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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Oh my god Flint, that font on the white mobile background is just searing.


To buff my response out some, your conversion of the Abaddon/Loken duel is quite possibly my favorite thing seen. Not just because of the quality work that went into it, but because of the concept of it. I would love to see more like it, from anyone.

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(Thought I'd quote the pics, as it's frustrating when you post stuff at the end of a page only for it to be bumped.)

Those look fantastic – a cool idea for a conversion. The visors are particularly good – oddly (and fittingly) vibrant :)

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The visors on those mechs are beautiful, any chance of a rundown of colours/tutorial (I'm building some AdMech styled Centurions with Dave Taylor shoulder pad visors and want to steal your technique!)
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 Afternoon all!


So recently, I've gotten a crazy amount of questions over my Thallaxi, most of all, how I paint the faceplates. Like pretty much everything I do, it's a combination of looking decent at 3ft away, and being easy, cause I'm lazy :D

So I thought I'd try my hand at another mini-tutorial. Prepare for pic wall!

Without further ado...



Flint's Tiny Tutes Take Three
How to Paint Ballistic Glass the Lazy Girl Way



Ok, so essentially what this breaks down to is painting a big gemstone. I essentially do it the exact same way, with the darkest corner at the top, in line with the direction your light source is coming from.


1.) Gather materials. All of these are Vallejo, from left to right: Glacier Blue, Ice Blue, French Blue, Blue Angels and Gloss Varnish. Glacier and Ice I've had for awhile, so I've transferred them into bigger squeezie bottles and watered them down to a good working consistency.




2.) Here's the faceplate in black primer.




3.) Cover that black primer about 75% in your darkest blue, Blue Angels in this case. We're making a round swipe of dark dark blue and keeping that upper right semi-circle pretty much black. Take my word for it, it's there.




4.) A little easier to see now, cover maybe 50% of that previous layer with your next lightest blue. French blue go! You can start to see the gentle sweep in the line a little better now.




5.) Cover 50% of that layer with a 50/50 mix of Ice and French blue. Even smaller crescent.




6.) Cover 50% of that layer with pure Ice blue.




7.) Last little crescent. 50/50 mix of Ice and Glacier blue. Just an itty itty bit in the bottom left "corner"




8.) I made a super thin glaze of french blue here, but Gulliman blue will work just as well to pull all of the layers together a little better.




9.) Go back to that black semi-circle in the upper right corner. Give it a tiny dot of white. That's the direct reflection of your light source. There are plenty of fancy things you can do here, but I prefer a simple little oval.




10.) Gloss varnish that sucker! A thin coat across the entire faceplate. Not a huge difference, but it looks neat next to the matte armor when you're all done.




11.) BAM! done.




And replies! Can't believe how popular these little guys were :D


@ Atia - Thanks! The claws were actually from the plastic Warp Talon kit. I swear, even though they never see table time, that kit is like the mother of all kit bash caches. 


@ Conn - Haha, is the blue better? 


Thanks! I quite like that little diorama myself.


@ Forte - I am totally one of those chicks that will pay more at a Target just to avoid Wal-mart... :D


@ DSS7 - Thanks! Way bigger than I expected.


@ DimDim - I know right? They're my fav.


@ Krieg - Glad to hear it. I am consistently surprised how much folks seem to like how I paint blue stuff.


@ Augustus - Think of Ursarax like a Thallaxi close combat variant with lightning claws and a volkite flavored death hug. Plus they apparently look pretty nasty in Dark Admech colors :D


@ Apologist - Thanks! I tried to make the visors pretty eye-catching since they are such a center point of the model.


@ Quixus - Thallaxi, no, but Ursurax, yes ^_^


Ew, Mutilators? Just 30k in here, sir :D


@ LiSiMachus - How's the above work for you? Totally let me know if you have any other questions!


@ Pearson - Thanks! 


@ Slipstreams - Prolly... but Thallaxi/Ursurax are so much better :D



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Love the tiny tut - well done! And thanks of course. :tu:


BTW - do you have VMA insignia blue? It's even darker than Blue Angels Blue and the base for all my NLs. 


And now for the mandatory nitpick: the AdMech symbols on their chests still need on half to be white, no? :d

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Great job Flint, doesn't seem too lazy a way to do it...


Wasn't it Bill Gates who said, you should hire lazy peoples, as they find the easiest way to complete a difficult task??


I reckon the cog should be half red, half black, as they are dark mechanicum...

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@ LySiMachus - How's the above work for you? Totally let me know if you have any other questions! 

Perfect, thanks Flint, will be trying that out once I've finally got the things built! Will have to get some brush on gloss varnish as the 'ardcoat that came in my (very old GW metal box) paint set has long since turned into a solid lump!


And IMHO the best techniques are always those that result in awesome minis with a minimum of effort :P

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Thanks, it was a better change!


And seriously, you should do more like that. If there are more. The only other diorama that comes to mind is the Fulgrim/Ferrus one.


Though I would love to see someone take that particular one and use it as a base for a truescale diorama.

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Evening guys!

Yesterday, I accidentally (on purpose) bought one of the new Blood Angels kits. Today I gave myself 2 1/2 hours alone with it, my bits box and some paints. How'd I do with Sgt. Radek?


@ Augustus - I do have insignia blue. I started off basing with it, but honestly I couldn't see a huge difference and cut it out to save time.

I think Dark AdMech are black and bone... but yes, prolly need to paint those biggrin.png

@ Dantay - Yep, that's Bill! One of my life mottos!

@ Recon - HAH! Talent and drive I can fake well enough. Thanks though happy.png

@ LySiMachus - Glad to hear it helped.

Yeah, same here. Gone are the days of the 10 hour Night Lord.

@ Conn - That is a cool idea!

@ Kol - Oh... that is creepy! Imma say it was totally intentional biggrin.png

@ DepthCharge - Thanks! Yeah, still jonesing for resin heroine full swing over here...

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Such a cool Chapter, please tell me you are going to stick with these as a final choice! I personally think they have a cool colour scheme (kind of inverted Flesh Tearer), if I didn't do Flesh Eaters, I would do these.


I like the use of bits - knightly (including weapon load out) but still obviously BA, while the top knot adds a feral feel that really suits his Chapter. I like.



Freeland especially looks boss :)


Would love to see some weathering/battle damage, being excommunicate would mean not much time and resource to fix stuff up and look purty :D

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