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Escalation/Stronghold Tournament- 2k


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Wow- end of Day 1. 


Some INSANE games.


Faced a Daemon list in Game2. 


1x Thirster

2x Heralds of Tzeentch

1x Herald of Nurgle

2x 10 Plagues

1x14 Plagues

1x 10 Letters

9x screamers

13x Hounds

13x Hounds

1x Nurgle Defiler

1x Slaaneshi Defiler


Game3 was vs. the crazy guys from lat night in the prac game- the Slayer of Souls.


Slayer of Souls


Blinged Slaaneshi DP

14x Daemonettes

14x Plagues

1x Void shield Gen -2x additional shields.


will fill you in soon!

Just won vs. A really heavy ork list!!! Really chuffed. Got quite lucky.

Playing in the final vs. The 4 mauler fiend chaos list!

Very strong player, but quite a good match up for me. Big Guns!

Hope it works out!

Ha, wow!  Well done, suck it haters!


I'd be curious to hear your thoughts - how can BA best embrace stronghold assault?  That may be a new thread here shortly... design a list that is uniquely BA but still incorporates some of the new goodies.

GAME 1 - Relic - Vanguard Strike


Opponent - Necrons.


Transcended C'tan

Destroyer Lord - 2+, Scythe, Scarabs.

6x Wraiths - whipcoils

3x 5 Warriors - all in Scythes

3x 1 Barges


For those of you not in the know- the Transcended is mental.


WS:6 BS:6 S:9 T:9 W:6 I:5 A:8 LD:10 Sv 3+/4++


Moves 12" a turn, has 2 weapons -1 is a 6d6, S8, Ap3 48" range weapon (yup). The other is the hellstorm template (apocalypse 16.5" giant flamer) that is Str D.


When it gets killed it does a 4 (or 6?) d6 S10, AP1 explosion O_o




He gets first turn. That means he's getting first blood. Even with nightfight and ruin cover 6d6 x S8 shots is gonna wreck a razor. On the LoW warlord table I roll -1 to D weapon result- which is a bonus- means theres a chance ill survive that terrible flamer.


His set up is like this:





I keep one squad in a razor with corbs (who usually goes in the Ravens, but i feel i need him on board near meph) on board along with 2 other razors. Everything else is split up and put into reserves.




In turn one, as expected, I lose a razor, shot through the door. Boom!

Everything else boosts/runs to move closer to me.


In my turn, I pull a little bit of an unexpected move. He is expecting me to avoid his wraiths and 2+ save lord- i figure, with a little Corbulo help, i can try overcome the scarabs and hope he fails a 2+ and then FW his lord.



So mephy moves out of cover to engage.

My pod comes down...and...I make the biggest mistake of the tourney - i blame the 9am Saturday morning start :P My positioning of the pod is absolutely idiotic. I could have gotten rear armour, and for some UNKNOWN reason, i position to get two barges with the flamer, but both on side armour <_< I have no idea what i was on.


You can see the dready in the background above.

Anyway- nothing really happens there. Fail.

Mephy charges ->


I pass mindshackle scarab roll! WHooo hoo! And he fails his Transfixing Gaze roll! Whoo hoo!! Rerolls!!!

I'm S10 at the moment too.

So, i roll 3 hits, and 3 misses. A little under average- but not to worry- this is what reroll are for! Reroll!! And i miss with all 3 again <_< Bleh. He passes 3 wounds...and now i'm in trouble.

Luckily I get away with murder- no wounds in return! (partly due to FNP nearby)






Anyway- turn 2, his entire army comes in- the C'tan moves to shoot either the dread, or corbs razor.

His shooting is not so hot, and his D weapon actually only kills the Pod and pens (immob) the dread thanks to the -1 roll.

The Razor also gets nuked. Corbs and the gand pile out.

Then, its combat phase 2!!! Scarabs - i fail! No matter- CORBULO!!! Reroll....fail again. (oh dear)

Luckily i didnt buff my powers- so i only take 1 wound, which i pass.

He then smacks me for 4! ><;

Thankfully Mephy is not fearless- so he fails a break, and actually gets out of combat! He falls back, and is now free to tango with the C'tan if need be!


In my turn two, 1 raven comes on, and 3 of 4 jumpers. I position myself accordingly. The vanguard get ready to charge the C'tan too.


I do some decent damage this turn. I immob a barge, kill another (i think) and take out a flyer.


Meph then charges the C'tan!! RWAR!! He's on one wound- may as well die fighting.




I do four or five wounds to the C'tan and he fails with 3 of his saves!!!! I activate the FW, and success- i get d3 wounds for each wound instead of one- i roll exactly what i need! 6 !!Whooo hoooo.

