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And so I finally start my WIP log for the Call of Chaos competition! happy.png

I haven't had much chance to get any hobby related stuff done over the last few months, and it's nice to get something started. I did have a log in the Chaos Undivided sub forum, but I've decided that my Traitor Warband should be followers of Tzeentch, as their background is far better suited that way.

A brief introduction to them for those who haven't encountered them before. The name or the Warband and many of the names of the Marines are based on the (American) Football Team, the Baltimore Ravens a team I've been following since 2005 or so. I am also making a Loyalist version of them (Ravens of Bahltimyr) as well. As for the Warband themselves - they are a 21st "Cursed" Founding Raven Guard successor who turned to Chaos after a conflict that saw their tentative alliance with the Steel Wings (another DIY of mine) go south. They swore their souls to Tzeentch in a desperate act of survival, and the Reavers were born. The Cursed Founding saw their geneseed "stabilised", but after their pact with the Changer of the Ways, some of the survivors mutated into horrible creatures that hunger for the flesh of the living. Called the Changed by those who have managed to avoid becoming one, they are a formidable force on the battlefield. The numbers of the Changed are slowly increasing and it is inevitable that the whole Warband will succumb to madness and mutation.

Or will they?

The pictures:


I had already painted one of the Chosen and had named him "Flah'Kuo" after the Ravens' Quarterback Joe Flacco, but I've decided that he's going to feature a lot more in the Warband than a mere former Sergeant on his way to being an Aspiring Champion. Also, Flah'Kuo's colour scheme is different to what I have now decided on, as the paint range had changed some time ago and the purple I've chosen is far closer to their real namesakes than what he received. Eventually the Marine painted in the older colours will get replaces or stripped and repainted.


The "Leader" Marine to the left was going to represent "Rai Lurweiss" (Ray Lewis), but I've decided that he'll most likely become the new Flah'Kuo once he's painted. The loyalist version of Lurweiss has a jump pack and lightning Claws, so I'll be kitbashing a suitably Chaotic version of him like that.

As for the Changed themselves, on the battlefield, rules and models wise they'll be Possessed Marines. The Warband bolster their falling numbers by having a significant amount of Cultists. They will be assembled next.

For the future, I have some things I'd like to add to this warband, including a female Dark Mechanicus as a Counts as Warpsmith (a character in the stories that I'm writing and will get around to carrying on one day) and an all female Cultist squad, the Learnéd who also feature. I'm not sure how I'm going to model them...yet, although I figure that I might use the Dark Elf sorceress or Wood Elves for some of the Learnéd.

Hopefully, now that I've gotten started on them, I won't leave it so long to post again! happy.png

Wait! These guys are chaos now?!? Booooo

They've always been Chaos msn-wink.gif It's just that sometime after I thought up the 'Reavers, I pondered on how and why they turned and I figured that I should do an army around them when they were still loyal to the Emperor smile.png

Rare choice in going for the Changer of the Way. Be interesting to see where this goes.

I had them as Undivided originally, but after re-reading the stories with them in, it was evident that they are better off as Tzeentch followers. When I last played Chaos (early 1990's and Black Legion), I was more into Khorne and Slaanesh units. Nurgle and Tzeentch ones were boring or uninteresting to me. I figured that I should try something totally new and went with Tzeentch as I doubt I could paint a convincing Nurgle unit! :lo:

I had made a substantial post, but my computer's Machine Spirit decided to have a "moment" and lost it all dry.png

Anyway, I've been thinking further about this little project and I think I may have a(n even) better alternative to the Banshee: Wood Elf Drycha. (I thought it now better to carry on any further discussion about her here as the project is (going to be) live, therefore no longer pertinent for the PCA subforum.)

I thought a lot more about her back story, what drives her, what her ultimate goals are:

Her determination to work on certain projects made her colleagues in the Dark Mechanicus sect nervous and was one of many reasons why she left. Her main obsession project was experimenting with Scrapcode/the Obliterator virus/other Chaotic virus. So much so that she heavily modified it and deliberately infected herself, to really see how far she can make it and her "evolve". To reflect this in her model, I thought that the Drycha was a very solid base for this - the "wood" elements of the model could be made to look as if the very ground she walks upon is being corrupted by the virus smile.png I also thought of having her "Mechadendrites" coming out of the ground in a similar fashion to Shockwave in Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Hopefully, I can get her within a week or so and get started on her (and the 'Reavers themselves) next weekend (which I have off and intend to do a lot of hobby stuff)

Any thoughts?

cant wait to see it m8

I can't wait to get started happy.png

I've ordered the Drycha model (eta Thursday at the local GW) and I now have the Banshee model (it's actually taller than I thought). I've decided to go ahead and try out both ideas. If I end up with two different models that I like, then I won't have failed laugh.png

Hell, if I really like the results, I might go the same way as Guitarasmus and do a full on Dark Mechanicus army! devil.gif Not sure which Codex would suit such a thing. In any case, that's for another day msn-wink.gif

I vote for Dark Mechanicus.

