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Chaos be thy family name. The dark contains secrets...


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Hi hello,

Just wanted to post a few images of completed projects that I am happy with. Would like to hear comments and criticisms, pointers and any ideas to improve anywhere you might think...

First up a Word Bearers lord in terminator armour with a big beat stick......


Next is Lord Vexus Maledictus, sorcerer lord of Nurgle


Then next is the finecast Great Unclean One, which i'm really quite happy with..


Lord Varka the vain, Chaos lord of Slaanesh:


A squad of Slaaneshi bikers:


A Slaaneshi dreadnought with power scourge and powerfist w/ built in heavy flamer:


Slyvain the perfector, Slaaneshi sorcerer lord:


And with Mutilator retinue, fun but game wise isn't hot.......... :


So, thanks for looking and sure let me know what you think. Oh and anyone at all in or around Belfast area or near at hand hit me up for a game. Always excited to play new people and for me that's what the hobby is all about really, everything else is gravy...



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Had to post this as a follow on because I went over a limit or something....

A few squads of noise marines:






My conversion up to Lucius. Didn't have the model wanted to use him in a game, bit of glue, bit of scraping and a bit of green stuff later and ta da:



And I might get flamed for this 'un lol:



So yeah, like I said drop me a line!
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But...Slaanesh and not in neon bright pink as they should be (according to GW these days). Congrats. Good use of the DE bits too. Shame there's some non EC stuff there though ;)
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his pet spawn and concubine/combat familiar:

Which one is which?

Who knows? It's chaos after all. Lol

The pink winged warp wolf is the spawn. He alone performed very well in a 600pt competition. Teamed up with the dreadnought from earlier.

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plague of sedition, those are some really nice slaaneshi marines you have there. its nice to see other's interpretations of a well known concept or archetype. you have a great imagination too - those conversions are awesome. really like the dread that uses the khorne juggernaut head, oh the irony. great use of DE parts too. over all i think its an awesome army and i look forward to seeing more of them. thumbsup.gif

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Thanks guys. Means a lot to get positive comments.


Lienmann that's actually the maulerfiend head. I remember planning this dread and mentioned it to a friend. He didn't think it would work which just spurred me on to make it work. Lol.

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Really good looking stuff here! It definitely tempts me to sort of leave my WB theme and just go for 'Chaos'. :p

It wasn't really a conscious decision to do all the different strands. When I got back into the hobby halfway through '12 I bought the dark vengeance set... followed quickly by actually determining that I was going to do death guard. Of which I think I have around 2k now.

By that stage I had found this forum and had trawled the internet.. I then turnef my mind to khorne. Of which I have around 3k (I went a bit nuts.. the nails and all). Within that 3k there are 40 berzerkers. . Which look flipping awesome but die like dogs on the local 'open' tables.... go figure.

So now there is this slaaneshi mob. And next I plan to do a Tzeentch crew.

I never have a plan I just sit down and see what happens. ..

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Thanks guys. Means a lot to get positive comments.


Lienmann that's actually the maulerfiend head. I remember planning this dread and mentioned it to a friend. He didn't think it would work which just spurred me on to make it work. Lol.


ah fair play, i haven't got the kit so i didn't know but thanks for clearing it up. either way it works really well. looking forward to seeing more of your work brother. 

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This is really nice work mate, thanks for sharing it!

All of the Slaaneshi stuff has a real, old school, Realm of Chaos vibe going on, which I love. The Mutilators & the perfector are definately my faves! cool.png

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Funny you mentioned realm of chaos. I actually tracked down the old codex and source material. So much good stuff in there. So much inspiration.

Just really great books with loads of john blanche greatness.


Yeah some of the old models didn't match up to the calibre of the concept. But the artwork for gw has been consistently great, I think.


Of course I have been inspired also by a great number of people on this site.


I will be posting more images soon. Cheers!

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By Realm of Chaos...you do mean the two hardback tomes and not the first Chaos Codex I trust.

I do indeed. I hunted high and low to source the old books. Lot of great stuff in there.


PS. I really love using the sigils and more into doing free hamd work which might not be readily apparent in the photos.


Link to Dammeron's stuff please? I may have seen it not sure.

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By Realm of Chaos...you do mean the two hardback tomes and not the first Chaos Codex I trust.

I do indeed. I hunted high and low to source the old books. Lot of great stuff in there.


PS. I really love using the sigils and more into doing free hamd work which might not be readily apparent in the photos.


Link to Dammeron's stuff please? I may have seen it not sure.


In my sig, sir.

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