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Marines Malevolent and CarcharodonsAstra.7/2 Artscale attemp


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"Cleaning" is the key word there, youngling. My heart is blackened, but pure.


We are the greatest, because we are the only Astartes who still follow the Emperor's edicts.


No Witches. No Gods. Crusade and kill, and kill, and kill. Even the Black Templars have lost their way. We have not.




We are great, because we do not seek favors from the Mechanicum, or their deviant designs.


We are strong, because we refuse to step away from our oaths to our Liege on Terra, or the laws he has passed down.


We are pure, because we back away from nothing that defies His laws, not even our misguided cousins, not even our brothers who poison our bloodlines with Sorcerey.


We are the Marines Malevolent.


We take Glory, and dispense Hate.


We Trample the Weak, and Hurdle the Dead.


Remember your Oath of Bonding, brothers, before you draw aggression from your own.


The IV may sleep, but are always watching.


+++End Transmission+++


"Cleaning" is the key word there, youngling. My heart is blackened, but pure.


We are the greatest, because we are the only Astartes who still follow the Emperor's edicts.


No Witches. No Gods. Crusade and kill, and kill, and kill. Even the Black Templars have lost their way. We have not.




We are great, because we do not seek favors from the Mechanicum, or their deviant designs.


We are strong, because we refuse to step away from our oaths to our Liege on Terra, or the laws he has passed down.


We are pure, because we back away from nothing that defies His laws, not even our misguided cousins, not even our brothers who poison our bloodlines with Sorcerey.


We are the Marines Malevolent.


We take Glory, and dispense Hate.


We Trample the Weak, and Hurdle the Dead.


Remember your Oath of Bonding, brothers, before you draw aggression from your own.


The IV may sleep, but are always watching.


+++End Transmission+++

The 5th Crusade hear the call of the IV and will stand shoulder to shoulder with the IV Crusade!


Glory and Hate!

First Salamander book by Nick Kyme. Not only are the MM shocked to see Sallie psyker (with the hisses of "A witch!", etc), but then they rebuke the sallie Sergeant with the Emperor's Edict of Nikea.


Green and Yellow argument ensues.

yes, as per the Nikea Edict., the Marines malevolent abhore the which. They are like the BT's in that respect.



The Emperor's judgement at the Council of Nikaea proved severe, largely as a result of his anger at Magnus. The Emperor rejected the Librarians' compromise. With the exceptions of Navigators and Astropaths who were properly trained, controlled and sanctioned by the Imperium and were necessary to its continued existence, the Space Marine Legions were no longer to employ psykers within their ranks. He commanded that the Primarchs were to close their Librarius departments forthwith and not to indulge the undoubted psychic talents of those Asartes who possessed the gift. All existing Space Marine Librarians were likewise forbidden to make use of their abilities. The Council's rulings also created a new position amongst the Space Marine Legions, the Space Marine Chaplain, to uphold the Imperial Truth and help maintain the purity of an Astartes Legion's dedication and fidelity to the Emperor's commands.

this quote is from 40K wiki. the Emperor never intended for the Astartes to wield witchcraft, which is why I won't even have a Libby in my death guard army.

Malevolents don't have Librarians? Can someone corroborate?


They don't. They hold true to the Edicts of Nikaea put in place by Big E who said the Librarians should become rank and file soldiers again and are forbidden to use warp powers. 


I've got a Libby in my force as I fancied trying one out on the board to see how it played in 6th, fluff wise I reasoned a little skit about how his powers aren't allowed to be in use or the servo-drone riveted to the back of his head will blow it apart, he's allowed only to use his force weapon to combat other witches. Devolver has his under Inquisitorial protection. It's simply a way of trying them out. 


EDIT: Ninja'd twice. 


It seems that since heathens left it's bee "Glory and.......meh"


I'm all for a bit of friendly banter, but ouch, that smarts. 


Devolver, I'm really enjoying your Terminators, they are looking tough. Looking forward to what you are doing with the Bikers. 




It seems that since heathens left it's bee "Glory and.......meh"


I'm all for a bit of friendly banter, but ouch, that smarts. 