Dead C'tan and 2 points for me (thanks to VP for LoW).


However.....he explodes in an almighty inferno - he takes out 3 wraiths, all of corbs squad (and poor corbs :( ) all but one of my vanguard - and i think kills the Dread too. And poor mephy too- I fail my FNP from Corbs. Not bad, but a lot is now taken out.


The dust settles:



He zooms his one flyer on the right flank to my bottom right corner, and drops a squad of warriors off in the ruins for linebreaker.

He does what shooting he can, shoots up some jumpers, and his lord and wraiths charge the lone fist. Who dies.


In my turn, the other raven doesnt come on yet - the vanguards do though. They drop back by the other warriors to engage them. I position what i can where i can -which is just a lone trooper and then a 5man jumper squad, who have line breaker on their side.

I think i finally take out his last mobile barge. (other one is dead, and third one is immobed)




Turns are a bit hazey, but somewhere along the line he drops off a squad of warriors on the objective.

My raven goes into hover, and the guys inside charge the warriors. The 2nd raven takes out another croissant.



The vanguards are taking out the warriors, and then move up towards the other warrior squad that eventually come on from his edge. and march towards my deployment zone.



Here's another HUGE mistake i make. ....like a muppet.

I forget we're playing vanguard, and move my Vets up to greet the 5man warriors not thinking that ill be way, way out of his deployment (thinkin 12" in and im good).



I unload my raven squad onto the objective!!

Its time to roll for 5th though. If it ends now, i'll win 6-2. It continues. We fight on.





The battle for the center continues as his wraiths etc. kill my guys that were on the objective.


My jumpers move to keep linebreaker and the vanguards who had a lightning claw and a bazillion attacks are still struggling to get through 5 bloody crons.


What proceeds to happen is the lord and the wraith clear up the center and then move towards the linebreaker squad.


Its too late though! If it ends in 6th now, again- ive won 3-2 - it continues to 7th <_<


He moves his lord to chomp my remaining 5man jumpy squad, that i didnt fly away deep into his territory, because i was lookin to grab the objective. He charges them.

The vanguard still cant get through the crons meaning theres no way ill make linebreaker with them- meaning if he kills the jumpers- it will end in a draw.


He kills 3 of 5 jumpers in combat - including the sarge.


Now!!! Sneaky Mort had this planned as a back up! All i do now, is fail a Ld5 check, fall back, regroup, and pick up the objective for a 5-2 win!!!




Pass <_<


In my 7th turn, he kills the remaining 2 jumpers and the game ends bottom of the 7th with a 2-2 score.



2 mistakes that i think cost me that game unfortunately. Oh well. I was really disappointed with that result. Didnt feel satisfying, but thats how the game goes- and it was mad hard fought!

Game 2 - Crusade - 3 Objectives - Dawn of War. 




1x Blood Thirster - with greater gift

2x Heralds of Tzeentch - lvl3, 1 has Grimoire

1x Herald of Nurgle - stuff

2x 10 Plagues

1x14 Plagues

1x 10 Letters

9x screamers

13x Hounds

13x Hounds

1x Nurgle Defiler

1x Slaaneshi Defiler


The opponent won the objective placement, meaning I would have 1 and he would have two.  He placed the first one near his corner (top left).  I placed my one opposite that in my bottom right corner.  I figured since he has a very aggressive army, i would need to split him up to take him on.  He placed the other one 12" away from the first on the same plane, meaning our battle would more than likely be fought on half the table.  


I won the roll off for first turn, and elected to go first knowing that id try thin out the hounds or the screamers before grimoire hit -or if he deploys poorly take out one of the defilers (or even a shot or two on the BT).  Made me wish for more frag dreads :P 


I set up my 3 razors and mephy on the board.  All of them were empty. I put 2 (1 with corbs) in the ravens and one walking on.  The jumpers I split up and put into reserve. 


In return, he castled hard on the left.  He just put his big plagues (with Herald) into reserve.  He hid the defiler behind the ruins, and then hid the troops in the ruins where he could.  In his scout move, he rushed forward with both the doggie squads - opening up nice spots for the dready. 




After (thankfully) not seizing, dready came down and positioned by the screamers on the flank nearest the grimoire. 

He completely underestimated the frag cannon, as he clumped his guys way too close together.  

Mephy flew forward to engage the doggies, while the razors moved around to take shots on either the dogs, or the screamers - i favoured the screamers while they were still not buffed.


The frag cannon did a truck load of wounds - he lost the side two screamers and his grimoire herald was in the firing line. With T3, it meant that one failed LOS and failed save and he was popped!! He needed to make 9 !! Mwuhahaha.

