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And Now For Something Completely Different...

Lord-Captain Cepinari

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I was goofing around with the Painter a bit ago, and decided to inflict my creative abortions on you people!  You're welcome!


Bronze and Green

Bronze and Green.  This picture may be boring as hell, but you'll soon regret moving on to the other pics!

Black and Cyan

The more I look at this one, the more I realize my eyes are screaming at me.

Blue and Gold

OK I lied, this one's boring too.

Red and Black

Why does this make me think of ants?!  Stop it!  Stop making me think of ants!!!


Hey look, the Rainbow Warriors are back!  Try to paint this one for real, I DARE YOU!!!

Red and Yellow


Can you guess who this is?

Bronze and Green.  This picture may be boring as hell, but you'll soon regret moving on to the other pics!

I don't know, it could look good, especially if the green parts look like patina or corrosion. Might be a bit nurgly though. Maybe make the eyes red.

*BZZT* Oh I'm sorry, that's incorrect! I'm afraid that means the question passes to the next contestant!

*Checks google*

Crap. Captain Planet wears blue, not yellow. It's too early in the morning for me! Honest! whistlingW.gif


The Creeper/Jack Ryder (Showcase #73)


I like peanut butter cookies


*Dingdingding* "And we have a winner! Tell him what he's won, Dave!"


"Brother Tyler, you've managed to successfully guess tonight's Mystery Question, and have just won..."



"A NEW CAR!!!"

Haha, that's awesome! :D


Challenge prompter *bows* to challenger in awe...


All the colours to match the original scheme, and a beakie to boot!  You now have me wondering what a full size (albeit small of course) force would look like, rhino and all.  Seriously though, it doesn't look too bad at all.  It takes some serious kudos to give that scheme a go, so many things to go wrong.  Chaplains, libbies and vets to make only minor colour variations or colour orders to denote them maybe.


New Avatar for you sir ?


Cepinari - are you sure you didn't want to do this colour scheme? ;)  Truly your army would be admired by all who glance at their shining rainbows.

Angels of Ultramar



Behold, The Angels of Ultramar, a chapter I invented as a cruel joke.


The time, M30-something.  The place, a Sector with way too many rich people in it.


Seeing all the Space Marine Chapters currently active in the area as both scarily psychotic and dangerously uncontrollable, a secret cabal of the sector's wealthiest individuals scheme to petition the High Lords of Terra for the creation of a new Chapter, one created with the express goal of being dignified and aristocratic, as well as being susceptible to influence from the financial backers of their creation.


Gene-Seed of The Ultramarines is pulled out of storage, while dozens of Forge Worlds are contracted to produce arms and armor of the highest quality.  An uninhabited planet is chosen to be their Home World and a program to colonize it with Imperial servants begins.  The first generation is formed, trained to have unwavering belief in their genetic supremacy.  As Space Marines they are inherently better than the rest of humanity, and as sons of Roboute Gulliman they are inherently better then the rest of the Space Marines.  The descendants of the other Primarchs are corrupted and dying, while the Ultramarines and their successors light the way for the rest of Humanity.  Finally, it is time for them to take their rightful place in the Sector, among the lesser Chapters incapable of defending the realm from Xenos and Heresy.  Their first action?  Cementing their place as the Sector's Lords and Saviors by eliminating the Chaos Empire infesting the heart of the sector.  With the wisdom of the Codex and the blood of Gulliman raging in their veins, they will swiftly and easily wipe the foul Daemon Prince and his realm from the face of the Galaxy.


They get their asses kicked.  Reduced to about half strength, they flee back to their beautiful, pristine new world, unaware that they're being followed by a warband of Traitor Marines.  In one action their Fortress-Monastery is seized and ransacked, their brand-new suits of Terminator Armor looted by the Great Enemy, along with hundreds of other weapons and most of their motor pool.  The innocent lives brought to the planet to serve the new Chapter are lost to the rampaging Traitor Marines, who use their souls to slake the thirst of their daemon masters.  The remaining half of the Chapter, halved again by the invasion of their world, is forced to escape the planet in what little remains of their Chapter Fleet.  From the damaged decks of their ships, they watch as the marauding Chaos forces escape back into the Warp just as the Imperial Navy executes Exterminatus on the dying world.


