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Beakies ahoy - A Rogue Trader Ultramarine Army


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Greetings one and all;


So I recently started trying to clear out my Bitz Boxes, and came across these fellows.  


These were all bought back in the day - 10 marines to a box for £10 - 3 rhinos to a box for £15, which means most of them have been sitting in a box  forover 20 years old.  They were originally Dark Angels (when Dark Angels were black), but as you see, have just received a makeover.

I had started a thread on them over in WIP, but I think it must be lost in the warp. They needed a little work before being HOH worthy - finishing bases and, in most cases, finding and adding appropriate backpacks.  Unfortunately, this does mean that the colors are a little off here and there as (1) I seem to have mislaid my original paint scheme and (2) the GW paints are several shades darker than they used to be.


That being said, this thread will track the army as I finish them and get pics taken.


So without further ado, I present my RT Era Ultramarines




Chaplain - I think this guy was actually intended to be a sergeant, but I think he fits in well as a Chappy.


Rogue Trader Chaplain

Chaplain (Left)

Librarian in Terminator Armour - Out of the original Terminator Squad.  I plan on trying to recreate the helmet with Aegis hood  on a modern libby, but haven't quite figured out how to do it yet.

Rogue Trader Terminator Librarian

RT Era Terminator Librarian (Right)


Terminator Squad - This is no longer a legal load out, but I salvaged another bolter from somewhere, so I'll replace the assault cannon (I think - only cos I like the flamer's checks) before playing with them.

Rogue Trader Terminator Squad

Rogue Trader Terminator Squad (Right)

Rogue Trader Terminator Squad (Left)

That's it for now - more to come as I get them photographed.
Comments and criticism welcome.
PS - With the title saying "Beakies Ahoy", I feel bad that there is only 1 Mk VI marine in this group (especially since he actually isn't wearing his helmet).  The next batch will have many more beakies.  I promise.
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Always a genuine pleasure to see RTB01 Marines (I know your topic hasn't got any yet, but still smile.png and I'm looking forward to seeing yours! I've been trying to get more on eBay, but they are getting rarer and rarer (and more expensive! blink.png ) I've been inclined to do something with the old, old metal Termis I have but, as you pointed out, the squad configuration back then is nowhere near the same as they are now sad.png

In any case, loving the old school minis smile.png

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And we're back...

Thanks for stopping by folks.

@Aquilanus - Thanks mate. I'm sad to say, I actually don't have any RTB01! I bought a box once upon a time, but somehow managed to lose all of them through the years. All the beakies and RT marines I have are the old lead minis. I sympathize with you about cost/difficulty of picking stuff off e-bay. I bought 3 RT harlequins not so long ago and they cost me almost $20. I guess we have to put it down to inflation or something?

@ Kierdale - Thanks, I appreciate it. The checks aren't perfect, but I really liked how they looked on the original artwork, so felt I had to try my hand at them.

Alrighty, so I have some more pics to show - and yes, we di have some beakies at last!

I got the command squad based and photographed, lets see what you think.

As an aside, my wife walked by while I was photographing them and said "Honey, those look like smurfs!", so I guess I'm on the right track smile.png

Group Shot

Command Squad

Veteran Sergeant


Sergeant (Right)

Marine 1

Marine MkV


Marine 2



Marine 3

Marine MkV


Marine with Plasma Gun

Special Weapon Marine


I have a Razorback waiting to be painted before the squad is completely done, but it is still white plastic, so it may take some time.

Comments and criticism welcome as always.



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And we're back...

This is just a quick update - first half of a tactical squad to post, and yes, we have more beakies woot.gif

Squad Overview





Marine 1



Marine 2



Marine 3


Marine with Flamer


Despite the lack of response from last time, comments and criticism are always welcome. (Feel free to chat about the weather if you don't wanna comment on the models whistlingW.gif )

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It's just...weird as someone who wasn't there back in the day to look at these models. I wouldn't say they look out and out ugly, but they also don't quite appeal to me. The models themselves I mean, the paint job is great. I know many here prefer grim'n'gritty with lots of weathering, but I actually kinda like the bright colors of 2nd ed.

