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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Is Vaust a Night Lord? I'm guessing simply by the narrator referring to him as "Murderer", the fondness for short blades and the midnight-clad leg plate, but the bit about Fhal and Vaust getting along despite their once-brothers makes me more curious and confused. If Vaust is a Night Lord as I suspect, and his friendship with Fhal is surprising because of their once-brothers bitter hatred of one another, then what does that make Fhal?

Scratch that, just re-read the page, I understand now, I acccidentally got Sevok Fel and Fhal of the Long Death mixed up.sweat.gif

wallbash.gif Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...

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Why the black helmet flint? Looks good tho

Maybe because hes a Raven Guard msn-wink.gif or at least using a Ravens helm or other Black-Based Chapter....Iron Hands, Black Templar, etc.

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My breath was coming hard. My sword slid smoothly from the corpse of the Aelyf Knightling at my feet. Its blade had parted the smooth plate mail of the enemy warrior. The armor was svelte, almost delicate in its construction, just like its wearer. Dozens of them lie strewn about us, torn from the charge of my blood-wrought knights.


But our charge had not been without consequence. The Aelyf had torn their vengeance from our steel and flesh. They were terrible in their wrath, their star magi casting bolts of feral lightning and fire into our midst, their swordsmen weaving through our warriors with all the skill of legend born blade danceers. The Knighthood were too few already. And now all that remained stood with me there in the small clearing, an impossible calm island a midst the raging torrent of battle.


I looked to them, my Knights of steel, quenched in ash and blood, as my gaze turned from the reforming ranks of the Aelyf Wytchlings that began to surround us. Despite that their ornate steel plate was rent and their many wounds dripped crimson, my Knights... my broken Archangels... were with me still. They grasped their blades firmly, no weakness in any of them. I looked to each one, nine in total, and I smiled. Nine seemed oddly appropriate. I don't know why.


"My sons, you must flee," I called to them, "We cannot have victory here, and the Aelyfings will leave none alive unless I deny them. You must return. You must carry on the Knighthood."

Each of them met my gaze defiantly.

It was Sardan, my Archangel of burning wrath, that spoke first. He clenched his fists, wreathed in blue-white fire and uttered a single word. It was the only word I had heard him speak that day.



My Archangel of Death, known as Thael, came forward then and placed his hand upon my pauldron.

"My lord. We will not leave you." He said, his blue eyes burning through the visor of his crested helm, the sacred chalice emblazoned upon its brow.

His very twin, one called Kade, my Executioner Archangel, echoed his brother's words, as he stepped forward as well. My gaze drifted around to each of them in turn.

For just a second, I saw them as something else. I saw them not as the Archangels of my wrathful crusade, clad in the finest plate mail wrought of my ancient house, bearing red plumes of honor and wielding the enchanted blades of the high mountain dwemer smiths. I saw them as warriors cloaked in metal plate that was unfamiliar to me, cold steel gray with helms the color of clotted blood. Their armor fitfully sparked and whined with the damage it had sustained.

I shook my head to clear the vision.

"You all feel this way?" I asked. My only answer was a firmer grip upon their blades.


"Very well then." I turned from them to face the renewed and vicious horde of the Aelyfings.

​The voice of Radek, the First of my Archangels, called to me from his place to my right hand.

"My lord, Archdaemriel. Know this. We shall stand with you, and we shall wreak such a red havoc upon them this day that their ancestors for millennia to come will weep and tremble to hear the name of this cursed rock."

A long breath hissed from my lips, and I smiled within my helm. My sword raised high, I roared the warcry of my noble house and lunged towards the ranks of the Aelyfing warriors. Behind me, the last broken Archangels of my Savage Knighthood were there, wounds dripping but defiant still...

...my Bloody Nine roared as they charged with me.


Logen Archdaemriel, the Living Bloodsaint

accompanied by the Bloody Nine of the Savage Knighthood


@ Dark Rage - Glad to hear it. Thanks!

@ Kol - Hah! Indeed biggrin.png

@ Slipstreams - ... mebbe...

@ Recon - Maybe he stabbed a Raven...

@ Atia - Thanks! It's funny that I get really good lightning results when I'm not doing Night Lords rolleyes.gif

@ Sanguinious - No worries! I confuse myself occasionally too, especially after naming Sevok Fel. (I totally changed his name a couple of times b/c it was too similar to other folks in the Nine)

Vaust is not a Night Lord. Obviously. Just look at his armor biggrin.png ph34r.png

If it clears anything up (prolly not really) Fhal the Long Death used to be an Angel Encarmine.

@ Slipstreams x2 - This is a distinct possibility

@ JackDaw - This is also a quite distinct possibility. Except for the fact that Fel and Vaust both are quite obviously Knights of Blood biggrin.png

@ Noctem - I'm so glad his positioning came off right! I spent quite awhile trying to get him posed just right to look a little lurky.

