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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Really like how you did the Gunmetal/Silver with the White Highlighting! Really makes it stand out instead of being "Dark Silver with Light/Brighter Silver Highlights!".


This is personal Preference but I feel that the Topknot may be a bit too much; then again, I hate the things in general.


Beyond that little personal qualm, I like it.

"Sardan is older than any of us. He remembers how it used to be... before the break."


"Stoic and taciturn, so stereotypical of those of his breeding and age. Why are those most experienced and storied the most silent among us?"


"He is the only one of the Knighthood not to wear an honor name upon his pauldron. He is also the only one to wear the crimson tear upon his shield inverted. Ask him why someday. The story is one of the few things to still bring a hint of a smile."



@ Kol - *sigh* Yeah... I tossed my ceramite white and white scar last night. I am *so* done with them.

@ Kizzdougs - Ah, see I know they are renegades lost in the tides of the Eye, but I wanted to really play up the Knight in Knights of Blood. Plus it looks cool biggrin.png

@ Recon - Truth be told, I wasn't a huge fan of the scheme either until I figured out how pleasantly easy it is to paint, and how good it looks when in person. I think its one of those few marine color schemes that looks way better in the flesh (plastic) than in a codex or paint guide.

@ Midnight - Yep! I've got three more Knights of Blood planned after Sardan up there. Thanks for pointing me in their direction. I'm enjoying them so far.

I'm a little clueless as to how I'd get battle damage to look good on metal... I'm totes open to suggestions and/or tutes though biggrin.png

@ Slipstreams - Thanks! You're half right. The highlights on the gunmetal are actually a slim line of VAC Steel, followed by a super slim line of pure metal medium. It's like a white silver color, bright enough to highlight even colors like Aluminum or Mithril.

I was going for more of a knightly plume a la Fulgore from Killer Instinct, but I can't complain either way.

I do have a bit of a topknot obsession.

@ Hydra - Thanks! I would like to think that my painting time improves if nothing else. I appreciate the vote of confidence though biggrin.png

@ Teetengee - Thanks! That's pretty steep praise.

@ Augustus - ... no... tongue.png

@ Dark Bjoern - Yep, 150 minutes from clipping his pieces from the sprue until I hit him with matte varnish. Same with this guy too.

Glad to hear they're still coming out decently.

Sardan looking a boss, never thought to do a blue flame effect like that on the igniter, looks wicked. All flamers should have them!!! onsider the idea 'stolen' biggrin.png

Re the weathering/damage; I would probs add a few scratches and chips to the using black/dark grey to the red (I use the old Charadon Granite) and perhaps some 'rusted' areas to the metallics, Maybe 'chip' the paint of the Chapter symbol. Check out my brothers Iron Warriors for uber weathered silver:- http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/242434-sepsis-chaos-warbands-pg3-call-of-chaos-vows/?p=2930966

Not saying go that mad, mind ohmy.png, does look cool though (free plug for him too)

*sits back after reading through the entire thread over 2 school days*

"yeah, that 63 looks pretty lonely, needs a new friend..."


a very fine plethora of work if i do say so myself. yes.gif

Thanks for the visual feast! expect to see my skeletal face around more often now. tongue.png

Can't complain! Work looks as awesome as always.


Like the Blue Back-Burner flame of the Heavy Flamer - nice touch especially when you consider that Blue Fire is hotter than Red/Orange fire :p

"Kade the butcher. Kade the hated. Kade the Third. Kade of the axe-kin."


"Name alone is unimportant. His honor kills are myriad and his wrath is absolute. Executioners are common among the ranks of the Sons of the Sanguine Angel. Twins, less so."


"With all of the factors that stand against an individual rising to the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes, inducted and surviving siblings are rare. Are those of identical birth doomed or blessed to follow the same fate as their blood? Regardless of their destiny, Kade hates his twin, and Thael he, with all the passion of the betrayer and the betrayed. We have too many divisions in the Knighthood already. This one shall not end well."



@ Teeteegee - Can't just tell you. That would be terrible story telling.

@ Midnight - Thanks! My two biggest model pet peeves are unhelmed marines (who have yet to be shot in the face) and flame weapons with no visible ignition source.

I'll give that plog and a few tutorials a look and see if I can dirty them up a bit for their end of class group shot biggrin.png

@ Slipstreams - Thanks! That was my thinking exactly. Plus blue/white looks way better with red and silver.

@ Pearson - Thank you. I thought he looked particularly Knightly.

@ Atia - Glad to hear it girl! It is a pretty neat kit, I won't lie. Waaaaay too many super ornate pieces for me though biggrin.png

I like! Nice imposing stance!


Did you hit the gemstones with a bit of gloss varnish? I think it'd help make the gems seem more complete. If you are, then it might just be the pictures :p


Now I see what you meant by the white being a really bright silver; this picture shows it off more.