I'm sure you'll do great stuff !!!


Otherwise I' love the raven mutated idea for your CSM. Something very tortured and raven like. You could even go Japanese style with tengus.

Of course that would be a good trick from The changer of ways and really get birdy like.


great ideas in both cases


Can't wait to see the models

So, a little more progress. Not much to be sure as I ran out of Primer again sad.png In any case, now that all of the minis are built, I can get on with painting soon smile.png

Assault Cultists:



I quite like the Cultist models, especially the "Are you my mummy?" ones! laugh.png (Internet cookie for the first member who knows where that comes from msn-wink.gif )

The Helbrute and Chaos Marine minis are partially base coated, but typically it ran out half way through dry.png I could go into town to get some more, but the city centre will be awash with panicked people buying stuff last minute for Christmas, so I'll wait until tomorrow blink.png

You will need plenty of Meatsacks.to protect your traitous hide!!!!!!biggrin.png

I'm currently planning what models I'm going to use for the Changed. Most likely the Possessed Marines as a base with some kitbashing smile.png But I'll be getting far more cannon fodder as well! happy.png

So, a little more progress. Not much to be sure as I ran out of Primer again :( In any case, now that all of the minis are built, I can get on with painting soon :)Assault Cultists:gallery_51296_8731_257129.jpggallery_51296_8731_92366.jpg%5DII quite like the Cultist models, especially the "Are you my mummy?" ones! :lol: (Internet cookie for the first member who knows where that comes from ;) )The Helbrute and Chaos Marine minis are partially base coated, but typically it ran out half way through <_< I could go into town to get some more, but the city centre will be awash with panicked people buying stuff last minute for Christmas, so I'll wait until tomorrow :blink:

Dr. Who... Cookie?? :)

Good choice on waiting.

Dr. Who... Cookie?? smile.png

Good choice on waiting.

One Cookie of your preference to you Brother! happy.png

I heard from a friend who decided to go into the city centre that it was complete chaos, so much so that the Dark Gods themselves would have approved! laugh.png

  • 3 months later...

Well, I decided on a different kitbash in the end, Grotsmasha's Kitbash competition being the motivation to get her finished. After seeing GuitaRasmus' awesome topic Something Binary, this way comes, I knew that I had to make a Dark Mechanicus Magos to act as a counts-as for a Warpsmith. I'm not keen on the official one, and whilst I could have made a "proper" Marine equivalent, I thought this was far more fun! happy.png

So, meet Dark Magos Mirosa of the Bahltimyr Reavers Warband:






A former member of a Dark Mechanicus Cabal the Reavers made a temporary pact with to repair much needed equipment, Mirosa expressed a desire to remove herself from her comrades as they restricted her research into various projects involving Scrapecode and various Chaotic viruses. Noting the Reavers no longer had a Warpsmith, she pledged her fealty to Rai Lurweiss, the Warband leader when she found out that many of the Reavers had become heavily mutated creatures known as the Changed. Lurweiss, desperate to stop the spread of this affliction took little persuasion to take her with him when he looked over her research. The cabal had no wish to let her accompany the Warband, her research too valuable to lose, were ruthlessly cut down, the remaining spoils of forbidden knowledge and technology eagerly exploited.

She has a wide breadth of knowledge, made all the more substantial after the Cabal was destroyed. Her fervent wish is to understand what causes the Reavers' affliction. And use that to her advantage...

Thanks for that happy.png She was a pain in the but to put together. I usually use plastic cement for plastic models, as the cement is far stronger in most cases than superglue, but the "Mechadendrites" would not stay on her back for love nor money dry.png

She's made from:

WHF Banshee

Weapon from WHF Wraith

Whips from WHF Dark Elf range

I had intended to use far more of the Wraith with the Banshee to give her a robe that most of the AD Mech/Dark Mech favour, but they didn't fit together. I can find a use for the remaining bits though for something or other. I just have to work out the best way of transporting her now. I might have to make a box for her to go into, as I doubt that even Battlefoam and similar is going to be enough to stop the model from breaking easily.


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