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Chaos be thy family name. The dark contains secrets...


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Woah your work is sick man. I can see the love of giger and barker.

The fact that much of it is asymmetric lends to the style so much. I put stuff together asymmetrically and then an inner fear starts to balance it.. I always pull back a bit. Hopeful that the paint job conveys what I want.

Your greenstuff work is sweet. I'm only as far as repositioning legs and gap filling.


At some point I will start a unit of daemonettes but I want to use the mantis ones from raging heroes I think it is.


I also want to start writing background for my figures so if anyone has pointers on that or painting or modelling give me a pm please. I am open to suggestions. Thanks all

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Just thought I would post up a shot of the freehand I am doing on my work. This is a terminator I finished this evening. Eventually be a squad of terminators.




*edit for other angles... *

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Everyone's favourite nutter with a chainaxe, Khârn or at least my kitbashed version:


Next is Zhufor: gallery_69677_9195_1384948.jpg

Then this Khornate dread. Which I freely admit was inspired by guitarasmus.


Then this dark magos tech priest with bodyguard/counts as combat familiar. He's done alright in games. .


Finally this guy. The most relaxed berserker around. ....


Thanks for looking.

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Hot damn! Those guys are sweet - Khorne would be proud, if he wasn't to busy raging! biggrin.png

Really great stuff mate, especially Khârn & Zhufor.

Edit: Quick question. How do you paint the red? It looks great!

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The red is this:


Base of khorne red, wash with nuln oil, drybrush with vallejo flat red and finally very light drybrush/highlight with army painter lava orange.


That's more or less it. I tweak it slightly. The orange makes the red quite warm. Of course I have given consideration to extreme highlighting with pinks. Though my mate who is a khorne purest threatened to disown me.. he may already have done for my slaaneshi heresy. . Lol


Of course I also make liberal use of tamiya clear red bulked with pva and adding progressively darker shades for the tonal difference between fresh and dry blood.


Edit for comment on Zhufor. I should say my route to red on Zhufor started with game colour tinny tin. Then several washes with carroburg crimson and glaze with bloodletter. I must tell the truth and say I was close to stripping him halfway through but persevered.

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Another great update there. Sorry didn't respond with a link but the man himself got to it before I could. Keep up the good work there man.

Ach yer grand lad. I checked his stuff out it's wild!


I hope to continue with more updates.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright in the last couple of weeks I got the Cypher and Be'lakor dataslates and then went nuts got the figures. Cypher came minus right arm but I just went with it and a raid of the bits box later and voila:



Then of course we have Be'lakor







Then the remainder of the terminator squad







So, there you go. Thoughts, criticism, ideas or indeed just send me pizza. Thanks for looking.



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