Can't figure out where the Ursarax have rules. Would you mind pointing out where I could find them, if there are any?


Also, I love the models. Such menace in their poses. Truly chilling. Love it.

@ Atia - Glad to hear it girl! It is a pretty neat kit, I won't lie. Waaaaay too many super ornate pieces for me though biggrin.png

yeah, same problem with the Space Wolves box ... but i want to mix the Blood Angel pieces with Fw parts to do some Siege of Terra BA's, so thats ok :P

nice work on Kade, are the Knights of Blood the new Chapter in the Codex?^^

"For every internecion, there is the birth of a new civilization. For every chance that sends a bolt shell ricochet through an eye lens or vox-grille, there is a round that glances obliquely at just the degree to open a scalp wound instead of the brain pan. For every Astartes like Kade, there is one of the Consanguinity such as Thael."


"Both are torn from the same royal family of the same backwater feudal world. Both never succumbed to the murderous trials that are the rite of passage for ascension to our ranks. Both rose to become the Executioner Primus of their respective companies. Each were seconded to Radek, First of the Nine, when he set out in his doomed attempt to purge the curse from our veins. And both hates the other bound in service to the Knighthood."


"Kade carries the cul-axe of Drannen Vor, and it has never left his hand since he wrested it from the dead fingers of that doomed son of the Twelfth."


"Thael lays claim to the haradrimmen sabre of Logen Archdamriel. Never before had the hands of an Astartes touched a fang of a Blood Saint. There was no precedent for it. No training in what remains of the Chapter archives, no teachings of ancient masters from which to draw on. But Thael wields the blade as if born to it, if you shall forgive an old man a cliche."


"The Consanguinity stands more divided now than ever. If it holds for the length of my life time, it shall be considered a miracle of Sanguine proportions. But even at this micromatic level, there are fractures. If two brothers of blood and the Blood can not stand together, who among us could?

The dramaturge Gemmalian of ancient Terra once expounded upon such a thing. 'The only sure thing of a combat between an axeman and a swordsman is that whatever the contest, it shall not be long for its end.'"


I'm so happy folks seem to be enjoying the Knights of Blood. They were originally just a little one off passion project to entertain myself, but I find I'm really getting into them. Thanks for the helpful enthusiasm so far guys!

@ Slipstreams - I did, believe it or not. I think the anti-gleam is a by product of letting Photoshop auto-tune my pics.

@ Dantay - Thanks! I did change the back end out from the normal Glaive Encarmine, b/c wings are for girls. The blue yin yangy thing was just a pleasant looking happenstance happy.png

@ Heinrich - Thanks! Well yeah, I have to find someway to entertain myself until the end of the month tongue.png

@ Dosjetka - The Ursurax have rules in Extermination from FW. It's pretty much the best book ever if you're any sort of Admech fan. Essentially they're Thallaxi with a pair of lightning claws and WS4. Also a volkite-flavored instant death attack in melee, if you want to trade in your lightning claw attacks biggrin.png

@ Aquilanus - Appreciate it! Yeah, blues are one of the few things I'm half way decent at.

Wasn't so much a direct link, just how I'm used to painting blue power and/or enscorcelled weapons now.

@ Atia - The Knights of Blood have been around for awhile, but have all of maybe 5 paragraphs to their name. I am guesstimating radically so far biggrin.png

@ DimDim - Thanks! I'm really happy that they seem to be popular so far.

@ Atia - Glad to hear it girl! It is a pretty neat kit, I won't lie. Waaaaay too many super ornate pieces for me though biggrin.png

yeah, same problem with the Space Wolves box ... but i want to mix the Blood Angel pieces with Fw parts to do some Siege of Terra BA's, so thats ok :P

nice work on Kade, are the Knights of Blood the new Chapter in the Codex?^^

That's the Carmine Blades. The Knights of Blood were introduced in the 5th Ed Codex and are a Renegade Chapter that still fights for the Imperium but was cast out because they were excessively violent.

@ Atia - Glad to hear it girl! It is a pretty neat kit, I won't lie. Waaaaay too many super ornate pieces for me though biggrin.png

yeah, same problem with the Space Wolves box ... but i want to mix the Blood Angel pieces with Fw parts to do some Siege of Terra BA's, so thats ok tongue.png

nice work on Kade, are the Knights of Blood the new Chapter in the Codex?^^

That's the Carmine Blades. The Knights of Blood were introduced in the 5th Ed Codex and are a Renegade Chapter that still fights for the Imperium but was cast out because they were excessively violent.

ah ok thx, it's a while since i last read their 5th edition codex :P

@Flint: awesome sword :Q

Well, you did a better job of portraying twins than i would've, and to boot, your Knights of blood are probably gonna be way better than the space hulk terminators i was going to paint in that scheme... happy.png

really cool paint job, i absolutely love your edge highlighting! laugh.png


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