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Best Lord of Skulls Loadout?


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Hi all,


Just a quick question really - I've just got a Lord of Skulls (huzzah!), and am thinking of the best way to arm it. I can, naturally, magnetise - but what will be the most effective weapons as standard?


From reading, I'm thinking the Gorestorm and Skullhurler, but any opinions to the contrary or any advice you can supply would be greatly appreciated.



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Thats some high and rare praise from you, jeske. Apart from your thoughts on the options, though, do you have any thoughts on the quality of the unit on the whole?


Anyone else? Anyone have any experience with it?


You'll have to let us know how it plays once you get the chance, chaeron.

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My question was in part because it's armed with a Daemongore Cannon and a Hades Gatling Gun - and I was wondering whether I'd need to change either! Mostly because the Gorestorm Cannon does appear better on initial looks... but I'd equally be really interested to see anyone else's responses to using it - as I could barely find a topic on it here!

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Thats some high and rare praise from you, jeske.

Guess mob works different where you live . That wasn't a praise , they are on the same bad lvl . asking which one is better is like asking which knee cap you want to get shot first.


the problem with the LoK , is that its shoty weapons are ork class stuff and its D class stuff is melee . I  am expecting that if someone uses it ,then it isn't a nasty surprise for a "friend" and that he will have an army ment to deal with LoW class stuff , all the options that exist right now will be very painful [considering the cost vs what it can do] to deal with.


But one the other hand ,if someone is lucky it may just self repair on and on and on.

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That's more like it.  ;)



As for being ork-class, that's fine for me, the only opponent I know with a LoW they might use is an ork player with a stompa, so I could certainly have some fon playing rock-em sock-em with a lord of skulls....


Sadly, I don't have one.  The only lord of war I've got is a plaguereaper (not technically legal for escalation, but whatever), and with only about 500pts painted in the new army, I won't be in the market for a lord of skulls for some time, yet.


Although I might try bits ordering the treads for a spartan conversion?

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I made the tank body in to the old quad demolisher medusa WE tank and used the body and defiler parts and plasticard to make my DP of tzeench[khorn bits easy to remove , shaved of the bunny ears from the head and added long green stuff haird resculpted the face to have a single eye].

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Yeah, I got it for the fun factor rather than competitive gameplay. The model looks so much better in person too!


May need to get the other weapons too, just to vary and try, as only got the two above as stated and the Skullhurler looks boss.

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I've rather enjoyed my Lord of Skulls, but it does have one nightmare to fight... hordes of infantry.  A smart opponent will attempt to get it stuck in with a blob, that with a paltry 4 attacks, it has no hope of ever getting out of combat with.  That said, when it does work, especially with the Skull Hurler and the Instant Death hellstorm gun, it really tears stuff up.


Personally, I'm leaning towards the Brass Scorpion... it's quite a bit cheaper (over 300 after upgrading the guns of a Lord of Skulls), and gets a lovely D3+2 stomps in combat, which helps it remove hordes of infantry much more effectively.

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I've rather enjoyed my Lord of Skulls, but it does have one nightmare to fight... hordes of infantry.  A smart opponent will attempt to get it stuck in with a blob, that with a paltry 4 attacks, it has no hope of ever getting out of combat with.  That said, when it does work, especially with the Skull Hurler and the Instant Death hellstorm gun, it really tears stuff up.


Personally, I'm leaning towards the Brass Scorpion... it's quite a bit cheaper (over 300 after upgrading the guns of a Lord of Skulls), and gets a lovely D3+2 stomps in combat, which helps it remove hordes of infantry much more effectively.

I have a Greater brass Scorpion myself, and I have to say that it is pure gold on the tabletop. It has some fairly good shooting, and also is scary in assaults. It lacks strenght D weapons, but I think it more than makes up for it with the other stuff it has.

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I've rather enjoyed my Lord of Skulls, but it does have one nightmare to fight... hordes of infantry.  A smart opponent will attempt to get it stuck in with a blob, that with a paltry 4 attacks, it has no hope of ever getting out of combat with.  That said, when it does work, especially with the Skull Hurler and the Instant Death hellstorm gun, it really tears stuff up.


Personally, I'm leaning towards the Brass Scorpion... it's quite a bit cheaper (over 300 after upgrading the guns of a Lord of Skulls), and gets a lovely D3+2 stomps in combat, which helps it remove hordes of infantry much more effectively.

I have a Greater brass Scorpion myself, and I have to say that it is pure gold on the tabletop. It has some fairly good shooting, and also is scary in assaults. It lacks strenght D weapons, but I think it more than makes up for it with the other stuff it has.


Yeah, the brass scorpion is my next super heavy for that exact reason... It's interesting that Chaos only gets super heavy walkers in Escalation, and of any of them, the scorp is the only one that doesn't get totally bogged down in combat.

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I've rather enjoyed my Lord of Skulls, but it does have one nightmare to fight... hordes of infantry.  A smart opponent will attempt to get it stuck in with a blob, that with a paltry 4 attacks, it has no hope of ever getting out of combat with.  That said, when it does work, especially with the Skull Hurler and the Instant Death hellstorm gun, it really tears stuff up.


Personally, I'm leaning towards the Brass Scorpion... it's quite a bit cheaper (over 300 after upgrading the guns of a Lord of Skulls), and gets a lovely D3+2 stomps in combat, which helps it remove hordes of infantry much more effectively.

I have a Greater brass Scorpion myself, and I have to say that it is pure gold on the tabletop. It has some fairly good shooting, and also is scary in assaults. It lacks strenght D weapons, but I think it more than makes up for it with the other stuff it has.


Yeah, the brass scorpion is my next super heavy for that exact reason... It's interesting that Chaos only gets super heavy walkers in Escalation, and of any of them, the scorp is the only one that doesn't get totally bogged down in combat.

You guys forgot the fact when it blows up it takes a large chunk of your opponent's army with it. :P

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