Agreed. I'm glad I've been able to inspire, but assuming all must fall under the Mighty Heathens Oaths of Bonding or be executed is a bit rough.


No matter how Mighty I may be... :P

How very interesting! Where's that from? I ask because Lexicanum doesn't even mention it.


Heathens poked at it above. It's something Kyme hinted at in his Salamander books and well, there isn't much fluff about the MM's beyond their involvement in the Macharian Heresy so whatever is written tends to fit. 

First Salamander book by Nick Kyme. Not only are the MM shocked to see Sallie psyker (with the hisses of "A witch!", etc), but then they rebuke the sallie Sergeant with the Emperor's Edict of Nikea.

Green and Yellow argument ensues.

I wasn't aware it was actually stated that they follow i thought it was just your fluff.

Well i will solidify the fact hes being used by an Inquisitor and strip him with some of my test models soon. I don't think it would be unreasonable that they are on a mission with an Inquisitor who has one is his routine, They may Hate them but i don't think the MM can afford to burn ties with more people, Especially one whose offering them arms and armor just to kill a few pesky Heretics.

On a note about the Centurions, i detest them, they just feel to cheesy, i will not field them.

but maybe we shouldn't hijack this thread and let Devolver have it back!

sorry bro!

All good mate, i like igniting debates etc good for the brain! Nothing like a bit of friendly banterteehee.gif

Thanks for the comments brothers, I will hopefully have some more done one the biker today.

Just an opinion on the yellow of him i made it alot darker and faded but just applying it with a dry brush but not fully dried, Whats the opinion? I see the bikers as always first in going through all kinds of mess, Their armor would be faded from battle, wear and tear etc so im aiming for that without just doing the typical battle damage all over the shop!sweat.gif

Glory and Hate Brothers!

Nothing but love, man. :P I'm glad someone carries on with hatred in their heart, in the Emperor's name. Just make sure that pesky Inquisitor and his 'pet' meet an airlock, and we're good, lol. The strong are strongest alone.


Definitely looking forward to whatever you got coming next.


Trample the weak, hurdle the dead, brother.

Update again!

I probably wont be able to keep up this pace but I've had a few days off so I've been doing these teehee.gif

More of the emperors finest have arrived!

I have completed most of the Biker just needs a few more touch ups and I'm happy!



Put some greenstuff on my flamer tac marine so get him finished heres hoping he looks just as badass painted if not more so.


and i forgot i had this guy completed in my carry case so i took a photo of him. Sargent of my 2nd Tactical Squad. Just need to finish off his sword and he's good to go.



And i base coated my drop rod and ran over the interior with a dry brush! Pretty productive day if i may say so!


As always C&C welcome.

Glory and hate brothers!

Just an opinion on the yellow of him i made it alot darker and faded but just applying it with a dry brush but not fully dried, Whats the opinion? I see the bikers as always first in going through all kinds of mess, Their armor would be faded from battle, wear and tear etc so im aiming for that without just doing the typical battle damage all over the shop!sweat.gif

on the note of bikers, I would imagine the front of their armor would be beat to hell from incoming fire. I could also see them as having spikes and scrap attached to the fron of the bikes as they would undoubtedly ride enemies down it their hot, burning, seething hatred! (RUN HERETIC, RUN!!!)

Just an opinion on the yellow of him i made it alot darker and faded but just applying it with a dry brush but not fully dried, Whats the opinion? I see the bikers as always first in going through all kinds of mess, Their armor would be faded from battle, wear and tear etc so im aiming for that without just doing the typical battle damage all over the shop!sweat.gif

on the note of bikers, I would imagine the front of their armor would be beat to hell from incoming fire. I could also see them as having spikes and scrap attached to the fron of the bikes as they would undoubtedly ride enemies down it their hot, burning, seething hatred! (RUN HERETIC, RUN!!!)

Hmm tempting i have a ton of spare chaos parts from my old army.. could be a good idea.

I used a red-brown rust weathering powder to darken my guys (Tamiya rust, if you're curious). After I hit them with a matte sealer, they were just the right shade.

I have the mud and sand ones, I do want to get the rust one though. So many things to get so little money haha.

Thanks brothers!


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