He made them <_< 

I wasnt happy.  I then proceeded to fire at the screamers with everything else, taking them down to 2 screamers plus the two heralds.  I knew I would lose first blood now, but at least I felt what was the back of his army was broken. 


Dready standing proud:



Mephy charged into combat and destroyed a bunch of doggies single handedly...as he does.  He stayed locked however.




In his turn, he moved the thirster to engage with the Dread.  He moved the screamers to take on the pod.  

His unegaged doggies move in to kill a razorback.  Mephy takes on a whole bunch more doggies- 2 remain. I lose the pod and the dread. 






In my turn 2...


the 2 vanguards came on, 1 jumper squad and both ravens, while the other jumper squad and the walking squad stayed off.

I positioned the vanguard to charge the plagues guarding the one objective, and the other squad (with 4MB and a fist) to take on the grinder.

The ravens were positioned to shoot the heralds and the thirster! 


The mobile razors took some shots where they could at the oncoming doggies, while the ravens tried to get the herald and the thirster.  Again, i think he made 4 LoS that would have popped him- and saved with the rerolls. The thirster made some good saves, and possibly just took 1 wound if any. 


In combat, the vanguard charged.  The plagues took some damage but wasnt too impressive - the other squad took 3 casualties - the grinder hitting and wounding with everything ><; BUT, got lucky with the MB and fist and blew up the grinder!! 




Mephiston did 4 wounds on the doggies- at S10 - and the bugger goes and rolls four 6s !!! ><; Meph stays locked for a turn.  


In his turn the plagues come on and strike onto the objective in the far right corner away from all the madness.  The thirster swoops off into cover of the ruins, while his doggies move to destroy the 5man jumpy squad.  

The letters move in to take out the 2 remaining vets. And the other grinder positions himself for shots on the raven.


I wind up losing the 5nman jumpies too, but the Vets that charged the plagues wind up taking them all out and moving free. I position them in a way to engage the letters. 

I finally clear up the dogs and meph moves free.


Turn 3.


The other reserves come on, and i reinforce the side that is held up by the plagues.

Meph moves out to go toe-to-toe with the Herald -he's also gotten the Legendary Fighter trait- so, im keen to get in there.  One raven goes to hover, while Corbs disembarks and goes to help meph out by soaking up the AP2 shots from the screamers. 



I focus fire with the ravens where i can, and with the help from Raven shooting and a frag grenade from the jumpers, i wind up taking out the letters completely. He now only has 2 squads of scoring units.  I shoot the plagues on the other side- one or two casualties only.


Corbs and Mephy charges in. I should have challenged with Corbs, but forgot about it because i was focussing on the grimoire bearer.  I put 5 wounds into the squad, of which he passes all his LoS again!! And then the 2++ rerolled makes everything.  Corbs soaks up the other attacks and combat is drawn. 



In his turn, the doggies go engage with the remaining jumpers. 

Doggies clean up jumpers!

The thirster risks a charge through cover (which i was expecting !!!! But had TOTALLY forgotten the enemy doesnt get the init reduction if youre already in combat!!) 


Nothing else happens- but the thirster makes it in!!! Meph challenges. Thankfully the thirster only does 2 wounds - none of which are 6s!! I make out like a bandit.  Meph returns the favour with a Force Sword to the face and takes home a BT head. 


Turn 4, my jumpers engage the plagues after shooting from them and the walking squad, pulling them off the objective, and letting the walking squad claim it. 

I boost the ravens to various positions and shoot up the doggies. 



By this stage the opponent has lost his fire and realised its lookin bleak. We pretty much call it and at that point we calculate I've gotten line breaker, warlord, +1 for challenge kill and then at least one objective.  (I could have had two) but i took the victory as is. 


End result BA, 6-2








Game 3 - Emperor's Will - Hammer and Anvil


vs. Chaos Daemons.




Aeteos'  The Slayer of Souls  (999 point gargantuan flying MC of Tzeentch)

Kairos Fateweaver

Slaaneshi DP - Wings, greater gift,lesser gift Lvl3, 3+ armour

14 Plagues

14 Daemonettes

3 Void Shields



I got the -1 to D weapon Warlord trait on the Lords of War table - useless against this guy sadly. 

I played these guys before in their warmup game and did alright with my mobility.  They have very little to deal with fliers other than the Slaaneshi daemon with the lash and a hope for Iron Arm (which they dont get!)