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Very glad to see more of your work.

I remember always thinking Marine 3 there was a weird one. Good to see some of the bare-armed ones too. I remember I had one without armour on his right arm. He wore shades and had a cigar too.


Very nicely painted too. The laurels are freehand?

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Keep them coming, brother. It's like a blast from the past. I love that even your freehanded stuff has a decidedly old-school feel to it. Also, no offense to Tankenstein up there but I'm really glad these AREN'T 2nd Edition style. This is seriously old school. I'm especially impressed that you actually have the old backpacks as well. Those usually get lost. Are these all from your own collection or are you getting them online? 

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Thanks for the comments folks,


@Tankenstein_PhD - Thanks - Yeah, I wanted these to be in a more classic paintjob, so they stood out from my new Ultras.  I tried to follow the scheme from the original, RT-Era Space Marine Paint guide (a paperback booklet that came in the boxed set of paints back in the day).  Bright, but the RT scheme wasn't quite as garish as the 2nd Ed.   I know what you mean about the models though.  I grew up with these, so I'll always be fond of them, but they certainly show their age sitting next to some of the new stuff. It's funny to see how the proportions are completely out of whack - whether it be the size of the helmet on the last sergeant I posted, or the shoulder spans on the termi's at the beginning.  My favourite ones are coming in the next post though, just need to take some pics of them.


@Kierdale - thanks man.  Yeah, the Artificer armour always was a little odd - that one almost makes me think of some kind of diving suit or something.  I think I remember the one you're talking about - was he the one with the chainswords and dreadlocks?  Or am I thinking of something else?  The laurels (and all the other markings) are freehand.  Some are better than others, but it was a learning curve.


@Irwit - Thanks! Hah! I thought about that, perhaps with the old school scorpion green rim to the base, but wanted more of a "Battle of Macragge" feel to them.


@JeffTibbetts - Well spotted on the paint scheme.  and thanks for the compliments.  I've had all these from back in the day.  Thankfully, given the price of most RT stuff today, I managed to avoid throwing most stuff out (Including backpacks), so I haven't had to go trolling on ebay yet.  Saying that, I don't have any assault marines, and only have 1 Vincent Blackshadow model, so if I want to have full squads, I might need to go on the hunt.  We'll see.


@Jolemai - Thanks, I appreciate it.  Hope you like the rest of them.



Alrighty then,


My computer has stopped playing silly buggers, so I have the other half of the Tactical Squad for posting.


Combat Squad

Tactical Squad

Marine 4



Marine 5



Marine 6



Artificer Armour 2



Marine With Melta Cannon



As always, comments and criticism are welcome.  I'll get more up as soon as they're ready.





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That multi-melta! I've always loved that pose. And yeah, I still somehow have that little paint guide. Thinking of it since you brought it up, you really did nail the odd sort of highlighting we all used back then. Plus, it looks like you're either blacklining or just doing dark shades where the colors meet. This is truly RT era done right, man. 

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Awesome, man. Like looking back in time.

Any plans for a RT Dread?

That would be awesome to see. I used to have a Deredeo "Eddy" Dread, but seeing a "Fury" or "Chuck" as part of this army would be very cool indeed! happy.png
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Heh! Thanks JT.  I always loved that multi-melta pose too - always thought he looked bad-ass.  And yeah, it's layering rather than blacklining.  I've tried to blackline, but never managed to have it come out right.


Cheers Aquilanius - Yeah, I don't even remember picking up the artificer armour models, but I only have the 2, I guess meaning they were pretty rare back in the day.  Or perhaps they just didn't come in the multi-model boxes I was buying back then.


1000Heathens! What's up man?  Good to see you're still hanging about on B&C!  Thanks for the comment.  No, unfortunately no plans to do a dread right now - more because I don't have one rather than not being interested.  Closest I came was a couple of the old Castellan robots, but I have no idea where they went.


