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RISE, Children! (Updated 13/02 - Havocs, More Noise Marines)


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Back when 6th edition 40k was but a glimmer in daddy GW's eye, I picked up a tourney-oriented Emperors Children army.

Shortly after purchase, 5th edition was released and the Chaos Space Marines Codex came out, rendering all of my Noise Marine bits essentially useless. My list, and my purple, lust filled heart, was obliterated just a few short months after purchase (I painted very very slowly in those days).

The army, which had received no more work than being removed from it's sprues and carefully separated into the bits box was placed in a dark corner to be forgotten. Like the One Ring. Sort of.

Anyway, an entire edition came and passed, and then there was 6th.

Noise Marines are finally useful again.

It was time to open up the box and release the legion from it's prison.

Quite a number of months later, I'm at the point where painting is due to commence. I have some time off work next week, and I plan to get a huge chunk of the army finished up.

For anyone curious to the actual size, see the spoiler tag.


Huron - 160

2* Slaanesh Lord - 180 + 180
Steed, MoS, Murder Sword, Burning Brand, Aura of Dark Glory

Slaanesh Sorceror - 125
Mastery 3 (2 Slaanesh - Hysterical Frenzy)

2* Prince - 310 + 310
Wings, Power Armour, MoS, Mastery 3 (Full Biomancy), Greater Reward (Lash of Despair)

Slaanesh Herald - 95
Greater Etherblade, Exalted Locus of Beguilement


Helbrute - 100

10 Berserkers - 215
Lightning Claw Champ

2*5 Plague Marines - 135 + 135
Plasma Gun

2* Decimator - 245 + 245  (Los Pollos Hermanos)
MoS, Heavy Conversion Beamer

15 Possessed - 500
MoS, Icon of Excess, VotLW

Chaos Rhino - 35


2* 10 Noise Marines - 291 + 291
2 Blastmaster, 7 Sonic Blaster, Icon of Excess

2* 5 Noise Marines - 134 + 134
1 Blastmaster, 3 Sonic Blaster

20 Cultists - 110

20 Daemonettes - 180

10 Daemonettes - 90

Fast Attack

3 Spawn - 90

10 Raptors - 275
2 Melta Gun, Champ Power Fist, MoS, Icon of Excess

Heavy Support

5 Havocs - 155
4 Lascannon

5 Havocs - 115
4 Autocannon

3 Obliterators - 236

1 Obliterator - 76

Defiler - 195

Chaos Vindicator - 130
Siege Shield

Chaos Fire Raptor - 210
Independent Turret-mounted Reaper Battery

TOTAL - **5682**

And the moment you've been waiting for (maybe). The pics. All pre-undercoat (I'm typing this up as I wait for the first stages to dry). A lot of it is stock and boring, but I'll outline a few of the interesting bits.













Full Metal Prince - Be'Lakor. Bought this guy years ago. Always planned to have him in the army, and he's a beautiful mini.

Other Prince - Hah! At one time this was going to be a Khorne Greater Daemon with Chainsaws for arms. £100 on parts back when GW still had a bitz store, it was a project that started out great then hit a wall. It was then relegated to 'the drawer', where I have no small fortune worth of models waiting for paint/completion. Kind of an idea graveyard.

The base model is one of the old Inquisitor scale arco-flaggelent guys. Wings from Galrauch the chaos dragon. Most everything else sculped on. Pillars are an old FW item. No clue if you can still get them.

Mounted Lord - I wanted a Slaanesh Steed that didn't look like it would collapse under the weight of power armour. Happened upon the Gorebeast from the Chaos Warrior Chariot when I was looking for suitable steeds, and finally found what I was looking for. Once I had the bits, a few days were spent frustratedly chopping and cutting to get the legs from the DV Champion to fit and everything to sit right.

Have to say I'm pretty pleased with this guy. He looks suitable killy.

Snake Lord - This guy has been sitting assembled for a long long time. 6+ years maybe. He was the first model I converted for the original EC list, but when 5th came out and crapped all over the army, he got boxed with the rest of the stuff. Snake bit from the Warhammer Slaanesh mounted Lord. Chirurgeon backpack. Assorted other bits I don't remember.

Decimators - Everytime I look at these guys, the words that pop into my head are 'Los Pollos Hermanos'. I don't know if I've been watching too much breaking bad, or if the nickname just fits, but they'll probably become known as the chicken brothers. I think I managed to get poses for them that avoided the legs looking utterly stupid. Cannons will represent Heavy Conversion Beamers, because what's not to like about a 72" range AP1, S10 Pie Plate.

Palatine Blades - These will either be used as Warp Talons or Possessed, or as actual Palatine Blades once I get some more heresy era stuff. Probably won't be painted in this upcoming session since I'll be aiming for something between my actual 40k EC colour scheme, and the original heresy era colours. The idea being that for 40k games they can represent a contingent of once elite Legion warriors who lend a hand to the warband once in a while with their Fire Raptor support. Jump packs were given a little plasticard trim to tie them into the armour design. For 30k they'll just straight represent Palatine Blades with jump packs.

Fire Raptor - Not much added to it really. Some plasticard trim to match it into the Palatine Blades, and some EC icons. Beast of a model. Looking forward to seeing it finished, but again it'll probably not be done during this upcoming wave of stuff.

It's nice to finally be making progress on this one. Stand by for updates over the coming weeks!

You know Palatine Blades can only be used in units of 5 (unless that's been FAQ'd). Could just use them as CQC Noise Marines or Chosen. Raptors at the worst really.


