cut off the releases during their remake of the master. Forge World is pretty consistent in their mold making process, so If you've got two of the same thing with different Mold styles I'd wager recasts.

Sorry to hear that, I'll bet you got recasts as well.


I learned the hard way when I bought a Contemptor off eBay right after FW released them. I wasn't aware of how common recasting was at the time, and I learned the hard way. Now I avoid everything from Poland, Russia, and China just to be safe. 


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