In the pipeline right now are the remaining Tactical Squad, a Devastator Squad, 3 Rhinos, a Razorback and 2 Predators.  After that, my existing RT collection will be finished, so I'll either have to hit up Ebay to fill gaps, or I'll be on to another project... back to my Fallen perhaps, as I have a couple of Termi squads that need a coat of paint.


Thanks for stopping by folks - more later.





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  • 1 month later...

And we're back...


Ok kids, apologies for the absence, but I have some more pics for posting.  This squad is going up in 2 hits... the half I'm posting now are the first ones I can remember buying, and the second half (to be posted in a couple of days I hope) are my GW models ever. 


A couple of things to notice -


1) The special weapons guy below is a bit of a cheat on my part.  He's actually a 2Ed. model, not RT.  The flamer is RTB01, but the model itself is a 2nd Ed heavy weapons trooper.  I just found 3 more of hthem, so I might have to move him to a Devastator squad and try to locate another regular special weapon trooper for this squad.  We'll see.


2) The white balance on my camera seems to have been altered since I last posted.  Not sure what happened, but as you can tell from the relative contrast/saturation between the models and the background, they are all the same colour palate.  The reality is that the models lie somewhere between the two sets of pics.


Without further ado...


Combat Squad



























And one with a flamer




As always, comments and criticism are welcomed.





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I love the old RT models (even if they are older than I am) this thread is giving me some good inspiration for my own RT/ 2ed style silver skulls army. (thread in the works in progress) Have you had these models for some time or did you find them somewhere? (If so where as I would love to get some to add to my own army)


-The Boater

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Thanks for the comments folks.


@kierdale - actually that line of devastator models had moulded backpacks. Probably so that the heavy weapons fit on correctly. If I remember, I'll post a pic showing it when I throw up the next combat squad. Thanks for the continuing to follow the thread.


Thanks Sviar. The next combat squad has my favorite models GW ever produced... I'll post them as soon as they're finished and photographed.



@the boater - I've had these since day 1. All the marines (and tanks which are still very WIP) I bought almost 20 years ago and I've somehow managed to hold onto them despite over 10 moves, 4 countries and 2 continents. I have had some success picking up RT models on eBay but it ain't cheap. BTW I love your silver skulls. I'll comment properly on the thread when I'm back to my computer, but they're off to an awesome start. Love the heraldry you pulled off.


@themightyfiredrake - thanks man. I appreciate it.



Should have the next set up in a couple of days. I appreciate the comments folks. Keep them coming.



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Good job, the older minis are harder to get right then they look.


Threads like these make me wish I'd kept my old minis, boxes of RT and 2nd ed marines given away or traded because I didn't like how they looked next to the new marines, makes me cry now I'm a bit nostalgic.


I think ill try a RT project using FW armour, could be fun.




Again, very well done and will you do any armour esp. Speeders?

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And we're back...


@Kierdale - this is the back of the flamer marine posted above...  as mentioned, that line of devastators had moulded backpacks.  They were pretty cool back in the day.




@emperors immortals - Thanks man, I appreciate the compliment.  Yeah, for the longest time these languished in a box because they didn't look great next to the new ones. I guess over time I just developed more of an appreciation for them in their own right.  I have 2 or 3 rhinos, 2 predators and a razorback.  They're all pretty WIP but I'll get them up someday.  No RT speeders (more's the pity) but I have an old 2nd Ed. Ravenwing Speeder I might donate to the cause... haven't decided yet.


@Kuchinawa - Thanks, I appreciate the comment.  That's pretty much how I got started too. A buddy of mine had some RT marines and I just love them.  20+ years later and I'm still in the hobby.


OK.  So today we have the final combat squad for my tactical marines.  These are, almost without exception, my favorite GW models ever produced.  Looking at the pics, I haven't done them as much justice as I wanted, but I'm gonna post them anyway.
























As always,  comments and criticism welcome.





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