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Making Berzerkers/MoK work in 7th


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Huh, some interesting timing. I took a Khorne list up against some Eldar today and got spanked off the table turn 4. Things'll be a bit different once I get my Brass Scorpion though...


That, incidentally, is my current plan. Giant scuttling death machine, plus some dudes for objective taking etc. Not had a chance to test the full list yet, but from today's game (which was the dudes minus the Scorpion) it needs the Scorpion. I did manage to insta-kill an Enfeebled Farseer with Hammer of Wrath from my Lord though, which was absolutely glorious.




P.S: Thanks for changing the title!

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Huh, some interesting timing. I took a Khorne list up against some Eldar today and got spanked off the table turn 4. Things'll be a bit different once I get my Brass Scorpion though...


That, incidentally, is my current plan. Giant scuttling death machine, plus some dudes for objective taking etc. Not had a chance to test the full list yet, but from today's game (which was the dudes minus the Scorpion) it needs the Scorpion. I did manage to insta-kill an Enfeebled Farseer with Hammer of Wrath from my Lord though, which was absolutely glorious.




P.S: Thanks for changing the title!

What killed you so quickly?

Was it bad dice? Poor deployment? Massed firepower?

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Bad dice, mostly, with some slightly questionable decision making on my part. One of my Soul Grinders got popped by a truly lucky 'I need a 6, followed by a 6' shot, my Chosen failed their Pinning check when their Rhino got popped and then got the utter hell shot out of them, and my Raptors never actually connected with anything on the charge.


That last one is my fault though, I forgot Jump Packs let you re-roll. I also assaulted a unit of Guided Dire Avengers with them... that ended badly.


The list is as follows (Vets on everything):


Lord with fisticlaws, bike, Mark, Sigil.


Sorcerer with 2 extra Mastery Levels, Jump pack, Spell Familiar.


6 Bikers with 2 meltas, power weapon.


5 Raptors with 2 meltas, power weapon.


10 Chosen with 2 plasma, 2 melta, combiplasma, power weapon, Rhino w/ dirge caster.


2 Soulgrinders with Warpswords.


2 Helbrutes.


Comes to 1500, for the 2000 list drop the Brutes, add a Brass Scorpion.



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Well, ill post my results in here as this looks to be a great idea.


Ive been playing around with version's of sheeshmodes black tide, and think im getting a bit closer. Im going to push it further toward the Blood God


Khârn + cultist swarm

MoK chosen

CSM rhino units (2-3)




Giant Spawn


Pretty standard list, but to deliver Khârn im using either the StormEagle or the Spartan tank - which im finding not much more expensive then our LR and a hell of a lot more resilient. Im delivering Khârn with a cultist unit of about 20, which has been very fun :D


Using the CSM rhinos units (10 csm, 2 melta, combi melta, dozer) together, ill push one flank while rushing the other with the fast units. The tanks are being used as screenes and to tank shock enemy troops. Im thinkin gof replacing these units with one mob of 15, and running two rhino as screens, perhaps with a Beserker unit following up whatever they shoot.


Ive found that the Maulers will always get at least one through to the enemy on the 2nd turn if I want it to. Combined they are enough of a threat that ive delivered Khârn and the boys into melee with enemy infantry every game - favouring backfield troop units as targets.


Im trying to tie up LR units and run around TEQ with the rest of the bodies, or throw the spawn into them to give me another turn or two of momentum.


The bikers are there to bully smaller units (especially units on objectives) and take out light AV (speeders, etc.) or rear shots on AV 13-14. Theyve been solid gold so far.


Currently im running the Giant Spawn on teh opposite wing of the regular spawn, its been effective as an MC to help break a line or CC combined with the CSM units.


Im stuck with the Bezerkers though, id like to run them with Khârn, and trade teh Spartan for a regular raider or even a dreadclaw but feel that splitting my threats is a better strategy and would thus like to deliver them on the flank the CSM units are pushing - keeping them behind the CSM and charging into whatever the CSM are targeting.


Im also thinking of adding a MoK Lord on bike, maybe with teh spineshiver maybe with the Blade of the Relentless, which had served my MoS list well.


Im open to suggestions, id love to see this list work.

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Hehe someone has been listening to Fritz40k msn-wink.gif who has some really solid advice when comes to assault armies. I will borrow his term, "critical mass", an assault army has to build mass and momentum with bodies and sheer aggression, forcing several waves of units against the enemy lines.

