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Melekharn's Call to Chaos


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I Melekharn answer the Call of Chaos and vow to complete A Khorne Lord and a Tzeentch Lord before January 15th 2014. I promise to update my project at least three times per unit pledged or face the wrath of the Dark Gods! If I do this successfully I will receive the Mark of Dark Glory and continue on the path to ruin. If I fail I’ll wear the Mark of the Lost and I expect no mercy on my soul!

So... I've never really been good at these. I've vowed twice before and failed both miserably.

Mostly because I don't find the time to paint things, or I'm too busy playing PS3. A poor excuse I know.

This year I've vowed something a little more achievable. A Khorne Lord and a Tzeentch Lord.

Both models are completely built, but just waiting on a few strokes of paint.

This bad boy has served me well, and is long overdue for his deserving colours.


This fellow served me well in the previous edition Codex, and is also rather deserving.


I'll also try and get my Defiler painted - that should keep Biohazard happy. He's been waiting a while to see it done.

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Thanks Grot!

I did some work on the base for the Khorne Terminator that I was lacking inspiration for.

I wonder what Chapter he is from...


Some GS to finish it off, and then a clay rock formation/platform for my lord to stand triumphantly on and it'll be time for paint.

Heya Hrvat.

Duplication is the most sincere form of flattery - by all means go for it!

You are correct in that assumption - the shaft is from the GK kit, and the head comes from the Chaos Knights WHFB kit.

The torso and legs are from the CSM Terminators, and the head and cloak are from the CSM Termie Lord.

There are some small details on his back that come from the Marauder horsemen WHFB kit as well. I have a picture of those in my gallery, but I shall bring it here.

What angles would you like? I'll set up my camera and some lights tomorrow.

Here's a shot from his back:


How's this Hrvat?


For everyone else following this thread, I present the base his royal slaughteriness will be standing on.

You can see the foot prints where he will be positioned - when I placed him, he looks to be walking past a previous foe towards fresh meat.


  • 2 weeks later...

Long story short...

I got side tracked and painted these instead of my Call to Chaos.


My one and only gaming friend has expressed interest in playing this dead game, so I put knife and glue to plastic and metal and built my fleets.

These are the schemes I came up with.

The Black ship will be part of an Inquisition fleet... The red ship... Well.. red... gold... You guessed it... NURGLE!pinch.gif

These two little buggers have helped re-kindle my painting desires, so next update *should* be the two models I promised!

This is proof to those of you who don't believe me that I >CAN< finish a model!


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