I win the roll off and thankfully this gives me a chance.  Had I lost the roll off, I would have lost the game automatically.  Aeteos spawns daemon Horrors in his shooting phase up to 48" away.  All this means is that in turn 5,6 or 7 - with your home plate defended, you spawn a squad onto the objective and contest his and grab line breaker.  Thankfully this didnt happen!


I gave him first turn and the opp to fly at me - which he did! His plagues would strike on, and his daemonettes would walk on from the back.


My set up was super simple.  3 Razors and Meph -one razor squad had a squad in. The rest were in reserve.  The jumpers were all split and deepstriking.




Turn 1 his monsters all flew forward.  Thanks to some lucky deny the witch saves, I suffered negligible damage (just a weapon destroyed) and the spawned horrors looked like an easy kill point in turn 1. 


My dread comes on, and I choose to target the horrors. In retrospect, i think i should have put him on the enemy objective and chilled out there.  Would have been a better option.  But i figured first blood was needed. 


I moved around, mephy still stood up on the battlement to keep his cover save and avoid the AP2 psychic powers and wait for an opportune time.




I got first blood as expected. No other wounds thanks to great saves and reroll  from grounding tests!


In the next turn, the enemy decided to remain still to use their crazy barrage weapon.  The haywire rule on it didnt work out too well, and I got away with murder! 


He flew his princes forward, wondering what to do with the Mephy situation - maybe a little too worried.




The game was literally quite cat and mouse. 3 monsters that are of concern, and the rest nonsense. Two jumpy squads landed at the back, while the vanguards landed to try have a go at the big bad boy.  My ravens came in too- hoping to ground him! I was hoping to take him down a few wounds, lose the vanvets- and then finish off with meph. 


After 2 ravens full of shooting, i got maybe 1 wound.  Then the vanguards charged-  they got utterly devastated - i think he rolled a 6 on the stomp! The only benefit was, i had 2 guys remaining (fearless) who locked the big guy in combat for a turn.




The game was a bit weird in the way it played - so small - and very difficult to write a report for as there are no real " broad strokes" - but basically, we kept the big guy guessing- unsure of whether to engage on the 1 side or the other and his indecision to just go off and land and kick mephistons ass probably cost him substantially. 




This helped me immensely and I used what shooting i could to try take out the Slaaneshi DP.  




I also used corbs and crew to clean up horrors my side of the board. 

I took out the daemonettes at the top side with the jumpers on the other side of the board, while Mephy eventually charged in to tackle kairos with help from Corbs! 


By the end of the game, stuff looked like this:




I had both objectives, and first blood and line breaker, he had line breaker. 


Solid victory BA with 8-1.



For what its worth- that model is insane.  Without D-weapons you're not touching it.  


Its only player inexperience that I think saved me. If i was him i would have spawned horrors to the back, vied for Mephy- smacked his ass down, and then proceeded to work on other stuff.  


In games under 2k you may not see him.  Over 2k you may need to worry.

Yeah, just taking it all in at this point! Were there any Revenants with void shield / seer council shenanigans?

2x Revenants - both of with sporting void shield generators. 

Seer council becomes pricey with less than 1000 points to work with, so those werent there.  Both Rev lists had 2x void gens, 2x Fighters (Crimson Hunters?) the Rev and then something else for flavour. 


Top ten:


1st - Blood angels
2nd - Orks
3rd -  Chaos Marines
4th -  Orks
5th -  Eldar - LoW Revenant Titan and Void shield generator.
6th -  Necron - LoW Transcendent C’tan.
7th - Eldar -  LoW Revenant Titan, Nightwing and Void shield generator.
8th - Daemons - LoW – Daemon Lord – Aetaos’rau’keres.
9th -  Imperial Guard
10th - LoW Baneblade

Really surprised to see that you beat the aetaos list, but as you said, player inexperiences helped you a lot a think. I played versus that guy in a regular apocalypse game, and he's freaking unfair, without D weapons it's almost impossible to kill him, and the barrage weapon puts on a huge load of damage. ^^

These batreps are incredible. If you could would yould drop the storm ravens and something else for a thunderHawk? He fact that you rolled through so many lists means that :

A. You ate your wheaties that morning

B. You were underestimated

C. You are brilliant tactician and we shouldd all bow down to you.


I think you played the necron game just right minus the mistakes you mentioned. As for the two chaos demon games it seems like those went almost perfectly with the excepton of the crazylook out sirs rolls. Did you just avoid his big demon in demon game 2? Really looking forward to seeing the next set of reports.


As an aside i recently played versus necrons in a 3k game and ctan dropped me hard. Intercepted my t-hawk with his pylon and blew it up in one turn. I guess its lucky he took ctan instead of the pylon cause i didnt see alot of melta in your list. Seems like you played it just right.


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