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The painting really ties the minis together into a fantastic squad. I like them a lot and I love the writing that accompanied them.


They seem to have just the right mix of colors to keep them from being flamboyant, but still be a real joy to paint.


Great work all around as usual !

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Glad to see you have more imagination than I do.


If I were making a 9 marine line-up I'd probably end up naming them after the Slipknot Band Members :p


Also, just from the way you did the Blood Saint, I am very much looking forward to you doing Sanguinary Guard and/or Death Company....please?

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Why the black helmet flint? Looks good tho

Maybe because hes a Raven Guard msn-wink.gif or at least using a Ravens helm or other Black-Based Chapter....Iron Hands, Black Templar, etc.
Black beakie helm. Biggest, most not-subtle subtle hint ever. Of all time.

Then again, I could just read Flint's comment first. Although now I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the right one.

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Oh wow, nice work Flint! Fantastic colour scheme, great matching bases, cool fluff, the works. And in such a short time! I understood from your post-ending CoC comment that you think we're rivals. I don't know about that, but if we where, I'd be afraid.

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The Knights look amazing! 

Among the Bloody Nine I find Radek and Fahl. Both look like magnificent bastards just waiting to unleash carnal savagery! Also, on Karhunan's re-appropriated armor, how did you paint that blue? Is it a blue wash over metal paint?

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Evening everyone!

Finally finished my rediculous Salamander for the XVIII March of Legions.


and now the real reason we're here...


Goodness, that's a lot of them. Thanks for all the kind words for the Saint and his Bloody Nine! They were an absolute blast to both paint and write for, and as I did so, I found myself enjoying them far more than I thought I would.

@ Recon - Lets see... they're 9/10's the new BA tactical kit, but they're also some Sanguinary guard, standard tactical kit, chaos raptors and Forge World bits from 30/40k, and Warriors of Chaos, dark elf executioners and storm vermin from Fantasy.

@ BCK - Yep, more or less! No death company though, surprisingly enough. They haven't gotten to me in the mail yet ^_^

@ 200Plus - Hey buddy! Always glad to see you back in.

I appreciate that. I always like to hear folks enjoy the fluff as well as my painting.

Speaking of which, the paint actually surprised me with how silly simple it was... essentially white, black, red, blue, gunmetal. Not exactly broad pallet horizons, haha.

@ LongGone - Heyo! Thanks!

@ Slipstreams - Awe, I wouldn't say that. I am kinda debating on how I want to do the death company. I know I don't want to do them the same black that the XI legion does. The Angels Encarmine paint them in white, so I love the contrast there... hmm... still up in the air really.

Logen is more Sanguinary guard than death company, so whatever I do, I want the death company to look different from both him and the rest of the Nine.

@ Kol - Hah, and the most generic Ravenguard name I could think of in five minutes or less :P

To be fair, Sevok Fel also has a breastplate that he got off of a dead Khorne berzerker, but that's a little less obvious.

@ Brother Talon - Indeed not.

@ Midnight - Haha, people seem to really enjoy Vaust, even if he is the jerk of the squad. Glad to hear it!

@ Kizzdougs - Thanks!

@ Augustus - Glad to hear it all came together well enough.

Awe, of course we're rivals buddy! Totes remember I have a spike picked out on my Fire Raptor just for your head laugh.png

@ Hushrong - Thanks! Radek is probably my favorite of the Nine. Ah, for Karhunan's repurposed greave, its actually shades of Vallejo air blue (blue angels, french and french/ice mix) mixed with Vallejo metal medium. It's an idea I got from Forte, and I've been having a blast screwing around with it so far. It makes the metal look a lot brighter and cleaner since you don't have a wash matting down your metal shinies.

@ Xin - Pretty steep praise there. Thanks!

@ Augustus x2 - B/c Nurgle... ick. sick.gif

@ Khârn - So glad to hear it! I kinda like Logen myself. He's probs my favorite.

@ Atia - Thanks girl! I doubt if they'll ever see the table top... I admit I have zero idea how I'd use them. They're just kinda for looking pretty at the moment sweat.gif

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Oh Flint. Logen and his Bloody Nine. I.....I doff my cap. Also, totes see what you did there.


And now I hate myself for saying 'totes'.


Anyways. Logen looks boss, stop making me want to do a winged Angel myself. It just doesn't work in the sorrowful Seraph. But I want to so bad...... And Aelflyings - Eldar? I love that Logen sees things in a 'fantasy' way rather than 40k way. Thats a peachy little twist. I kinda hate you for thinking up something that good.


You should do more of these chaps.


As for the Salamander......he's silly, but in a cheesy 90s action flick way. Which is not a bad thing.

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