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Brothers and Sisters of Chaos,


From a fluff perspective do you see it possible for Crimson Slaughter to ally with a Tzeentch Sorcerer as a sort of combined arms approach without it being too much of a butchering of fluff.


My thoughts being that a Tzeentch Sorcerer would offer up his services to help calm down some of the hauntings the Crimson Slaughters deal with in return for access to any artifacts found while crusading. Plus a lot of subterfuge because we know Tzeentch would do anything he could to screw Khorne when and where possible.


From a Crimson Slaughter stand point the sorcery helps keep the insanity bit down just a little and maybe offers them things that supposedly will "cure" them. So a very stay the hell out of my way or help me spill blood for the blood god and I'll let you pick over whatever little trinkets you find when the dust settles (sorry about the pun). So do you see a unit of Thousand sons or Termi Tzeentch working with the Crimson Slaughter? Obviously neither side would trust the other but we're chaos who do we really trust?


I figure my Warband would be 80 - 90% Khorne with a sprinkling of Tzeentch units thrown in. What do you think? Butchering fluff? No way in the warp that would work out? Seem like a semi decent reason or story for why to unlikely factions would team up? Do you have any better or other suggestions?


I have not read Dark Vengeance and I'm not going to buy the box set just for the book. I can't seem to find the book anywhere for a decent price either so if there is something explicitly stated please let me know.


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Ultimately, it's your army. Do it the way you want.


Your warband, with its Tzeentchian and Khornate elements, represents whatever relationship of  brotherhood, animosity, desperation, or honor between different elements of a Chaos Space Marine force that you say it does. Your Warband's specific fluff is yours and yours alone. While its nice to create an interesting situation that fits seamlessly with other 40K lore as long as it makes you happy, the fluff is performing the task.


Personally, I can easily see a wandering Sorcerer and his small retinue striking a bargain with a Chaos Lord to provide magical support in exchange for interesting artefacts. If the Chaos Lord turned out to be a follower of the Blood God, well perhaps the Sorcerer just treads lightly, because with great risks come great rewards.


I say go for it, and be sure to post pictures of your warband as it comes together!

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Brothers and Sisters of Chaos,


From a fluff perspective do you see it possible for Crimson Slaughter to ally with a Tzeentch Sorcerer as a sort of combined arms approach without it being too much of a butchering of fluff.


My thoughts being that a Tzeentch Sorcerer would offer up his services to help calm down some of the hauntings the Crimson Slaughters deal with in return for access to any artifacts found while crusading. Plus a lot of subterfuge because we know Tzeentch would do anything he could to screw Khorne when and where possible.


From a Crimson Slaughter stand point the sorcery helps keep the insanity bit down just a little and maybe offers them things that supposedly will "cure" them. So a very stay the hell out of my way or help me spill blood for the blood god and I'll let you pick over whatever little trinkets you find when the dust settles (sorry about the pun). So do you see a unit of Thousand sons or Termi Tzeentch working with the Crimson Slaughter? Obviously neither side would trust the other but we're chaos who do we really trust?


I figure my Warband would be 80 - 90% Khorne with a sprinkling of Tzeentch units thrown in. What do you think? Butchering fluff? No way in the warp that would work out? Seem like a semi decent reason or story for why to unlikely factions would team up? Do you have any better or other suggestions?


I have not read Dark Vengeance and I'm not going to buy the box set just for the book. I can't seem to find the book anywhere for a decent price either so if there is something explicitly stated please let me know.




I don't see why it would be a problem. If you were asking World Eaters, I would say absolutely not since they are very distrustful of Psychers and Tzeentch.  But who's to say different Chaos Warbands don't strike bargains with one another to gain what they both want.  I would say it is probably quite commonplace.

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I have a Crimson Slaughter Warband and I've added a Sorcerer of Tzeentch.


Kranon's been searching for a way to end their curse, it isn't without reason that he would team up with a Sorcerer for magical support.


