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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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Loyal...loy..ist..loyali...nope, can't say it. Looks the part though :tu: Still improving too.

These guys are Renegades. ;)
Ren-e-gade-s. Renegades. Yup, that I'm good with. No soap mouth wash needed.
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Wow Flint, I think you might have missed your true calling as a daughter of Sanguinius.

Those models are amazing!

I can't believe it only took you two and a half hours to paint Radek - that's a marvellous result.

It takes half an hour longer for me to make models that look much worse!laugh.png

In short, top stuff! biggrin.png

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Good Morning everyone!

Had a free bit this morning so I decided to go back and clean up a few place on Radek that were bugging me. He was kinda my tester model for the Knights of Blood color scheme, so I hadn't quite hammered out exactly how I wanted to go about it. Mainly just cleaned him up and changed over his "warm" white colors (based in browns) to match the "cold" white (based in blue gray) of the rest of his squad. Not perfect, but I think he looks much better now.




That's the Carmine Blades. The Knights of Blood were introduced in the 5th Ed Codex and are a Renegade Chapter that still fights for the Imperium but was cast out because they were excessively violent awesome.


@ Atia - Thanks! It's big.

@ Argent Aquila - Appreciate it! My edge highlighting is loud and attention getting, but a tad messy and eclectic. Much like me.

@ Anaziel - Just on these five. The other half of the squad are going to be much more reserved. Glad it looks unique!

@ Forte - Loyalist? ... Sir, those are murder-dueling words :P

@ Recon - Thanks! The metal is super simple. Vallejo air Black Metal on a black basecoat, washed in the recesses with 50/50 badab/drakenhoff and edge highlighted with VA Steel.

Glad you like the power weapons. They aren't coming out exactly how I want them, but I'm happy enough ^_^

@ Kol x2 - Yep! That's a pretty big jump for me.

@ Forte x2 - It's like a friends with bennys relationship with traitordom. Apostasy without the attachments!

@ Dantay - Thanks! These tiny shields are actually pretty easy to paint and the crossed swords are a breeze with a micron pen.

@ Ace - Haha, a daughter of Sanguinius I am not. I do like the pretty colors though :D

Well, two and a half hours to paint Radek now. Before that, it was 150 min to assemble, prime and paint him. I think the extra half hour really paid off.

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*checks threads after missing previous few updates*

Hmm, interesting. Miss Flint has turned her hand to the Sons of Sanguinius.



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"Fhal of the Long Death came to late in the eve of our delving campaign. He was drawn to Radek and his warriors, then only seven, seeing in them his own flight from Emperor and blood-kin."  




"His once-brothers were not overjoyed to find him among our ranks. Yet another perceived slight to add to the writ of the myriad "loyal" sons of the Angel. We fell on their frigate. We had no choice. They would not listen, and they would have brought others down on our heads. There was no hesitation in Fhal's blades as he opened their throats and lanced the lenses of their helms."




"Every bit the gladiator as the warrior. His swordcraft is flashy and superfluous, his warshout a braggart's demand for note of skill. All marks of a squire of the Blood... save for skill with his blades. We are ruthless, we are vicious, and we are unrepentant. But we are not foolish.


Never has one so wild and unconstrained been elevated to a rank of note within the Savage Knighthood. Then again, never have I seen a bolt round deflected from an unpowered sword edge.


Many are the questions that breeds... he seems the quintessential son of his former chapter. The arrogance of an Angelic father touches us all differently I suppose. Radek brings all types to the Consanguinity, and not yet without purpose. I am sure Fhal's vanity will temper with time.


I can only wonder if he shall survive to see it."




@ Kol - Of course! 


@ Dantay - Hah, you should see it IRL. It is *crazy* metallic from where I'm sitting.


@ Recon - Thanks!


@ Sanguinius - Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence!


I remember you voicing the opinion I should try my hand at it some time ago :D

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Models and paintwork is absolutely stunning... makes me want to melt my dread.. almost.


What really gets me? How your fluff drives each character home. Should you stop, we must find a servitor that can host your brain.


Must. Not. Stop.

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Models and paintwork is absolutely stunning... makes me want to melt my dread.. almost.


What really gets me? How your fluff drives each character home. Should you stop, we must find a servitor that can host your brain.


Must. Not. Stop.

We would end up having to use her brain to pilot an Imperator Titan. Or maybe a battleship so she could just end worlds with a thought.......
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"Ah, the intiate secundii. Some of them showed promise even with inferior, re-purposed gear and cast offs from the Knighthood. Enough promise even that the Consanguinity deigned to accept a few of them into service. All except Sardan, but he was always a contrary old bastard."


"Karhunan's influx was reaped from a jungle deathworld on the spinward side of the Legatus cluster. Like most of his kind, he still retains the fondness for more... primitive implements of war. Though sometimes I wonder if it was that eccentricity that drew Kade's eye, rather than his battlefield kill tally."


"They may not have the raw skill of the seniors of the Savage Knighthood, but any among us can substantiate their enthusiasm. Tearing the head from that Dusk Wraith khan with his bare hands was a particularly convincing argument in favor of Karhunan's ardor... I believe I even saw Kade crack a smile that day."


@ Recon - Just the one squad from the BA tactical kit.

@ Argent Aquila - Glad to hear! I thought it would make him a bit more interesting.

@ Dark Rage - Not a bad idea, and quite thematic at that.

But sadly, I am not that creative. One sword is just the grim-dark lightsaber variety, one is just the sharp stick kind biggrin.png

@ Heru - Yep!

@ Brother Talon - Thanks! I will be the first to admit I am an average painter on the best day, so I like to think I augment it well with fluffy bits.

Heh, I could see that. I have been called a Lady-Terminator before.

@ Kol - I could get behind that."We are the Flintamnesis" biggrin.png

@ Noctus - I appreciate it! I'm growing quite fond of them myself.

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Love me some BA successors. Cracking effort on the Knights, Flint. I know from personal experience that the Chapter symbol is a real pain in the arse to freehand and you've made a good fist of it. The colours are suitably muted  for them.

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Good thing you put those fluff tidbits in there 'cuz I was about to flip mah shizz at that Ultramarine legplate.


Little quirk would be to maybe differentiate the Axe Head a bit more from the rest of the mini? To me, its the color of the armors highlights; while I can live with it, it kinda bugs me a bit :p


Other than that cooli-o's

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Evening guys. Just for funsies, here's Kade with his new squire.



@ Sock - Thanks! I'm glad that's how they come off. It's definitely what I'm going for.

@ Slipstreams - Like I said, "inferior re-purposed gear" biggrin.png

@ Recon - Pretty darn simple. Black primer, Vallejo air Black metal, edge highlight with VA Steel, and an itty bitty edge high light of metal medium.

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