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1850 pts Slannesh CSM help!


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Chaos Lord

- Mark of Slannesh, Jump Pack, Aura of Dark Glory, 2x Lightning Claws

140 pts




Chaos Space Marines

- Squad of 10, replace boltguns with chainswords, plasma pistol, flamer, icon of excess, all marks of Slannesh, Champion with power sword, plasma pistol and melta bombs

245 pts


Chaos Space Marines

- Squad of 10, replace boltguns with chainswords, plasma pistol, flamer, icon of excess, all marks of Slannesh, Champion with power sword, plasma pistol and melta bombs

245 pts




Noise Marines

- Squad of 10, sonic blasters, blastmaster, icon of excess

264 pts

Chaos Rhino Transport

35 pts




- Squad of 10, chainswords, plasma pistol, marks of Slannesh, champion with plasma pistol and melta bombs

235 pts



- Squad of 10, chainswords, plasma pistol, marks of Slannesh, champion with plasma pistol and melta bombs




- baleflamer

170 pts




Chaos Predator

- twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts


Chaos Predator

- twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts





So the theme is Slannesh dedicated and based on fast attack, close combat and striking hard and fast, I'm a fluff player I like my themes. The Lord either tags with a raptor squad or lone wolfs after enemy characters, the CSM squads hold objectives, take down weaker squads or just be a pain in the ass, the Noise Marines can either hide in cover and fire or sit on an objective or fire at tricky buggers hiding I cover (sonic weapons) after they get where they need to with the Rhino, the Raptors fly around and cause chaos in the ranks breaking the formation, hit hard and fast, in the weak points then out before the enemy can get something heavier in or organise themselves (I didn't think they would need icon of excess), the Heldrake is to flush out the enemy and provide that air support to the Raptors and Noise Marines and the Predators are to fill the tactical blank in the list and hunt tanks, monsters or anything big.


What do you think of my first draft? Comments and criticism welcome, cheers in advance!

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This sounds like a fun list.


For your list I honestly like lascannon predators. They're great threats to many things but also become enemy target priorities quick (from my experience they attract suicide sternguard with a fancy for using melta weapons). Heldrakes with the baleflamer are great too as they are just ridiculous on the field. I just started using them recently and I find it kind of shocking and sad at how much killing they have done for me already (my blastmaster kills have been surpassed by the chaos buzzards).



The Noise Marines have become my favorite unit, period. I really want to say split the noise marines you have into 2 five man units with a blastmaster each (no other upgrades). Put them further back and up high, making sure to put 4 NM in front of the blastmaster to soak up wounds to be on the safe side. They sit back and wreck havoc. I've had a great time killing things from marines and firewarriors to dreadnoughts and light tanks with the sheer power of rock and roll.


I am scratching my head about the raptors and the csm. I am merely unsure what to say about them except they are a lot of points. I would be interested in hearing how they do on the field.

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with the list i am in favor of the flavor :) id just make some tweeks if it were me. The above post is correct, you can have a BM an any squad, 2 in 10+. Id honestly swap the rhino's to the CSM squads because they will be pretty slow elsewise. You do have some anti tank in your preds, but you could use for some melta love....somewhere. I personally like them in the raptor squads but if its a lack of model thing i understand. Melta bombs do work, but poping a transport and then assaulting the juicy contents always brings a smile to my face. Id break up the noisemarines with a BM each 3-4 sqauds. Id also opt for a powerfist or chainfist as the 2nd weapon on your lord, it will gice him the versatility to kill tanks and termies too. I realize this is way over points, but i like to try different stuff and find what works for me.

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Firstly...move your Noise Marines to the Troop section seen as you have the Mark of Slaanesh on your Lord.

Second...remove the Icon of Excess. Yes feel no pain is great but one precision shot and it's lots of points up in the air.

Third...decide what the Noise Marines are really for. If it's up close then keep the 10, drop the Blastmasters and take a Doom Siren but make sure you destroy a whole squad at close range so they can't charge you back. Other option is range. Split to two squads of 5 with a single Blastmaster each and sit back with them.

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Chaos Lord

- mark of Slannesh, jump pack, sigil of corruption, 2x lightning claws

150 pts




Chaos Cultists

- squad of 35, autoguns, 2x heavy stubber, champion with shotgun

184 pts


Chaos Cultists

- squad of 35, 2x flamer

160 pts


Noise Marines

- squad of 6, champion with blastmaster

142 pts


Noise Marines

- squad of 6, champion with blastmaster

142 pts


Noise Marines

- squad of 6, champion with blastmaster

142 pts









- squad of 10, chainswords, 2x meltagun, marks of Slannesh, champion with plasma pistol and melta bombs

240 pts



- squad of 10, chainswords, 2x meltagun, marks of Slannesh, champion with plasma pistol and melta bombs

240 pts



- baleflamer

170 pts




Chaos Predator

- twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts


Chaos Predator

- twinlinked lascannon, 2x lascannon

140 pts




Limit- 1850 pts

Total- 1850 pts






New revised list, made some changes considering all advice (much needed), again what do you think??

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Hey nice list, played something similar lately. I would do some minor changes thou:


1. Drop 1 Lightning Claw for a Power/Chain Fist on the lord, you will still get the +1A from specialist weapons and you will have a choice between AP3 Shred and AP2 S8, also gives you a chance to open some tanks if your preds get focused hard.


2. 35 Cultists blobs are awesome, however they lose combat quickly and if they run it is a waste of points, I would split all the 70 cultists into 3x23 man units (or 20x20x20x10 but no slots for that), more troops for scores, also the Heavy stubber is so-so its way better to take a flamer if you need to sink points in something. If you want to keep the 35 Man daka blob stationary get a aegis with a Quad, it will make them much stronger plus they wont die from regular bolterfire.


3. If you are running 2 raptor squads with Slaanesh mark I would take the Icon anyway, not so much can precision shot plus your opponent will have to remember to do that. Also a fun thing is to get a Jump Packed Chaos Sorcerer and give him 3 ML and roll for telepathy, a lot of goodies to get plus raptors will be fearless.


4. Consider a lightning claw on the raptor champions instead of the plasma gun, you got Meltas already and to shot them you want to be the 6" distance to tanks or to infantry if you want to charge. The Champion Of Chaos rule hurts us so much that you have either 2 options: Let the champion kill something or run him naked as a meat-shield for the unit.

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I believe that is a mistake, champions cannot take blastmasters as they can only buy gear from melee/ranged weapons list in the codex (its also a shame cuz they cant have the sonic bolters as well) so its a unit of 4 Marines, a Blastmaster Marine and a champion.

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All good points, I didn't think about the noise marines who should have the gun, also k0k0z thank you for the extensive reply, the problem is that I would have to do some serious rearranging to the list to make some of these ideas work...


And no, it will be a unit of 6 (for the fluff) marines, one having the blastmaster

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