I see the Crimson Slaughter more Undivided with a heavy Khorne influence. Those that have fallen into madness are probably fully marked Khorne, but I don't see anything saying the whole warband is. Hell, Draznicht has a Third Eye, which is more Tzeentchian than Khornate.


They way I have organized my Warband is based more on what the models look like.


Kranon is Khornate

I've made a small unit of Chosen using the new plastic Aspiring Champion with Power Axe, and 4 of the Chosen with Power Axes. These are marked Khorne.

I have the new Chaos Sorcerer model painted as Crimson Slaughter, he is marked Tzeentch.

Draznicht leads a unit of Chosen armed with Lightning Claws marked Tzeentch

My Chaos Marines units are made entirely from DV Chosen. The Chosen with Power Fist is the Aspiring Champion, and the other Marines are the Bolter Chosen. I've converted four of the Bolter Chosen to hold Plasma Guns and Melta Guns (from the new Raptors kit). I have a squad of each, 10 man strong. They are usually unmarked to save on points.

The DV cultists are grouped and marked differently too. The close combat cultists are usually marked Khorne, but since all the Autogun Cultists are in hoods and gas masks, they just scream Nurgle.


Army is no where near competitive, but it all has a reason to exist as it does for me, and that's what keeps my OCD in check lol!


IT is fun to play though.

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The problem I have is not with a TZ sorc in a CS band , but with the wording of your story "offering up his services to help calm , bla , bla , bla, " yucky.gif msn-wink.gif . A merc alliance (all be it tempory) , sorc fights for them to get his hands on an artifact that is on a world/moon/ship/whatever they want take over anyway. That's the agreement/arrangement . When you use words like , "offering , services, help, and calm" it makes it sound like he's opening a yoga and meditation studio instead of fighting with a chaos warband biggrin.png.


Also Tz would have no real reason to screw K when/where ever possible . Tz and k are not ancient enemies , Slanny and K are.


I could def see a Tz band joining CS . The Tz guys would just have to keep their distance from the K guys when not on the field of battle ( ya know, just in case the K guys start drinking tequila or something)

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Nice Chillin like the Tequila bit. I see what your saying about it sounding like a one time plan. I probably need to flesh that part of the story out a bit more then.


Gratan glad you've had the same idea I did. I was thinking that the DV chosen etc do look a bit Tzeentch with the eyes randomly popping up.


My main worry was that I was going a little overboard. I mean I know I'm not doing the uber competitive build so I'll probably get stomped by anyone wanting to flex a little muscle in the game but from a "fluffy" it needs to make sense, story aspect I think it would work fairly well.


Thanks everyone for the input it is keeping me from having a let down as far as my Army goes.


I do have another question for all of you. I can't decide if I should paint the Tz portions of my army the dark blue Thousand Sons colors or keep them with the theme of the Crimson Slaughter colors. Right now the only Tz units I have will be a Sorc and some Termi's and eventually getting a couple of Thousand Sons squads very slowly (these will obviously be blue I suppose).


One part of me says keep them blue the other part says one unit a completely different color than the rest of the army would look retarded. However I also thought that giving them all the same gold/bronze trim could keep it looking fairly uniform. Thoughts opinions? Anything else I should add besides some Tz Termi's and Thousand Sons plus the mandatory Sorcerer? Everything else run will be Khornate marked and colors just wondering your ideas and thoughts.


Any more help from anyone will be greatly appreciated thanks!


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With regards to the Crimson slaughter specifically, I think they're a fairly good example of an ostensibly Khornate warband that might seek out the services of a sorcerer, in that they are not devout Khorne worshippers; they maim and slaughter because they have no choice; to quiet the constantly shrieking ghosts of those they slaughtered during their "loyalist" days. I can certainly see them forging alliances with sorcerers who promise a means by which they might be exorcised of the curse, and the sorcerer in his or her turn manipulating them to their own designs. It would certainly result in some interesting tensions within the Warband.

