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Golem Heavy Assault Squads(Complete: 10/2 -1st post updated)

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Have you thought of a breacher shield instead of the pistol brother? A golem invokes durability and bulk, and that would also make sense as they jobs is to close thr gap against enemy heavy armour.


Well, seeing as MK III armour is too unwieldy for it to be commonly used with jump-packs, I'm doubtful how practical lugging around a full-height shield the thickness of an astartes' forearm would be 


To be honest, the idea is that they use their manouverability to avoid their target's fire, rather than endure (most) of it - if that was an option, they'd deploy more common units such as termis or breachers (and involate armour makes them pretty hardy, too)


I suppose I just wanted a slight upgrade to normal assault marines to avoid making them too OP - they are Fannon after all


In terms of 'Golem', I really meant it to refer to their relentless and unyielding nature - if they are told to do something, either they'll get it done or all die in the attempt - and I think a 7 foot tall power-armoured monster might also invoke durability & bulk :P


Thanks for the input though Wolf_Pack, I should have another update at somepoint today / tomorrow

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Okay, so I've sorted out the feet, which means from now on progress should be much quicker - doing blank areas is faster because I don't have to worry about smudging existing work - that said, the jump pack might take a while, depending on how detailed I want it to be with exposed cables, intakes etc.


Thanks for looking

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I have been stalking this thread for a while now, and I eagerly await the final product. I plan on kit bashing atleast one to have as a sergeant. Keep it up brother!

That'd be so awesome brother - thanks for the complement!

Oh and if you were ever considering Destroyers for your warriors of the 10th - at some point in the future, I intend to do a piece based upon another experimental unit design: 'Absolom Destroyers' with Mk III armour, all kinds of crazy respiratory bionics, and some nasty irad weapons from their Mechanicum buddies - just in case you wanted a counts as destroyer with rad grenade launcher msn-wink.gif

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1st post has been updated: here's the finished assault marine:


This is a slightly 'cleaner' version, with upped contrast, albeit less detail:


Also, seeing as I seem to be posting all my HH content here, this is a recolour & edit of one of FWs astartes profiles, with some fluff:


[if you like it, I'm planning on uploading a similar piece, using an edited deathshroud pic, which looks awesome in dark iron]

Thanks for looking, and all the support through the project, its been great to add to the 10th Legion's arsenal & get involved in the awesome fluff surrounding the Heresy

Thanks again

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Very cool! Only thing I find weird is the shoulder on the viewer's right. Its not level with the left. I know those types of positions

pauldrons stick up a little, but it should only be the trim sticking up above the shoulder line.


Otherwise, he's excellent! I must gather my bits...

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That is an awesome one there. I like his sense of heritage and his unwillingness to denounce his origins/accomplishments.  Well thought out and very unique!  Keep them coming, definitely a great way to immerse yourself in the Heresy Era stuff!!!


I have been occupied with the thought of a squad of Night Lords who are of Terran-born origins.  Although they would be a murderous bunch, they are also possessed of a more "heroic" nature, inclined to being a more honorable unit, more so than those who were recruited from Nostramo.  It would be kind of a tribute towards the Legion before it became populated with those of Nostramo.  I know that even the Terran marines in the Night Lord's Legion were criminals/recruits from the prisons of Terra, but I cannot help to think that they would be more like the political prisoners rather than the violent offenders. 


But I do not have a paint/photoshop program to do any altering of the images like you did. 

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That is an awesome one there. I like his sense of heritage and his unwillingness to denounce his origins/accomplishments.  Well thought out and very unique!  Keep them coming, definitely a great way to immerse yourself in the Heresy Era stuff!!!


I have been occupied with the thought of a squad of Night Lords who are of Terran-born origins.  Although they would be a murderous bunch, they are also possessed of a more "heroic" nature, inclined to being a more honorable unit, more so than those who were recruited from Nostramo.  It would be kind of a tribute towards the Legion before it became populated with those of Nostramo.  I know that even the Terran marines in the Night Lord's Legion were criminals/recruits from the prisons of Terra, but I cannot help to think that they would be more like the political prisoners rather than the violent offenders. 


But I do not have a paint/photoshop program to do any altering of the images like you did. 


A less twisted - but no less resentful - unit of Night Lords would be pretty cool


You could identify them with perhaps the addition of white on one / both pauldrons, maybe some kind of stripe on their helmets. Fluff wise, seeing as their is so much literal back - stabbing within the Legion for rank, you could portray them as grim veterans, and when the inevitable happened - a Nostraman murdered one of their number for his own gain, they found him, beat him senseless and crucified him on their battleship's main deck.


It'd be really cool to have a unit that actually acted as a brotherhood within a Legion as insular & individualistic as the Night Lords.


On the pic editing front, I don't actually have any photoshop-style programs, only sneaky use of MS Paint, Word & Picture Editor - so yes, it does take ages and is a pain in the ass :p

I'm just lucky in that the IHs scheme isn't that tricky, all I usually have to do to the pics (found on 40k wiki) is drop their saturation & give them a slightly purple-grey tinge, & I can add the insignia from there. That said, I do usually have to apply all the pure white highlights 'by hand' on MS paint, which is a chore.


In terms of stuff for the future, there aren't that many useable designs yet, so I'll have to see.


Anyway, I'm glad you like them - the fluff is just so cool to work with

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