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IHF's attempt at focus (updated 21/1)

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@JeffTibbets: thanks, Im glad that the tone seems right - I might edit it to the tune of what you mentioned, perhaps hint at the subconscious discomfort their nature causes on the guardsman, and yeah - give some initial mystery to what was happening

Anyway, I promised an update, so here it is - just the initial mock - up, giving the appropriate proportions & posing - I'll probably start outlining the witch in the foreground properly, and positioning the plates today, but I'll most likely post that up tomorrow.

The idea is its one of the squad about to execute one of the psykers, but he's purposefully taking his sweet time - the downed witch is trying to wail on the Tactical marine with all his special warp zapyness, but obviously with the Astartes as a blank, that isn't working too well. Im looking to really capture the contempt on the marines face with this guy, toning back all the baroque detailing, but keeping the gothic vibe. In the future I'll probably add a small bit of fluff to the (eventually) revived IA article, with a Ksons sorcerer managing to kill some Persecutors with his powers, because I dont want them to see too OP - they aren't fully blown Pariahs after all.

Anyway, here's the start:


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I love the pose. I can read so much contempt in the body language now. I hope it still comes through with the plate but I think his sneer will have to pick up the slack. I think it's awesome how he's keeping his elbow up so the filthy wretch doesn't touch him, and leaning away with one leg forward to block him from getting closer. It's a very natural gesture and it speaks to how bitter your marines are. He's disgusted with this thing, flailing at his feet.

I think this sketchy version is a great censored.gif start.

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Apologies for the lack of updates, but here's the tactical with all the plate added.

It was tricky getting the pose to carry through the armour, but I think I've managed to get it across with his right arm & the positioning of his legs - but like you say Jeff, I'm really gonna have to go to town on his face, which should be fun.

From here on, I'll be detailing some of his left leg & the psyker in the foreground, before I move counter-clockwise across the rest of his plate (helps prevent smudging, what with being left-handed)


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Okay, started work on the detailing - this guy is an average tactical, so he's gonna have a lot more negative space than the last fellah. That being said, the Persecutors do tend to be a bit less spartan than other chapters - basically, because they don't have a Librarius, each brother has his own deeds recorded in his personal sanctum, where he keeps his wargear. Each Captain can bestow a battle-brother under his command the right to reqest an Artificier inscribe a particularly heroic feat onto his armour. And seeing as each brother's armour will have been assembled from the wargear of previous brothers, each suit of Power Armour can effectively act as a breif glimpse at the chapter's history.

Anyway, next up will be the little heretic himself.


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@BassWave: thanks brother, I think a lot of it might be down to me being less lazy this time round tongue.png - unfortunately, I can't see me drawing an IH marine for a while yet, in light of the supplement that shall not be named. Although, now there's a mini out to define the Gorgon's appearance, drawing a Primarch is mighty tempting .....whistlingW.gif

Anyway, back on topic: it looks like we got ourselves a heretic:


Thanks fer lookin'

Edit: as soon as I posted this, I knew it had to be changed: the heretic's thumb on his left hand needs tolook more tense, so I'm gonna edit it so that the digit up to the first joint is pointing taught out in the direction of the viewer, with the forefinger (forethumb?) stabbing down onto the cranium.

Also, any opinions on the lighting thingy, not sure whether I like it or not - would he be an obvious psyker if it wasn't there?

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Nice progress. The lightning thingy is necessary, yeah. I wouldn't get psyker from him if it weren't there. The other option, if you really don't care for it, would be to have some lightning arcing out from his head instead. Might make it look like he's 'overloading' as well, and it would give that left hand a reason to be up there. 

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Alternatively you could have him drawing some kind of rune into the air (and having it materialize in front of his fingers visually) or channel the ball lightning, just  behind his back.  You'd still convey that he's a psyker, but also capture the fact that chaos can spout from the most seemingly innocuous of places.  


From the front, this little wretch of a man probably looks like a survivor of some warzone- clothes tattered, an expression of shock and bewilderment on his face...but in reality, those "clothes" are really flayed skin from his victims and that look of shock belies a mental unhinging indicative of service to the dark guard.  Having to walk up closer to observe this man creature- it pulls a warp blast from behind its cowering form like a pistol in the dark and takes aim!


Sorry, I'm a sucker for narrative in picture form.

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Right - legs are pretty much finished & I've finalized the heretic psyker.

I decided to go with warpfire from his eyes (kinda inline with what you suggested, Jeff)- the hand lightning seemed to be off in terms of perspective - it would've been touching the Marine's arm, and nowit looks like the psyker is struggling to use his powers - exactly what I'm trying to go for here.

@The_Chaplain: those are some pretty cool ideas, but they aren't really in line with the character of the Chapter - these guys are the antithesis of psykers, and this is basically a brutal execution of one of those the Chapter was called in to neutralise - plus this guy's powers are failing, for reasons aluded to in their IA (some people might say its a bit absurd if I post it here :P )


As always, C & C appreciated

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its been ages since this has been updated, but I haven't forgotten the lone tactical - now that the festive period is over I'll be getting back to speed.

I slightly edited his left foot, because it was disproportionately thick, and I've started on his left side, next up will be his lower torso & right hand.

On the MK III trim - I added it because I think it looks cool, so he'll now be the squad leader, under the sarge to justify his flashy equipment


Thanks fer lookin

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Okay, finished the lower torso & right forearm as planned, but I got impatient and skipped to the face.

Risky, cos its probably the most important part of the illustration, but I'm pretty happy with both the structure of the face (he isn't supposed to be handsome, but a posthuman killing machine, all corners & hard edges) & the expression (distaste, hate, revulsion).

Anyway, next up will be the torso decoration & remaining shoulderpad / arm - if I'm particularly determined, I might even finish it in the next session.


As always, feedback is much appreciated

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Thanks Jeff - admittedly faces are by far my favourite subject, but alas, SM lineart doesn't exactly feature them in abundance. I have noticed that I need to alter his right eye slightly, and project the chin slightly over the edge of the collar, but that isn't super difficult. I have a feeling that if I don't muck anything up too drastically I will probably finish him tomorrow (today?).


After this guy, I think I'm gonna take a brief break from the Persecutors and do something decicedly more.....metallic, and considerably older.


But from then on I'll be carrying on with my DIY chapter. Actually, seeing as I'm currently depicting them interacting with their foes, I wanted to do an illustration showing their dysfunctional relationship with the Imperium, featuring a guardsman & another Astartes from a different Chapter. I was actually wondering if I could have the honour of depicting one of your Eagle Eyes?

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Well, it'll make a nice change from covering the drawings with as much gothic stuff as possible, plus there's only so many times I can write 'Castitatis Ex Mortem' :P

Anyway, here he is finished: Battle-Brother Cadell, executing a heretic psyker of the Nihleck Cabal at the assault of Rannos Hive, Ontarium


He's a lot cleaner than the High Chaplain - mainly thanks to planning

Thanks for lookin'

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Thanks Jeff, it was a nice change having something a bit plainer - hence, quicker (my god, all those purity seals :P )

Here's the new guy, a rock-hard Legionary of the 10th - I've given this one its own thread for background here


Probably only 1 update before completion this time - I really want to show the contrast between the original sketch & finished work

Thanks fer lookin

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