Truth be told I am very tempted to try a Berzerkers list, perhaps a combination of zerkers, maulerfiends and the Mayhem Pack for the sheer aggression of it.

I thought it was bull crap "Running beserkers without upgrades is dumb!".

Well, I was dumb. I gave it a try and it worked great. On top of Fritz's thoughts, I read (I forget off hand at the moment) but I played 40k for the wrong reasons; I approached it like I used to approach video games: Trying to be semi-professional about it-and it led to a lot of frustration and the like for me-as well as starting to hate my CSM army. I was similarly frustrated by how good my Tau were in comparison (you probably remember the ranty, whiney posts). It basically helped me realize that 40k isn't a competitive game, and isn't balanced and relies on a randomized element, and shouldn't be played with the expectations of a Competitive game (This is a personal revelation-not doctrine I would try to enforce on others and besmirch their...attempts at slamming a square peg into a round hole-by the time tournaments have gotten done changing and modifying the rules, it's like MLG Halo-it's not Halo anymore, it's another game entirely.)

I pretty much have gone full 180 on how I do things (like how I play my Grey Knights and really, really enjoy them)

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I approached it like I used to approach video games:  Trying to be semi-professional about it-and it led to a lot of frustration and the like for me-as well as starting to hate my CSM army. 


Indeed I had the same problem but now I am cool with the 7th, forge the narrative style, I play for the sake of playing and having fun. And you know... it works, it works even better when I can win with such lists, not the utterly and ruthlessly optimized lists but with lists which try to provide a story and a background. I can say that I really enjoy 40k lately. 

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Yes the classic Rhino, you cant go wrong with that. A plasma pistol is 15 points, IMO 15 points too much for an unit whose sole purpose is to kill in melee and assault the objectives. Truth be told I rather save some points of the upgrades to buy a Chaos Sorcerer, having that 3 warp dice extra can be really handy more often than not, hell even a barebones Sorcerer is still good. I know, I know, Khorne dislikes psykers but alas those extra dice saved me so far four times, between Invisibility and psychic fire spells. 

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Any rides?


I give them a rhino-with the option to board it (always with a dirge caster-I often face off against Wraith Guard with their s4 ap2 flamers...that's not fun to assault without Dirge Casters within 6")


When I have bigger games and can get my Land raider in, Khârn or a Khorne Lord goes in it with 7-9 Beserkers.


Regarding upgrades-my 'unit customization' comes down to appearance more than anything (Bunny Ear squad, Horned Squad, etc.) sometimes I give my champs power weapons or Lightning claw, I have them modeled-though my favorite one is one with two (gunslinger) Plasma Pistols because he looks awesome (using the PPs from the Raptor Kit).


Most models aren't going to have more than 1 wound, and only have to fail their armor save once, so weight of dice comes through more often than not.


In my book-Pyromancy and Biomancy are the magics of Khorne anyways.  If you're playing Crimson Slaughter, and give the Sorcerer the Horns-you got a Sorcerer Beserker.  You give them a Stave and that's s7 on the charge.

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Cypher can make MoK squads pretty interesting.

4 x MoK Terminators with Power lances, icon of Wrath, combi Flamers in a land raider

Draznichts Ravagers with MoK


Generally speaking I think the usability of Khorne Berzerkers has gone up. 3 point AP4 takes out a lot of things taken for granted.

Doesn't anyone one else find chainswords aggravating when fighting general xenos and guard line troops?


Underrated for sure

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Indeed, the main crux of codex CSM is transportation, our only "viable" option is the Rhino. Point is we lack an assault vehicle or a drop pod, give us this and we become a great army book.

True. Ive been trying the Spartan and the Storm Eagle transport and im suudenly viable.


switch the Warpsmith to elite and were mostly done!.

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Indeed, the main crux of codex CSM is transportation, our only "viable" option is the Rhino. Point is we lack an assault vehicle or a drop pod, give us this and we become a great army book.

True. Ive been trying the Spartan and the Storm Eagle transport and im suudenly viable.


switch the Warpsmith to elite and were mostly done!.



Do you not find with the Storm Eagle that by the time you can actually charge anything it's too late to be worth it? Wouldn't mind seeing a list, I was messing about with some hypotheticals last year but never got a chance to run them.



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