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I would not go with the T-sons colors ( this is IMO only) bc they are are a legion, I would go with the scourged or a TZ paint scheme of DIY. Definitely don't paint them as CS color scheme, bc they are not CS. they are a different warband fighting / campaigning with CS. I also think armies that have a different paint scheme for every squad looks like a mess , but two different paint schemes  for two different war bands looks fine. For example, if you were a s/m player and were playing ultramarines with a black Templar attachment, you wouldn't paint the BT in UM colors.

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Sweet thanks guys. I saw a few models with Pre Heresy colors and they look awesome I figured they would fit in fairly well with CS so I think that is it.



Any advice for what you guys think are regular units to go with CS and Tz? I mean Thousand Sons obviously but I was thinking about a Maulerfiend not sure from a fluff perspective it would work. What other Iconic units would you guys recommend?


Thanks again DoC

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I've added a Heldrake and a Forgefiend to my CS warband. Mainly because I love the models.



If you need inspiration, take a look at my CS project log, lower down this page. It shows what I've been working on. Its a bit of a mess, and I've been inactive, but it cant hurt. Pretty much ignore my army list though... It's pretty crap lol

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You have a CS lord and TS sorc, brzrkrs and T sons , a FF and a helturkey , I guessing you at 1700+ pts at least, how many pts were you trying to get to ? You cld go with some oblits , but I guessing unless you play high points, you cant afford them. Maybe a termicide squad if you have 100 pts or so.

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No Berzerkers in my warband yet. (I have the models but little interest in running them they just don't seem worth it.


I usually play 2K points in my group. I haven't added the thousand sons so currently running Sorc and Termi's with Mark of Tz.


2 CSM squad with MoK and extra CCW 2 Plasma Guns & Icon of Wrath right now a unit of 10 (maybe 20 haven't play tested enough yet)


1 Khorne Lord with AoBF


I have a unit of Raptors for fun because the models are awesome but I don't feel like I have to run them constantly.


I'm going to Magnetize the Forgefiend and Maulerfiend kit so I can use both.


The Thousand sons I plan on getting slowly so some day (hopefully soon) I will use them in a large unit for a midfield distraction plus AP3 will be nice vs my Cron opponent.


Thanks for all the inputs so far keep them coming. I know about bikes but I've got DA and don't feel like adding more bikes.


I have thought about Obliterators maxed out with MoT.


Any other thoughts?

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Sweet thanks Gents. What would you add for some more competitive nature? I have two Helldrakes I may add one or two depending on how are local Cron player behaves. He's usually pretty casual but he keeps grinning about bring a massive amount of flyers. He's pretty cool about it though he warns us so we can counter (not that it keeps us from getting smoked but at least he doesn't try and surprise ya with it). Anyone have any good experience taking on Crons and what we have to counter them besides the Drakes? I figure the Obilits will help and probably bring max squads of CSM so he has to shoot them down.


I played a game yesterday against Tyranids with my DA and realized how good the plain old bolter is. I actually managed to shoot down two Carnifex and a bunch of Warriors (not tough I know) and then remove the few remaining wounds off of a Tervigon with just two Ten Man Tac squads (got lucky some and a plasma gun did help but not as much as you'd think).


My whole point about the game against the Nids is that the humble bolter ain't bad I've found. So max bolters and two plasma guns to add some nice clear wounds and I think I might be able to shoot up the Cron Warriors fairly decent. Added that I feel that an extra CCW adds nice to the squad and I figure my troops should handle quite a bit. It's the "extra" or specialist units that I'm not so sure on. Forgefiend pairs? Maulerfiend pairs? Oblits and Havocs? Just two units of Oblits? Should I get some Thousand sons for a nice midfield AP3 walk up and just keep shooting at stuff?


Thanks for the advice you guys are helping quite a bit on the direction of my army.

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