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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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I'm not sure how I feel about the warlord, modelling wise (though admittedly it's a bit late to say as much), but the wings have a very cool Final Fantasy vibe.  Regardless, they look good altogether like that.  

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Flint13: Doh! It was supposed to say sister-superior Furyou Miko, but this damn iPad has decided that it must autocorrect every other Word i write.


(I swear, if i Ever find the :cuss that made Apples autocorrect, slaanesh Will get a new plaything)


On another note, awesome army pic is awesome!

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Awesome work Flint! You have somehow managed to make hot pink marines look good... no small achievement :P I think the blue that you've used as the spot colour on the weapons/plumes/eyes etc. really helps with this.





Ps. The EC Lord looks amazing surrounded by his lackeys. 

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With the amount of retina searing pink you've painted in such a short amount of time, I'm surprised you weren't done (figuratively and literally!) with painting it a while back :p


At least it looks amazing, all things considered.

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Such awesome work as ever - all of it (been a while since I dropped in!). The Fanged Blossom are positively eye watering thumbsup.gif and I love the Loken /Abaddon conversions.

Winner for me is the Death Mask Lord cool.png . Epic work; so, so cool.

Happy new year btw :)

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Group shot is appropriately great - the winged lord fits nicely, even with the white rather than link around, as the black sections match the rest of the warband. Great work there. Very pink though ;)


Looking forward to seeing what's next, even if it is another Knight, you resin addict you.

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Hey kids... who's tired of all the "Year in Review" videos flying around?


Glad to hear it stock image girl. Me too.

With that in mind, how 'bout something a little more fun than a chain of facebook photos?

Here is my painting year in review. Every B&C approved model I've finished up in the long long twelve months of the past year.

The Whole Gang


Jackal Dawn (Left) with pilot Jaquelyn dan Elsan

Kara Ha'kaen, the Thunder Daughter and her mission handler Samantha Augustine


Saeva Nocte, The Savage Midnight

XXVIII Company, VIII Legion

Near and dear to my heart, though I still misspell your sobriquet to this day.


The Children of Cuth'Vasi

XXVIII Company, XII Legion

Oft lamented in their hobby hiatus, yet never forgotten.

(since I can't go a week without someone asking about them biggrin.png )


The Orphans

Various Companies and Legions

My various one offs and mini-vanity projects, eight different chapters/legions in all.


Ha'dreel Aldanath and The Dragonslayers of Al-Revais

22nd Millennial, III Legion

The smallest of all my warbands, but totally the loudest about it.


The Cult of the Fanged Blossom

An abomination born of a deity with a hangover, also the pinkest kids you know.


Thanks to everyone for all the constructive criticism, hilarity, support and assorted fun times over the last 12 months. I'd never stay as invested in this hobby as I am without everyone on the Bolter and Chainsword keeping me honest and entertained.




@ Pearson - I did shuffle quite a few bits bins looking for things so they wouldn't be completely boring!

@ Atia - Thanks girl! I am seriously done painting pink, but I can't argue that they aren't hella unique.

@ Augustus - The thought of trying to replicate that pink scheme on something so large kinda made me throw up in my mouth a little. tongue.png

@ Tarvick - Thanks! I'm not sure what I'm going to work on next exactly. I'll probably poodle around with finishing my red Castigator and her buddy.

@ Firepower - Me either. I kinda hate his face a bit. Glad to hear they have your blessing though biggrin.png

@ Lokkorex - Hah! Tell me about some Ipad issues... I swear it's like mine is trying to wrestle me whenever I want to type anything.

Just found out recently autocorrect assumes I mean "Masochists" whenever I type "Christmas."

Let's just say a few of my holiday wishes to others on BnC were very close to being a lot more interesting blink.png

@ KBA - Thanks! He is a decent center piece now that I look at them all together. My painting output is fueled entirely by sushi, Netflix and university funded insomnia.

@ Kizzdougs - Thanks! I feel like blues are one of the few things I can point at and say "hey, I'm pretty darn good at that," so it tends to pop up a lot in my painting, regardless of what I'm doing.

Glad to hear the Fanged Blossom looks the part!

@ Kol - Funny story. I may have accidentally ordered a Blood Angels tactical box last night. Whatever I do with them, they sure has hell aren't ending up as pretty boy spess vampires msn-wink.gif

@ Slipstreams - Oh, trust me, I was done painting pink by about the third terminator. What parameters are considered within "all things?"

