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Slaanesh Chosen Test Model - Thoughts

Nemac Vradon

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I love those Chosen models, and I must say your colors really pop the details. I like my Slaanesh models a little more disturbing, but this is a good example of the other end of the spectrum. That color is really pretty cool. Is it metallic? 

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Thanks, the final colour is Slaanesh Grey and the metal is Mithril Silver washed with Leviathan Purple and then Mithril again. I was thinking of doing each member of the unit with slightly differing purples and pinks as I read somewhere they all changed there armour with those sorts of colours after their fall to chaos. I may try and make them more disturbing, maybe make the tabards looked like flayed skin?

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I really like that metallic purple/pink, very unusual and creative.


Personally I prefer to paint the Daemon faces and such as a part of the armour that the Marine has shaped and crafted to decorate his form, but I think the organic approach works too.


Hope to see some more of these! ;)

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It's not at all like what I would have done, but I do like it. I also support the idea of doing different colors for each just because I get REALLY bored painting power armor.

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Power armour can get monotonous to paint for sure. Try painting something totally different now and then. Helps keep it fresh. Last thing I did was a Malifaux Rotten Belle (Victorian Steampunk Horror zombie call girl). Not a single piece of armour in sight. Now I'm loving painting the Kakophoni armour.
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For a test mini he's looking great. Before I make a suggestion on research material, how old are you?

wheres this research material then huh huh huh??? I wanna see what nastys you dig up biggrin.png

The test mini looks pretty sweet btw, try a bit of blood on the edges of the flayed skin, reinforces the grim look.

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