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Greetings one and all and a very merry Xmas to you! I hope Sanity Claws delivered you all with fine gifts to keep you ready to fight for your chosen sides in the eternal Tabletop Warfare of 40k!

As for me, I got a new camera as my other one got nabbed by someone after mislaying it at a community centre (20 minutes in the Pain Glove for my transgression...). So with my new pict device, I figured I should share with you all my newest completed creation.

A number of you may remember from aeons ago a Rogue Trader Whirlwind turret I was working on to go onto a modern Rhino Chassis. I am now very glad to report that the Whirldwind is completed and ready to serve the Vanquishers chapter against the horrors of the Imperium's Galaxy!


The Lancer is one of the oldest vehicles of warfare still in service with the Vanquishers Chapter and its Roll of Honour is longer than a large number of the Veterans within the First Company. Built reverently during the 443rd year of M34, in the Forges of the planet Kaelan Minoris, the simply named "Lancer" has seen action against every main enemy race the Imperium must endure against. In the tight urban warfare the Vanquishers Chapter excels in, the Lancer has claimed thousands of heavy infantry forces thrown against the sons of Dorn with its incendiary Castellan Missiles burning the threat to cinders and its traditional Vengeance Missiles annihilating the threats in explosions of destructive glory. The machine spirit within the Whirlwind is one that is as stubborn as the Astartes that wields it, reluctant to retreat or to leave the battlefield, the Lancer has suffered many a crippling hit in its millennia of service, but the tenacity of its machine spirit and the reverent repairs of the chapter's Techmarines have seen the Lancer return to service to unleash vengeance on their newest opponents.


And a small close up of the marine wielding the Lancer's mighty weaponry and also of the painted interior I made a loooong long time ago, now with a home finally:



I imagine you've all spotted the Tactical Symbols also placed on the hull, I also intend to field the Lancer out as a Rhino when needed and a Whirlwind won't be appropriate against whatever I'm facing:


So then folks, what do you think? I leave you all with a final picture showing the Lancer alongside the infantry I currently possess for my Vanquishers chapter, led by my Counts As Kantor, Chapter Master Coras Brenen:


I have some custom-built Sternguard currently in the works too so they'll hopefully be completed before 2014 rolls around, if anyone's interested in seeing how they look currently, post up and I'll egt to work on snapping some shots of them in their earlyish phase of painting. :)


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Well as promised just before I disappear for rest, here's some better pics of the current Vanquishers strike-force I currently possess fully painted and some close ups of my current infantry force, which consists of two Tactical Squads and some Commanders:


So onto the Tac Squads, beginning with Squad Torros (2nd Squad, 4th Company):


And next, Squad Raelan (3rd Squad, 4th Company):


All of the Tactical marines do have names somewhere, I think I posted up some of their history back when I first built them in 2011-12. You'll notice a member form each squad possesses a black stripe on their helm. That represents them as the Squad's second in command should they split into Combat Squads or to lead the Squad of their Sergeant falls.

And last but not least, my current commanders, from left to right, Captain Tarn of the Ninth, Captain Tarran of the First and Chapter Master Coras Brenen:


And that's that from me for the moment, I should have some veterans emerging soon for you all to look over. Hope you like the closer shots of the infantry Deathspectre7. :)


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@deathspectresgt7: Thanks brother! It took me a while to master the symbol but I have a little cheat to help with outlining the fist and text; Grab yourself a 0.1-3 black fineliner and draw on the text or detailing. :)


@jimbo1701: Thanks! I'll have to take a look see at your Sons of Ferrus sometime. I added a plasticard disc at the bottom so the RT turret fits snugly. Really simple and effective. :)

Yeah I have had them compared to the Soul Drinkers before. They may be sons of Dorn, but no direct relation. ;)

Glad you like the addition of the older models, I wanted them to have a chance of being fielded on the table and blend in perfectly with the rest of the army. The Vanquishers' background has them as an old chapter, so they have a lot of older equipment since their inception, hence the old armours etc.


Sadly no pics for a few days folks as I'm with family on NYE until the weekend coming. But I will have Terminators to share by then so stay tuned!



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Superb Whirlwind jimbo1701! Brilliant highloghting and subtle detailing too! Whst did you do for fitting the turret onto the Rhino chassis?


Hope everyone has a great 014.M2 by the way! Let's have a great year ofcarmy building in the Emperor's name. :-D




Agreed Brother, happy new year everyone. 


Thanks for the comments. I wasn't really sure what to do to make it fit and then just so happened I was doing some plumbing (usually destined for disaster) and thought a large O-ring might work. It was hard to stretch it around the turret base and it's a snug fit but it did the job better than I expected it to.


Looking forward to seeing your terminators. Cheers.

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