Reduced to almost nothing, the Angels of Ultramar seek the aid of the noble and upstanding citizens of the Imperium who had called for their creation, only to be coldly turned away and ignored.  The powerful merchants an Administratum officials behind their creation, disgusted and embarrassed by the complete and utter failure of the Chapter they had paid for, had decided to pretend that their ill-advised enterprise had never occurred, and refused to have anything more to do with their misbegotten creation.  The Angels of Ultramar were, now and forever more, alone.


Now a Fleet-Based Chapter, the Angels of Ultramar are engaged in a constant struggle for their own survival.  Their fleet consists of a few Strike Cruisers and barely enough Support ships; their brand-new Battle Barges were all either destroyed or captured by Chaos.  Likewise, all of the Chapter's holy suits of Terminator Armor have long since been befouled by the Ruinous Powers, as well as most of their more advanced weaponry and motor pool, having only a small number of Rhinos and Thunderhawks remaining.  Unable to maintain any dedicated recruitment worlds, there is only the tiniest trickle of new blood into the Chapter, with less than half of a Company's worth of Scouts available.  Despite how low they have fallen, the Angels of Ultramar still hold on to the belief that they are superior to all, a fact that endangers their survival more than any other.  When engaging in actions involving other Chapters, the Angels of Ultramar respond to them with arrogance and condescension, treating the better armed and armored Chapters as lesser beings to be used for their own advancement, rather than as the equals they truly are.  They invariably attempt to seize over-all command of the joint operations from the rightful leaders, seeing the position as theirs by right of being of Ultramarines stock.  They also always insist on performing the actions most pivotal to victory, refusing to ever function in a supporting manner despite being chronically undermanned and under armed.  This is why, despite it being centuries later, the Chapter is still around quarter strength.  The other Chapters of the Sector treat them with mocking contempt, and if they factor them into their battle plans at all it is only ever as a distraction.  The Angels of Ultramar view their losses and the other Chapters' victories with ever-increasing outrage and confusion, as such things are contrary to how the universe works.  They are the sons of Roboute Gulliman, greatst of the sons of the Immortal Emperor of Mankind.  Humanity is theirs to rule by right of strength and wisdom.  The misbegotten progeny of the inferior Primarchs exist only to serve as a cautionary tale to the Imperium as to what happens to those who turn from the One True Primarch's light.  The Emperor understood this.  It's why Gulliman was the most powerful Primarch at the end of the Heresy.  The Emperor had seen to it that it would be thus, and it was only because of the jealousy the other Primarch's had for the Emperor's only Worthy Son that he did not assume leadership of the Empire that was rightfully his.  That's why the Imperium is in such a state these days, you know.  The other lineages are dragging it down with them, with their inferior blood, and their heretical strategies and tactics, it's because of all of them that Humanity is weak, is treacherous, is flawed.  Only with the enlightened rule of a son of Gulliman can they be purified, made righteous.  The other Chapters?  They know the truth, and they hate us for it.  They know that despite their lineage, Roboute Gulliman is in spirit their true liege, and they can't accept it.  Can't accept that they'll always be inferior to us, so they try to drag everyone else down to their level.  That's why they always get the glory.  They're sabotaging us to ensure their own victory.  That's the reason why we always lose, you know.  It's not our fault.  After all, we follow the holy Codex Astartes; WE'RE doing everything right, so they do everything they can to undermine us.  That's why the Imperium's noblest turned their backs on us, the retched spawn of Dorn, Sanguinius and Corax turned them against us, poisoned their souls and blackened their hearts.  Impure hearts and impure minds, all of them, and they know it.  They know they're less than nothing compared to us, all worthless mistakes that don't deserve to live in our universe, and they hate us for it.  But we'll show them.  They try to sabotage us, but we are perfection itself, and soon the whole of the Imperium will see.  They'll all see, as effort after effort of those lesser than us fail, as world after world we take back from the darkness, as their stupidity and their inferiority leads them to defeat after defeat, all of Humanity will regret turning from us, will beg for our forgiveness, will repent and forswear those who had poisoned them against us, and we shall take our rightful place as the masters and saviors of the Sector, as is our right by being the sons of the only son who actually mattered...  Soon now, very soon.  They can't deny the fundamental truth of the universe forever, it's only a matter of time...


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