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Hatework: Black Legion WIP Log (update 3/19)

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I am working on getting back into the game.  Haven't played in a long time, but continue to paint and do some minor conversions of lots of 40k miniatures.  Right now I am operating off of the Chaos Codex, and will eventually pick up the Black Legion codex if I end up thinking it is worth it.


Some older work I have done, a Word Bearers Terminator Lord.  I will add in older stuff like this as I work on the Black Legion stuff, just as sort of a benchmark both on skill, and on things I maybe using as allies/mixed in units with the black legion.


WB Lord Side by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


WB Lord Front by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


WB Lord Combi_Melta by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


Now for actual WIP, I recently picked up the dark vengeance set, and have already started work on the Hellbrute. 


HellBrute_Initial Base by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


photos taken by cellphone, so not that great.  I will eventually dig out the canon I have for completed projects.


The plan is to complete this guy, and all marines in that set.  The chosen are going to be used as Aspiring champions for the standard CSM squads.  I eventually aim to have 6 squads, but for now I am aiming to get 2-3 squads of CSM troops done.



Going into the weekend, the Hellbrute is nearly finished.  I will post him once I finish his base & take some photos.


Aspiring Champion for the first squad is finished:


Sq1 AspChamp by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Sq1 AspCh Eye by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Sq1 AspCh Back by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


Special Weapon No. 1 (WIP, some touch up needs to be done, and basing);


IMG_0717 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


I figure I am going to make the aspiring champions stand out more by making the standard Legionaries have only black armor, as they were originally in the Slaves to Darkness book.  The champions, lords, etc...will all have the gold trim on at least their shoulders.


and some more older work - these guys may end up mixed in as troops, or become allies.  World Eaters;


Zhufor by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

BzrkCh 01 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Finished the Hellbrute this weekend.


Hellbrute Final by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Hellbrute Final Back by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Hellbrute Final Top by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Dead PDF Top by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Dead PDF 02 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Dead PDF 01 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


A shot of part of the squad that goes with the Asp. Champion above (almost all pre-painted & not fully assembled yet)

IMG_0719 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


and WIP of an HQ, which may go with this army when running just CSM, or as an ally when running BL; paint and assembly in progress, the lord isn't fully assembled yet, he is going to need some chopping up an some green stuff.

Juggernaut WIP 001 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr



  • 4 weeks later...

BL_Squad 001 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


Continuing progress on the first squad of marines...been slow initially from some distractions (space wolves, in another thread), and the last week and half to the flu...just not enough energy to do a lot.

Finally finished the first squad of Legionaries. A group of recent inductees into the Black Legion, they will be allowed to add more gold trim to their armor as they prove themselves in battle. They are lead by an aspiring champion who is a veteran of many raids in both real space and within the Eye.

BL_SQ01 Group Shot by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

BL_SQ 001_BG03 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

BL_SQ 001_BG02-2 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

BL_SQ 001_BG01 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

BL_SQ 001_Icon by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

And here are some more upcoming Chaos Marine projects I have on the plate...

A ride:

landraider by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

I found that the FW heavy armor is censored.gif wallbash.gif to get fitted correctly...had to do a lot of gap filling, and for that matter shaving the door frames themselves to get the sponsons to fit...still...once I add some detail & trim, it should look like it was worth it. If I get a third land raider (I will show the other later...that is for Red Corsairs, which I will probably add to this thread eventually) I will probably end up giving Subtle Discord's heavy armor a go, since that stuff just looks awesome.

I also was inspired by the Raptor kit...and decided to dust off, pry apart and redo some of the World Eaters I have sitting on the shelf.

WE_WIP_002 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

WE_WIP_001 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

WE_WIP by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

And a Khârn conversion...

Khârn Conv 002 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

As opposed to this guy, who was originally going to be "Counts As" Khârn, but will fill some other role to be determined.

WE_Lord 002 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

Not a hell of a lot of progress this week, spent a couple hours for a couple of nights getting the main coloring on Khârn worked out.  Trying to decided if I am going to be lazy and just use metallic paints, or if I want to torture myself and paint the trim with NMM.


Khârn Progress by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


Just realized looking at the picture my brush strayed a bit, and I am going to have to repaint that elbow guard.

I really dig the variation you've put on the BL colour scheme! The idea of starting off as a fresh faced, black clad legionnaire is really cool. I love the Aspiring Champion too, is that a Raptor's chainsword? The conversion is seamless and suits the model really well, more so than the axe I think.

Good job! Keep 'em coming

  • 1 month later...

I really dig the variation you've put on the BL colour scheme! The idea of starting off as a fresh faced, black clad legionnaire is really cool. I love the Aspiring Champion too, is that a Raptor's chainsword? The conversion is seamless and suits the model really well, more so than the axe I think.

Good job! Keep 'em coming

It is a raptor sword, I find I like the raptor weapons quite a lot. They look less like marine weapons with spikes, and more like something from out of the warp. As you can see, I am going to be using the raptor weapons for my berserkers too.

Been too tired/busy/sick the last month to do much of anything, so here are a couple of updates,

(Mostly) Finished Khârn, the picture is lousy, so will take another when/if there is a day of some good sunlight, or I get of my lazy censored.gif and build something that might vaguely work as a light box.


Khârn 002 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr

I also made some havocs. The champion is almost finished, will with the entire squad when it's fiinished.


IMG_0879 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


IMG_0880 by SurrealCruelty, on Flickr


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