@ Augustus - Eh... maybe not Imperial Fists per se... biggrin.png

@ Mightnight - Hiya buddy, always glad to see you back in! Hehe, thanks! I think you just like him b/c he has a silly deathmask on tongue.png

@ Daytay - Already built one jetpack MKIII guy before I figured out MKIII is supposed to be too heavy to lift with a jump pack...

@ JackDaw - Ugh, tell me about it... So so so pink and black. Like a Hot Topic exploded inside the ladies section of American Eagle.

Dunno what's next. Probs that Castigator... maybe I'll actually finish my Night Raptors. They seem to be glaring at me the hardest biggrin.png

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I'll just go with the politically correct "figure of speech" tongue.png

Great to see all the work you've done in one picture; just goes to show how much you can get done when having fun!

Edit: as for whats next, March of the Legions deems it to be a Salamander :p

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That is nothing short of astonishing! What a productive and awesome hobby year!


The two Knights are an excellent achievement! Although I still have a huge soft spot for your NL and WE footsloggers (and I happen to have a nice idea for a bit of background to tie the Childen of Cuth'Vasi and the 4th assault company together, as I may have mentioned in passing).


Oh, and don't you think it's time to give that 40k World Eater hidden away in one of the photos his day in the limelight? ;)


Anyway, fantastic work! And never a dull moment! :)

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You've sure managed more than me this past year.


I take it you'll return to some of those warbands When you need a change of pace or something different to make?


Loving the dragonslayers.

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Hi guys!


Playing around with the little bits of black armor on my Castigator and ended up redoing the groin guard. What do we think? Sharpened up the highlights and tried a slightly bluey-er black.






@ Slipstreams - Oh, I have a great (read: hilarious) idea for a son of Vulkan.


@ K-Sci - Haha, it amuses me greatly that you totally caught him hiding in the back of the Orphans pic.


@ Kol - Of course. What else? ^_^


@ Lokkorex - S'why I always keep a couple projects going, so I'll always have a couple things to play around with. The Fanged Blossom are the only one I consider *done.*

I do love my little 3rd legion... Glad to hear there are a couple fans!


@ Augustus - Of course! Little did I know, all that time ago,when you signed on to the VIII party, your stuff would look hella better than mine :P


@ Doghouse - Thanks!


Forte - Oh... I may have used my Christmas swag to a little midnight clad shopping from FW...


@ Tarvick - Thanks!


2015? Tons of school work, more resin goodness in the downtime, and learning to paint black *really* well :D

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I mainly lurk on this thread as it moves too fast for me to keep up with the conversation given my limited browsing time per day and frankly, Flint, it had sort of passed me by just how much stuff you're done this year! the other striking thing is the variety and experimentation on display. It's really cool to see it all together like that and made me pay attention to a couple of things I hadn't noticed before.

For the Castigator plate there's probably a little more cleaning up of those lines you could do, but the colour's good, bright enough for a contrast yet not so much so that it looks Tron-ish.

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\\Power = ON





**Data Inload begin**


Systems Diagnostic Routine... Complete.

Output gauged 96% = Acceptable



Sonar Sweep Ref. #34---> Potential Targets Acquired = 26

23/26 Designation: Augmented Transhuman
3/26 Designation: Non-augmented Human/NonCom



**Data Inload Secondary**....

Accept? Y/N


Upload Ex(ternal): M:\AdVOS\RUN:"Vasquez.exe"

Execute Program "Vasquez?" Y/N


... ** Recalibrating **


Sonar Sweep Ref. #35---> Potential Targets Acquired = 26

23/26 Designation: Augmented Transhuman

3/26 Designation: Non-augmented Human/NonCom


Power Diverted to Combat Attachments.

Powered Armor Detected: Recalibrating weapon charge

=45% Draw from IntRec.

Weapons recalibrated










@ Midnight - Haha, thanks! I am glad to hear I retain the illusion of a high standard biggrin.png

Nothing to those gorgie Flesh Eaters though!

@ Sockwithaticket - Hiya buddy! Always glad to see you stop in.

I am happy that the whole "Painting Year in Review" bit worked like I was hoping it would and that everyone seemed to enjoy it. Truth be told, it was actually kinda shocking for me to go back over everything. Every time I thought I had found the last model, I dug a little deeper in my model box and found something else I had to squeeze into frame.

Funnily enough, it forced me to upgrade my light box setup so I could fit everything!

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