Amazing collection though. Maybe look at the range that Army Painter do. May have a spray you want to use for the base coats.

Yep as forte said give army painter a look, if memory serves they have a purple spray as well as inks and quick shades to work specifically with their purple paints.


As for the conversions themselves, I think they are all pretty masterfully and tastefully done- although I think the decimators could use some proper speakers and sonic doom weaponry.

You know Palatine Blades can only be used in units of 5 (unless that's been FAQ'd). Could just use them as CQC Noise Marines or Chosen. Raptors at the worst really.


Amazing collection though. Maybe look at the range that Army Painter do. May have a spray you want to use for the base coats.

I can use them as 3 units of 5 if I'm using them for 30k. For 40k they'll either be possessed (with the jump packs representing the fleet) or warp talons, depending on how the notion takes me. They're not a 'main list' unit, but they'll be fun to use for apocalypse sized games when you can afford to sink 500 points into a unit.


Regarding Army Painter stuff, I have an airbrush, so I'll be using that to apply the basecoats and some zenithal highlighting. Much more control, and not really any more expensive. It'll allow me to get the exact colour I want on them.


The Fire Raptor went together very well. The greenstuff was added to tie the plasticard trim into the hull mostly, rather than having join marks where it had been glued on. The big green strip at the sides of the roof are more to add a little texture, since that whole part will be gold, and I didn't want a super slick surface to work on since it'll mess up the washes.


And Xenith, yes, the very same :)

To quote Ap0k "...A lot of it is stock and boring, but I'll outline a few of the interesting bits."


Stock and boring? I see many conversions and lots of green stuff in there. They are frar from that! Look forward to seeing them painted!

Well this is ambitious! Quite so! Do you English men get a country discount with forgeworld? I just stumbled on e Siege of Terra game form the YouTube's TemplarsCrusade01 and MarneusAgustusCalgar's group, my jaw dropped at all the Fellblades and Spartains, and Storm Eagles on the table. Now you are adding oil into the brazier! Now get that stuff done!


Good luck!

Basecoating begins!

Waiting for the airbrush to cool down a little before continuing. First layer is Naggaroth Night from around 45°. Next and final airbrush stage will be Xereus Purple from almost directly overhead. The objective being to give a soft zenithal highlight to everything, yet still leave the crevices and shadowed areas dark. Once all that is done, I'll have to apply a purple/black wash to everything by hand to deepen the updward facing recesses, and, depending on how that looks, I might end up hitting it all with a very final airbrushed layer of Zereus Purple to bring the upper body highlights back up a touch. I'd prefer not to have to go through another airbrushing stage after the washes, but we'll see how it goes. It won't be that much trouble to do - it's more the hassle of pulling out the airbursh kit each time I move to a new unit (because applying a wash to 60something models at once would drive me batty).

Some quick camera phone photo's so you can see progress and get an idea of what I mean by the zenithal highlighting.




Final highlight layer applied.

I've run out of Xereus Purple (2 pots to apply highlight layer to everything), so if I can get away without having to go back over things once the washes are on, I will. Otherwise I'll just have to buy more.

Images straight out of the camera, so filesize might be a bit chunky. Sorry dodgy-internet victims!

The plan is to get one unit of 10 (or two units of 5) plus a vehicle done each day. That will put me at 6 days painting time for the stuff that's basecoated so far, and a bit extra to do the characters and Raptors.

If anyone is wondering where the Fire Raptor and Palatine Blades went, they'll be done at a later date. I suspect I may acquire some more Heresy era stuff, so I'll want to save all that so it can be done in one block. Same with the daemon bits; They'll all get done in one sweep as well. Doing it this way gives me a lot more consistency with the colours across the army, since I can spend an afternoon airbrushing everything in that block, and then it's done, so no future colour matching to worry about.

Anyway, pics!







(Counts as) Huron:

Lord - Shows the zenithal lighting effect pretty well compared to some of the other photos.





Some additional shots of the scratchbuilt daemon prince.


That's about as much as I plan on doing today. Tomorrow I'll pick a random vehicle/unit block and get to work!

So the weekend didn't quite go to plan.

I forgot I had things to do on Saturday, so didn't really make any progress then, and Sunday was a pretty lazy day all told.

I've been chipping away at the Decimator though, and it's finally finished (minus the base, which will be completed when I batch-base the entire army at the end of the project).




I'm pretty pleased with it; feels like I've hit the mark I was aiming for with the atmosphere (dark, gritty, and battleworn), so it bodes well for the rest of the models. Took a little longer due to having to feel my way around the best way to go about getting the exact effect I wanted (I'd done a test marine, but I made small changes to the scheme since then). Probably around 4-5 hours total. A lot of time spent waiting for washes to dry, and much of the actual painting time was spent on the gold, which is always a pain in the ass.

I'll make a start into the first Noise Marine squad a little later tonight, and hopefully put myself in a position where I can get it finished tomorrow, plus another vehicle, or make a start into a fresh squad. We'll see how the notion takes me.

I'll probably not get quite as much done in the coming week as I'd hoped, but I'll at least get a significant portion of the power armour stuff out of the way, and then I can work on a squad or vehicle each week until I have some more time off work to spend clearing out another chunk.

Really like your work, particularly the daemon prince and mounted lord. The only thing I'd suggest is to maybe be a bit less harsh with the angles from your highlights. As it stands they're a little too black rather than purple IMO. Maybe an edge highlight would help. That said the darker shade really shows off the energy effect on the decimator


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